026: parents

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(a/n: okay but i can't and i will never shut up about how nice yall's comments are and how many votes this book gets
you guys are literally every author's dream ilysm)

It was Saturday.
The last day before the holidays would start and Sangmi's parents allowed her to throw a winter break party, simply because they could.

They weren't short on money after all.

"He agreed." Eunji mumbled with a weak smile, as if the girl on the other side of the phone was able to see her.

"Really? I can't believe you were able to convince Jungwon." Sangmi then stayed quiet for a while, "Dongsoo is going to be there too by the way. He said he wanted to get close to you guys!"

Eunji's eyes widened.
She didn't like the fact that he was gonna be there at all.

"Dongsoo? Your boyfriend?" Eunji repeated, hoping she misheard the other girl.


"I'm going to be honest with you." Eunji sighed, "That guy..is not it."


"Nevermind." Eunji shook her head.
Why should she ruin Sangmi's excitement just because of that one encounter she had with him?
Maybe Dongsoo had a bad day or something, which could have explained his aggressive behaviour.

She shouldn't be the one fast to judge.

"See you later then." Eunji changed the topic quickly with a smile.

"Alright. I look forward to the party! See you~"

The call ended.

"That was such a stupid idea." Jungwon whined, as the two entered the big house. Eunji on the other hand was too busy admiring the building she never got to experience.

The gate they walked pass was proof enough that this was no average home.

"It's going to be fun." Eunji encouraged with a smile, but looked dow the second later, "I know it."

The moment the door opened, the complete opposite unfolded.

Almost a crowd of drinking people, loud music and yelling.
Flickering, bright lights that blinded people's eyes and Dongsoo already approaching the two.

The whole situation felt way too familiar and Eunji started noticing the certain suffocating feeling creeping up again.
Just like back then in the cafeteria.

"I didn't think you guys would actually come, but I'm glad you did." Dongsoo laughed sickeningly and held up a beer bottle, "Everything's on Sangmi's parents. No need to worry."

"I don't remember asking." Jungwon's shuddering voice shut the other up completely, as Dongsoo's cocky expression vanished.

"Enjoy the party on your own then." Dongsoo caught himself pretty quickly and turned around to leave again.

During this whole time, Eunji was still frozen. She had changed her mind completely. Jungwon was right, coming here was a bad idea.

But she couldn't back out now after she literally forced Jungwon to come with her.

There was no turning back.

"Let's go." Eunji's sudden voice, took Jungwon off guard as she dragged the boy after her, straightly walking into the ground of people.

Not wanting to lose Jungwon in the crowd, her grip around his hand tightened. Holding hands was normalised in their friendship for a while now to the point where both stopped minding it.

Jungwon swiftly pulled her backwards away from the stumbling drunkard that was walking directly in front of her.

In order to completely put her away from the drunken, Jungwon had to gently place her against the wall right next to them, with his arms put next to her in a protective manner.
His back was now facing the drunken, who now passed out completely on the floor with his friends crowding around him, who were about to drag him away anyway.

Jungwon towered over Eunji and now only a few inches were separating the two. He didn't mean to push Eunji against the wall, so trying not to hurt her, he put his hand behind her back.

"Weirdo." Jungwon hissed, glaring at the guy that was being dragged away, not understanding how people could get that drunk when the party hasn't even begun yet.

"Are you alright..?" He then turned his attention to the girl between his arms, when his eyes widened.

Like said, only a few inches were separating them.
And Jungwon noticed it just now.

"God- Sorry." Taking back a step, chuckling awkwardly and scratching the back of his nape.

Eunji on the other hand took a deep breathe, noticing how she had been holding it the whole time, "It's alrig-"

"Guys!" Sangmi's bright voice, made them snap their heads in the other direction, "You guys made it!"

"Yeah we did." Jungwon spoke, the loud music hurting his ears.

Sangmi then grabbed Eunji's hand and dragged her to the others, who have already arrived with Jungwon following.

"Oh Hey." Ara waved at Eunji with a smile, though Eunji could have sworn that Ara was glaring at her a moment ago.

"I missed you." Ara stood up the next moment and hugged her tightly, while Eunji froze.

It's been a while since they actually talked again and Eunji already felt bad, thinking they might have drifted away in the time Eunji was too busy thinking about herself.

But she was glad it wasn't the case.

"I missed you too.." Eunji melted into the embrace with a smile.

"Wassup~" Jake approached them too and swiftly gave Eunji a drink, "Don't worry. It's nonalcoholic." He smiled and nodded, as Eunji smiled back.

She didn't expect everyone to be so open and friendly.

"I'm sorry about the box back then." Eunji continued the conversation, when Jungwon joined them, "I didn't find the teacher's room."

"All good All good." The older nodded gently with a bright smile, "Sorry for asking you in the first place."

Before the conversation could continue, the rest of Jungwon's friends arrived.

The original "class" party turned into a whole town party and the whole house was overfilled with teenagers, that Sangmi had a bad feeling about this.

"Woah Sangmi.." Ara suddenly started, making everyone look to her, as she approached Eunji and put her arm around her, "I didn't know your parents were that well off. It's great."

"Thanks..." Sangmi answered hesitantly, not liking where this was heading.

"My parents literally could never." Ara continued and gave Eunji a side glance.

A smirk playing tugging on the corners of Ara's lips, "What about you, Eunji? We've been friends for a while, but you never told me...What about your parents?"

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