027: downcast

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(a/n: idc idc idc idc if this is too cliché for y'all but i love cliché so please leave my private messages alone👹👹)

"What?" Eunji's confused expression, made Ara immediately put on a sorry one, as she took Eunji's hand.

Ara covered her mouth and gasped, "Oh shit sorry- Your Dad was the dead one, right?"
"Yeah..." Eunji quickly replied her, looking down.
Everyone was glancing at her.

Blood rushed up her cheeks. She didn't like this. She didn't like this at all.

"It's been a while and I was like super small..I'm done grieving you guys don't have to look at me like that." Eunji hurriedly mumbled, feeling more nervous all of a sudden.

This ruined her party spirit in just a snap.

"Eunji! Do you want to help me prepare some snacks before the movie starts?"
Sangmi had sensed the unpleasing situation and was the first one to react.

She took Eunji's hand and brought her to the kitchen, away from the others, including Jungwon, who was just silently staring at her.

Sangmi shook her head, angrily. "Why the hell would Ara say that...?"

Eunji was unsure herself, "I don't know."

"But that's definitely not okay. I can't believe Ara would-"

"Don't say it." Eunji quickly took ahold of Sangmi's arm, almost a pleading, "She is still my friend after all. She didn't know..She didn't mean it."

"But Eunji..She.." Sangmi's eyes turned soft and she shook her head once again, "I hope the party isn't ruined for you. I'm so sorry."

"It's alright." Eunji giggled, trying to lift up the mood.
Her heart felt heavy, but ruining the party for others was the last thing she wanted, "Is it okay if I walk around in the building a bit? I want to clear my mind."

"Sure! There are a few guest rooms, so if you want to lay down...go ahead.

Walking around the halls, Eunji felt the heaviness laying on her shoulders increase. She never was good with social events but didn't think that she was this bad at it.

"Maybe..I should just stick to hiding." She mumbled to herself, walking into the open door unconsciously.

She wouldn't cry, but she didn't want to go back either, so she decided to stay the rest of the night here.
Darkness engulfed her completely soon and before she knew it, she took a nap.

"Wake up...Eunji? You aren't dead are you?"
Her eyes fluttered open immediately, just to meet the boys'.

"What?" She was still tired and needed a few blinks till she recognised the boy fully, "What are you doing here?"

"Are you always this shocked to see me?" He giggled and tilted his head at her, "Sangmi told me you were walking around so I went to find you."

"Why aren't you with her?" Eunji continued, feeling caught off guard, "I brought you here so you guys could get closer—"

"I went here because of you and not because of her." Jungwon quickly interrupted her and sat down next to her,
"Stop making everything about her."
Stop liking her.
A thought crossed her mind, but she shook it off.

Jungwon glanced at her silently. There was so much he wanted to ask her, but he knew it was too late.

Eunji's eyes were wide open, as she shook her head, "But—"

"No Buts. I don't want any excuses." Jungwon crossed his arms and suddenly laid down next to her, making Eunji's eyes widen.

"What are you doing?! We need to go back to the others-"

"It's 21:08. You've been napping for a while." He yawned and sneakily smiled at her, "Stop freaking out, Sangmi allowed all of us to stay over."

"Then get yourself another room. I was here first." Eunji scoffed at the boy in front of her, a blush spreading across her face.

Why would he stay here? With her? In one room?

"I don't want to."


"All the rooms are occupied. Do you want me to sleep on the cold, freezy floor?" He tilted his head cutely at her.

And from that moment, Eunji knew that she couldn't say no to him.

She quickly grabbed herself a pillow and a blanket and put it on the ground, preparing herself to sleep on the floor.

"What are you doing?"

"You take the bed. It's alright." She smiled and nodded, when he shook his head.

"Eunji, I swear.." Sighing, he stood up, "You get your ass in the bed and sleep. I will take the couch."

"No wait!"

Jungwon stopped, turning around while raising an eyebrow.

"Let's sleep together then. On the same bed. Next to each other." She looked down, feeling embarrassed.

"God..now you are making it seem weird." He shook his head and laughed, making her eyes widen.

"That's not what I meant?! Jungwon, shut up." Eunji shook her head, the red on her cheeks deepening, "Now scoot away before I change my mind."

That's how the two young laid next to each other, the moon smiling brightly at them through the window. It got dark almost immediately.

Jungwon fell asleep right away, so Eunji was now alone with the flustered feeling still lingering in the air.

Of course she couldn't sleep.
She's never expected to be with him in this exact moment. With Jungwon sleeping peacefully next to her while she had plenty of time to admire his beauty.

Eunji gently reached over the pillow that he put between the two, as he was afraid to make her uncomfortable, before touching his soft hair.
She tried to resist, but the way he was tranquilly sleeping next to her, moved something in her, that she couldn't help herself.

Knowing that his back was facing her, she mustered enough courage to completely tug onto his hair ever so gently with a smile, when out of nowhere he turned around, scaring the life out of her.

To her surprise he was still asleep, but got ahold of her wrist while being unconscious, making Eunji panic.

"Jungwon..Can you let go of my hand-"

"Don't.." He suddenly mumbled, making Eunji's eyes widen.

"What..? What did you say?"

"Don't leave..me."

That's when it hit her.
Jungwon once told her about it before.
He sleep talked from time to time. A habit of his which he always felt shy and embarrassed about.

His face stayed relaxed, but the frown on his forehead somehow was still visible to her.
So with her free hand, she grazed over his face familiarly, to release his frown, "I told you to stop frowning so much.."

Eunji's eyes softened. She continued stroking his hair, as she put on a gentle smile, "Nobody is going to leave you, Jungwon...I won't go anywhere, I promise."

But the warm feeling that built up inside Eunji was crushed down completely in a snap after he spoke again.

"Don't ever leave, Sangmi."

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