037: wait

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(a/n: guys guys guys before more people attack me, jungwon's grandma in this has nothing to do with his real grandma please don't take this seriously ): this is pure fiction don't misunderstand)

eunji's p.o.v

"Jungwon!" I smiled, waving at Jungwon who was already standing near the bench peacefully.
How familiar this scene was.

It was the next day after our little interaction yesterday and I never had been more happy.

Was the curse lifted? Am I free?
I couldn't wait to finally see Jungwon, even if it hasn't been even a day since I saw him.

"Jungwon, about-" I started, walking slower, when he turned around.
I knew that my happiness wouldn't last long, but I would have never thought it was only this short.

His expression compared to mine was not as happy. Not even close, the opposite actually.
He looked unhappy. Confused. Almost disappointed.
It made me anxious.

"We need to talk." He started, making my blood run cold.

Regret was written all over his face. He regretted it. Jungwon regretted everything that happened yesterday.

"Is your grandma..alright?" I immediately changed the topic cowardly, thinking I might be able to stop him from saying the words I wished not to hear so dearly.

Jungwon's eyes were dull as he answered, "She..is fully awake. The doctors found out she fractured her elbow during the fall. But at least she remembers my name now."

"That's good news, Jungwon." I smiled, ignoring the pain in my heart.

I knew too well what was going to come.

"Eunji, Listen. About what happened yesterday.." Jungwon started, sighing, "We both know it was a mistake...A terrible mistake."

There, he said it.
I looked down almost immediately, my hand grabbing my lunchbox tightly, that my knuckles were turning white.

But then again, what did I expect?
Did I expect him to come hug me and tell me how he liked me back?
What was I expecting in the first place?
How cowardly of me.

I stayed quiet, even though I wanted to reply.
I didn't want to seem like it affected me in front of him. lt would only make things awkward between us.

Next time, I shouldn't get my hopes high ever again.
If there was a next time.

When I didn't answer he continued, "Listen, I didn't mean to- kiss you. I didn't even mean to call you in the first place, Eunji...I know I promised you to give you all the space and time you need.." Jungwon brushed back his hair, his voice getting quiet.

"..but I was losing my mind that day. Everything I said yesterday was no near the truth. My grandma- The whole hospital thing and after what happened at the masquerade. It just got too much."

His voice was so soft.
But tell me, why do his words sting this much?

"I seriously don't know what got into me." He slightly gritted his teeth, shaking his head, "My emotions were shattered all over the place and got out of hand. I wasn't myself yesterday."

Jungwon stopped midway talking, when I didn't say anything, "You didn't misunderstand anything, did you?"

His voice was gentle, as if he didn't want to hurt me.

But it didn't work.
He was hurting me anyway.

After a small silence, I answered, putting up a facade to not look like a total loser that just got her heart broken.

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