040: have

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(a/n: NOOO cuz y'alls reactions are so satisfying i can't put it in words😐 i always look like this 👹 smiling while reading the comments and laugh to myself like a psycho this is crazy this HAS to be witchcraft)

"I don't want to leave with any secrets between us, Jungwon. I really don't. There's something you don't know."

Eunji stayed quiet for a second, making Jungwon's eyes widen. He was currently on the bus, listening to the audio file the girl had sent him.

"Jungwon I like- No, I love you. I-I actually love you.
But the thing is, I'm sick and I think...I might have to leave soon."

"Fuck." He didn't even need to listen to the rest of the audio, before he jumped off the bus at the next stop, ignoring the elders weird glances.

Jungwon was panicking to the point where madness took over him.
This can't be true. This has to be a joke. Jungwon wished to believe and thought about all the places where Eunji could be right now.

The boy ran to the point where his legs started to hurt. His grip around his phone tightened with each step and he cursed to himself, feeling rain drops falling down onto his skin.

It couldn't get worse at this point.

"Eunji...- Please, just pick up." He hoped, but soon disappointment washed over him.
She wasn't picking up his call.

Running endlessly, he looked for her everywhere, starting with her home.
Ringing the doorbell, the same disappointment hit him again, as he gritted his teeth, now knocking onto the wooden door frame strongly.
Again, no answer.

Next he run to the amusement park, hoping to find her there. But after looking and asking around, she was nowhere to be seen there either. And at the convenience store he didn't have more luck.

The time was ticking and Jungwon felt himself driving crazy with each minute that passed where he failed to find the girl.
He brushed back his dampened hair and panicked, when a thought crossed his mind.

Was this was Sangmi meant when she said how Eunji was suffering?
Was Eunji hurt?

That's when it struck him.
The school garden.

Jungwon ran like he never ran before with only the thought of keeping Eunji safe in his mind. Knowing her, he knew she would kept her illness a secret to not worry anyone.

And he was exactly right with that.

It was weekend, so he didn't expect the school to be open, but to his surprise it was.
For some reason the door was open.

"Thank god, I made it..." He spoke relieved, approaching the school garden with a smile on his face, when he saw her familiar silhouette, sitting on the bench peacefully.

Slowing down his pace, his smile grew wider and wider with each step.

Eunji didn't turn around to him, but it didn't stop him from approaching her anyway.

"Eunji..?" His voice was gentle, almost as if he didn't want to startle her.

But there's was no answer.
Again he called for her, "Eunji? Is..everything alright?"

The smile Jungwon had on his lips vanished. She wasn't moving. Not even a bit.

And soon he discovered the red petals that were painted with a reddish substance next to her.
Painted with nothing else than her own blood.

Something inside him broke in that moment.
At the same time when he realised the feelings he had for her.

"No..No,No,No,No Please.." His voice broke, as he run towards her.

✓ flower petals || yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now