012: fatigue

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(a/n: before my tiny brain forgets it: i can't believe it y'all THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 VOTES AND 1K READS OH MY GOD💘💚💕💞🧡💘💛❣️💕❤️ y'all make my heartbeat go 🆙🆙 just so you know😪‼️)

eunji's p.o.v

Closing the door behind me, I had to take deep breaths first.
I didn't notice I had stopped breathing the last minutes I stood outside.

"Honey, who were you talking to?" My mom approached me with a gaze full of curiosity, with a cup of coffee in her hand.
She probably had been home all day, searching for a new job.

"A classmate." I tilted my head gently and gave her a big hug, before telling her to go to sleep first.

Today was a long day.
For both me and her.

Gulping down a big glass of water, I yawned, as the burn in my throat started to increase and grew steadily.

I let out an annoyed groan, when the pain didn't leasen and let myself drop onto my desk seat.

The clock had already hit 11 pm and it was time for me to go to bed.
"Let's see." I mumbled to myself, scrolling endlessly through sites of part time jobs.

"Café, Walking out dogs.." My eyes lit up at one of the terms, written in red, "Convenience store."

I've always been watching many dramas and seeing kids my age earning money just by standing at the cash desk and still having enough time to learn for exams, I automatically felt drawn to working there.

After endless scrolling and writing applications, I turned my ancient computer off.
"Good night." I whispered to one of my stuffed animals and shut my eyes close.
I still had the jacket Jungwon gave me on, trying to keep myself warm from the open window.

It was broken.
So I couldn't really do something about it.

"Stop discrediting yourself, because you think you are not enough when you are. You don't need to prove yourself."

Not even seconds later, my eyes fluttered open as I looked up to the ceiling.
"Well, shit." I said to myself, knowing very well by now that I won't be able to sleep.

And I was right, that night I couldn't even close my eyes the slightest and in the back of my head, the fact that I had to face Jungwon tomorrow after everything that had happened.

eunji's p.o.v end

"You look dead." Were the boy's first words, the moment he reached the sleepy girl, who was about to enter the classroom like always.
"Wow what a great way to say 'good morning.'" Eunji laughed half-heartedly, before yawning.

"No, but really." Jungwon inched closer to her to detect any signs of injuries are sickness, "You look like you need 20hours of sleep and 3 big cups of coffee."

"You're not wrong...I didn't get any sleep yesterday." She just replied and shrugged, "But you are right. I definitely need coffee, if I want to survive today's first day at my job."

Jungwon's naturally winged eyes widened in a confused manner, "A job? You are working part-time?"

"Yep, at the convenience store." Eunji laughed emptily and nodded. Right before the two entered the classroom, the bell rang, causing the two of them to hurriedly rush to their seats.

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