024: settled

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i can't put in words how happy this makes me oh my god you guys PLS DIDNT THIS BOOK REACH 900 VOTES A SECOND AGO? WHY IS IT AT 1K ALREADY
i'm dead serious if you aren't willing to pay for my tissues soon i will call the police😐😐😐😐)

"Eunji." Jungwon spoke with a certain undertone, as he leaned over the girl's shoulder behind the bench she was sitting on, "I've got you something."

"What?" Eunji automatically smiled and was just about to turn around to the boy when she felt two hands covering her eyes.

Finally, the weekend came to an end and school started again, at least bringing a bit normality back to her life.
It was lunch time.

"What are you doing..?" The girl's voice turned unsure, as she froze in her spot.

As much as she tried to not get flustered or flattered, Jungwon never fails to surprise her everytime.

"Don't open your eyes or else it won't be fun anymore." Jungwon spoke and Eunji immediately knew that he was pouting. Again she smiled and nodded obediently.

She felt a little package fell into her lap.

"What do you think it is?" Jungwon's honeyed voice, sent shivers down the girl's spine. He didn't uncovered her eyes yet.

"I don't want to guess." Eunji grew impatient.

"Awh c'mon—"
Before Jungwon could end his sentence, the girl grabbed both his hands that were placed on her eyes, before firmly pulling him forwards, making him backhug her.

More or less.
He was at a loss of words, too shocked.

"Sorry for that." The girl laughed and leaned a bit closer into his embrace.

He probably noticed it himself.
Eunji was being more bold these days.

Just when Jungwon caught himself and was about to actually hug her back hesitantly, she gently pushed him away, confusing him.

"Sorry, if I made you uncomfortable." Eunji repeated with a more weaker smile, as she turned away.

She wasn't looking forward to attending today's appointment at all.

Generally, this day wasn't looking good for her.

"I seriously don't get you sometimes." Jungwon laughed and decided to play off his flusteredness, before sitting down on the familiar bench.

"Don't worry, I don't really understand myself either." Eunji laughed slightly and finally looked down to her lap, where Jungwon's little surprise was already awaiting her.

"Wait! No way." She happily exclaimed, unpacking it right away.

It was the cake from previously. The blueberry one.

"I can't believe you brought it with you.."

"We shouldn't let food go to waste." Jungwon weakly answered and looked away, an unfamiliar feeling laying out.

Eunji was genuinely surprised at the cake, but in the best way possible.

Though, the cake brought back memories happening not long ago, which she preferred to forget, including the encounter with Dongsoo, she decided to shake it off and happily eat it.

"Is it good?" He raised an eyebrow, as the girl nodded.

"I should be angry at you for leaving alone with that bastard." Jungwon playfully whined, leaning onto the girl's shoulder, before covering his eyes from the bright warm sun. He was referring to Dongsoo, Sangmi's boyfriend.

"Sorry." Eunji mumbled, looking down an uneasy feeling starting to unfold. That Dongsoo was bringing bad news and she didn't want to get further involved with him.

"I told you, this isn't necessary." Eunji spoke in a quiet voice, crossing her legs slightly, as she sat down in the crowded waiting room with Sangmi by her side, "I could have gone alone."

"Who knows if you actually would attend the appointment if you went alone." Sangmi sighed at the other girl's coldness, "I know you are usually the type to run away."

Eunji kept quiet unable to answer.
Anger rose inside of her after Sangmi's statement, but then again, Sangmi wasn't wrong.

She was right actually.

"Patient 0902." The nurse called her, as the two girls stood up.

"I will go alone." Eunji gently replied and put her hand on Sangmi's shoulder to motion her to stay in the waiting room.

"Think about it." The doctor's last words stayed deeply engraved in Eunji's brain.

"What did he say?" Sangmi immediately stood up and went to the other girl.

"Let's talk later." Eunji's expression was unreadable, as she dragged Sangmi with her outside that damn building.

Eunji felt suffocated.
She wanted to leave- No, she needed to leave.

"Why aren't you talking to me-"

"Everything's alright." Eunji hurriedly answered when the two girls reached a bench not far away from the hospital.

"You don't look alright to me, Eunji."

"I am."

"What did the doctor say? Is it serious?" Sangmi continued asking, growing impatient.

"Nothing much." Eunji laughed a bit, looking away, "We settled the date for the sugery."

Sangmi's eyes lit up and she grabbed Eunji's arm. "Really?! I'm so glad. Thank god."

"Yeah.." Eunji's voice trailed off.

"Your suffering will be gone. I was already so worried." Sangmi smiled warmly, "When is it? The surgery?"

"In 4 weeks." Eunji's voice sounded flat.

"Already? Thank god." Sangmi repeated and happily hugged the other girl, tears threatening to fall again.

"Why are you crying?" Eunji hugged back to the girl, confused.

"I'm not?! It's just..I feel so guilty, Eunji." The girl silently started hugging Eunji even tighter, "Maybe if Jungwon never confessed to me. Maybe if he never liked me maybe- You are such a good person. You don't deserve this."


"I mean..Since we are on this topic." Sangmi calmed down a bit, "Why can't you tell him? Won't the flowers stop growing if he like..returns your feelings?"
Sangmi's voice sounded hesitant at the last part, as she let go of Eunji.

"He can't find out. No matter what happens." Eunji turned her body ahead and looked into the distance again.


"That would be more wrong. Jungwon would pity me and force himself to like me back." Eunji looked at Sangmi with a bitter smile, "Imagine him forcing himself to like me out of pity and guilt? I don't want that."

Sangmi understood her well, but she didn't want to. "So you are telling me..you will get the surgery done and pretend as if nothing's wrong?"


"I won't tell anyone about this for you sake." Sangmi sighed sadly, "So hurry up and get the surgery done. I don't want to see you hurting."

"I don't remember having you as my friend." Eunji joked playfully.

Sangmi scoffed, "What do I need to do so you see me as a friend then? Tell me."

There was a short silence, before Eunji answered.
She inhaled deeply, "I want you to be friends with Jungwon again."

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