035: ambrosia

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(a/n: before y'all are confused i made up a bunch of shit up about the whole hanahaki thing LMAO like i'm not completely following the specifications and stuff?
there is a lot more about hanahaki, when you look it up like the steps, but i skipped it👆🏻because i'm too lazy👍🏻)

Jungwon stayed quiet, not knowing what to say nor think.
He hoped dearly that this was just a joke, but then again he never understood what was going through the girl's head in the first place.
"You don't mean that, do you?"

She gulped, "I do. I do mean it."

"Is it because of the necklace? Do you want me to get you a new one? I will-"

"It's not the necklace. Jungwon, you used me. If you just told me what you were planning from the beginning things would have looked differently." Eunji inhaled deeply, trying to calm down, "I would have helped you."

"I didn't use you. Eunji, I never used you." Jungwon tried to open the door once again, "I didn't plan anything."

"You chose that necklace without hesitation. Back there, in the shop." The girl rose up from her miserable position, trying to get the dust off her, "And here you are telling me to stop being upset over nothing."

The pettiness in her voice was visible and Jungwon sighed.
"I didn't mean it like that, Eunji."

"The reason why I am so upset about this is because you told me how much I meant to you the moment before you gave me the necklace. I disappointed my mother, saying I wouldn't wear her dress, but yours instead." Eunji smiled to herself bitterly,
"When all you wanted was to make Sangmi jealous.
But guess what, it didn't work. All you did was embarrass me in front of everyone."

"Eunji, stop." Jungwon shook his head again, gritting his teeth at her words, "None of this is true."

"I don't think I can..ever face you after this."

Jungwon was taken aback at the girl's hurt voice, that his eyes widened.
It was now when he realised that it actually affected her more than he thought.
He had hurt her.

"I..I was confused, Eunji." He suddenly started, his voice now a lot more gentle, "The reason why I hesitated when Dongsoo called me out, wasn't because he was right, but because I was confused."

There was a short silence before he continued.

"I know you won't believe me, Eunji. But he lied. Dongsoo planned this whole thing." Jungwon desperately spoke, "I think he heard me telling the others which dress I wanted to buy for you. I never wanted to make Sangmi jealous. The thing is..for once I forgot about her the day we hung out."

The girl looked up at his words, her eyes wide open.

"But not because you distracted me from her, but because I genuinely enjoyed being with you. Because I don't think of her anymore. That's when my eyes caught...that damn necklace." Jungwon inhaled sharply, "I don't know what went through my head when I chose it. I just did. I don't understand myself either, Eunji. When Dongsoo mentioned how Sangmi had the same one, my mind just went blank."

When Eunji didn't answer he continued swiftly.

"And the dress. Fuck, when I saw her wearing the same dress as you—I knew Dongsoo was behind it. I was taken aback, I didn't understand how this could have happened when all this time the only person I thought when choosing the dress was you."

Liar. Liar. Liar. The girl wanted to stop believing his words. She didn't want to be disappointed anymore.

Eunji glanced down to the petals. The moon light was bright enough for her to identify which one it was.
Ambrosia. She shook her head in disbelief.

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