005: tulips

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"Listen. We just sat next to each other and ate our lunch. Nothing special." Eunji shook her head at her friend, before finishing copying today's lessons notes.

Ara was more shocked than ever, after finding out that Eunji had lunch with Jungwon, without her even knowing.

She already felt bad for standing up her dear friend, but after finding out that Eunji had eaten lunch with Jungwon instead, she didn't regret a single thing.

"Yeah, but you never eat with anyone except for me, so this is a big thing." Ara replied, wiggling her eyebrows before letting out a small squeak.

"It's-" Eunji started, when the teacher entered the classroom with loud steps.

"Sit down, everyone. Let's not waste any time today or I will make all of you stay longer."

Eunji rolled her eyes to the side and let out a sigh. "Of course the teacher has to interrupt us during the most important conversations." She whispered to her friend, before returning to her seat, where Jungwon was already smiling at her.

"Hi." He mouthed and smirked at her, catching off guard Eunji completely like he always did. She smiled back shyly.

She still hasn't gotten used to Jungwon approaching her everyday yet.

"Everyone take out your pencils. At least two different kinds for variety purposes and find groups of two." The teacher explained quickly and sipped her coffee, glancing into the class.

Eunji was just about to start picking out her pencils and turn to Ara, when she noticed her bestfriend already talking to Sunoo, who directly sat in front of her.

With a bright smile painting Ara's lips as she nodded.

They were pairing up for today's art project.

A little bit stunned, Eunji turned away.

She didn't want to jump to conclusions, but the moment she turned to her friend again, she knew her assumption turned out to be true.

Ara was looking at her.
With an apologetic expression.

"It's alright." Eunji mouthed with a smile and hurriedly turned away, feeling lost.
She was aware of the fact, that she couldn't always rely on her friend like she always did.

And today was the time to change that bad habit of hers.

"Jungwon." Eunji spoke with confidence, grabbing onto her pencil tightly and prepared to get rejected.

The boy in front of her turned around swiftly, as if he had been waiting for her to talk to him the whole time now.

"Yeah, Eunji..?" Jungwon cooed and already got out his pencils, when his lips curved up to a bright smile.

"Do you want to be my partner? I mean only if you don't have one yet-"

"Of course, I want to! Let's go." The boy rapidly stood up and picked up his utensils, "The teacher allowed us to move around the school campus." Jungwon excitedly explained and and attempted to wink at her.
He failed cutely.

The girl couldn't help but laugh.

Eunji was once again taken aback by the boy's great reaction, before she followed his actions and clumsily took her stuff in her hands.

In the corners of her eyes, she could see Ni-ki tilting his head in confusion, making her feel bad.

eunji's p.o.v

"Wait, but what's with Ni-ki-" I asked Jungwon, while he was walking ahead diligently, before he stopped in his tracks, making me almost walk into his broad back.

"Jungwon?" I confusedly questioned and raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry." I heard him mumble quietly, with a flustered expression, as he continued walking.
But this time his head hanging low.

I followed where his gaze was just a moment ago.

Just to spot Sangmi not far from us.
Laughing and already starting working on the project with her friend, another classmate of mine.

He wasn't over her yet.

Something in my head told me to stay out of his business and not ask him about it, but a weird feeling never left my mind.

"Do you have any ideas?" I asked carefully sitting down on the bench and turning around to face the flower bed behind me.
Jungwon has been quiet the whole time since we arrived at the school garden.

"I want to draw flowers." He nonchalantly answered, making me nod understanding.

"Alright! I will start with his half.." I motioned my arm over the one side of the flowers, before smiling, "And you will go for this part. And we will combine both pictures."

"Sounds good."

The two of us started painting in silence.
A very comfortable one, while the refreshing wind blew past us.

I inhaled deeply, taking in the beautiful atmosphere and view. "What's your favourite flower?" I asked the boy next to me with a smile, that has never left my lips the moment we arrived.
I could feel myself feeling much more comfortable around him, despite the short amount of time we had become friends.

"I love all of them." Jungwon looked over the flowers with a dreamy gaze, "It really depends on the mood. My favourite flower changes everytime."
He explained, making me nod in amazement. He did seem very passionate about flowers.
It was cute.

"And right now? What's your favourite flower?" I smiled sneakily and tilted my head at him.

"Right now..I think, I would say tulips."
The said yellow-colored flowers in fact smiled at us brightly, making me smile even wider.

Why was I feeling so happy?

"Why?" I wasn't satisfied with his answer.
The curiosity was killing me.

"Because this atmosphere.." Jungwon started and swiftly moved closer to me, as he glanced into my eyes with his sparkly ones, "..feels extremely innocent and bright. Just like you."

God, I didn't expect this.
Panicking, I turned my head away, making our heads collide with each other, since he consequently inched closer to me for no reason just a moment ago.

"I'm sorry!"
I apologised and covered my forehead that was starting to hurt. Damn, he really had a solid front.

"It's alright-" He laughed outloud, holding his head in pain as well as I joined his laughter.

We never finished our artworks that day.

eunji's p.o.v end

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