014: nightmare

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Eunji stumbled along the familiar pavement, her vision getting blurry. Finally she decided to leave the school's campus and walk home.

The girl's head spun and she couldn't think properly, as she approached her home unsteadily.

Her chest, her throat and believe it or not her heart hurt the most during her aching.

"Key...Keys." Her hands trembled, not being able to grab onto her small little key chain properly.

What was she going to do?
At this point, her whole being hurt so much, that she thought she was going to die.

"Mom?" Her weak voice echoed through the empty house, after finally managing to open the wooden door.

No answer.

She was home alone.
Which could be a bad thing, but in that case Eunji was glad.
Anyone seeing her in this state wouldn't do any good.

Eunji wiped her tears harshly, trying to calm herself down.
Crying wouldn't change a thing anyway, she thought before running up the stairs to her room.

Letting herself drop onto her rough carpet, she took out her phone as several messages popped up on the bright screen, lighting up the darkness.

"Eunji mf why aren't you here yet? are you coming back at me for always running to sunoo? 😔"
- 🦜 Ara

"I've been waiting for 56 minutes Eunji hurry tf up."
- 🦜 Ara

"okay i went home LOLOLOLOLOL i will kill you on monday."
- 🦜 Ara

The girl scrolled and scrolled till her eyes would widen at the boy's name in her notification bar.

"Eunji i didn't mean any of the things i said, you know that"
- Jungwon

"Please just tell me nothing happened to you"
- Jungwon

"At least give me the chance to explain why i said what i said"
- Jungwon

"You are important to me too"
- Jungwon

view 3 more unread messages from 'Jungwon'

The girl put down her phone almost immediately, not being able to look at his messages any longer.

"He cares."
Was the only thing she was able to say before looking down again. It sounded more of a question than a statement.

She didn't know herself what was wrong with her.
Her emotions and thoughts were going crazy.

Eunji had never experienced any pain like this before.
And she couldn't take it.

How could she?
Eunji found out today that she was way more sick than just the ordinary asthma, that's been burdening her all along.

The girl was throwing up flowers for goodness' sake.

How was she ever going to go back to the normal, not so normal life she had before?

"Why is this only happening to me?" Eunji bitterly rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up in case this was just a dream.

It wasn't.

The pain was unbearable. Even worse than any of her asthma attacks she experienced before.

Eunji was hoping that maybe there was a chance that the pain might disappear if she just stayed still enough.

But the pain didn't lessen, no matter how long she sat on the ground, leaned against her wardrobe with her eyes shut close.

"Eunji?" The door opened in a loud creak, making Eunji turn her head towards the direction of the sound.

She hadn't notice her mother coming home while she was busy trying to think of something else than the pain in her throat.

"What is this?" The mother was coming straight to the point and held up her phone with a stern, almost disappointed expression.

Eunji didn't answer.
She couldn't think straight and just looked at her mother's hand, not knowing what the whole thing was about.

"The convenience store. Your job. Why was I not informed about this?" The adult started and shook her head in disapproval.

The girl's eyes widened.
"I-I'm sorry—"

"You should have told me. Eunji...Working is my duty." Here came the infamous parent-teaching-you-a-lesson voice, as Eunji directed her gaze to the ground, "You should concentrate on your studies, why would you waste your time with this?"

The girl bitterly turned away.
She wanted to help and not burden her mother with her difficulties and complications, but it seemed like she ensured the exact opposite of her original intentions to happen.

"I'm going to cancel the appointment." This time, Eunji's voice sounded a lot more stable, though it slightly gave in towards the end.

"Good." Her mother sighed and nodded after a while, sounding a lot more sensible. The additional stress and tiredness from her work seemed to get to her head.
"You know, your father wouldn't want any of that, Eunji."

The last part made Eunji look up.

Her father, the person she used to look up to all the time, hadn't been mentioned in this household forever and now her mother decided to being it up and made Eunji feel even worse than she already was?

The steadiness she had before completely left Eunji's voice as she stared at her Mom in disbelief.

"Please don't disappoint him. Any of us. Just listen to us, Eunji." Her mom tiredly rubbed her eyes.

Eunji stayed quiet.
"Alright. I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Was the only thing she mumbled, before turning away, to indicate that she was done with this conversation.

"Good night, Sweetie."

"Good night, Mom."
The door closed.

At this point, Eunji just wanted to cry.
She wanted to cry so bad, but she, herself was just too tired to even say anything.

The girl always thought how unfair it was for life to take away her father and her abilities to breathe properly all at once.

And now throwing up flowers joined the list.

"Please let this be a dream." She looked up to her ceiling, as darkness slowly took over her vision.

She wasn't tired yet, but she hoped so much to wake up from this horrific nightmare that she forced herself to fall asleep.

And it worked.

"You are more than a distraction Eunji. You are not just a classmate"
- Jungwon

"I don't know what got into me please believe me"
- Jungwon

"I'm sorry please don't leave me i need you"
- Jungwon

"you are my best friend."
- Jungwon

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