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Precap-  Nandini's first Rasoi and Manan's first kiss as a married couple.

Its almost one week since their married couple. Both manik and Nandini has joined their works.

It was around 2pm and Nandini was so busy with work that she even skipped the lunch without even realising. When manik called her she didn't even able be pick up the call as she was in the surgery so she asked riddhima and she told him that she in in surgery and she hasn't had her luck. Pissed Manik completed his work and went to her hospital. When he reached her assistant told him to wait in her cabin as she was still in the surgery.

When Nandini came she didn't even realize his presence as she was so tired and a little worried so she just sat on her chair with her eyes closed and started rubbing her forehead  due to the headache. Seeing her like this manik's anger suddenly went away and he came and started massaging her head and that when she realised his presence.


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Nandini- Manik when did you came?

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Nandini- Manik when did you came?

Manik- when you were so tired to even realize my presence.

Nandini I told you to take care of yourself then. And you promised me also. Look at yourself. You haven't even had lunch.

Nandini- I am sorry Manik. It wasn't intentional trust me. It was an emergency case. You know na that my hospital is linked with certain NGOs so that's why this accident case was brought here.

And how did you know that I haven't had lunch.

Manik- I called you and when you didn't pick up I asked riddhima and she told me.
Now, let's go somewhere and have lunch.

Nandini- but Manik how did you came at this time. I thought you had meetings lined up.

Manik- well some wasn't done, some was postponed by clients and few by me.

Nandini-but Manik.

Manik cut her off and dragged her outside while saying "Nandini first of all you are my wife and it's my duty also to take care of you. And it wasn't a big deal. If I was so busy I would have just called you or video called you to have your lunch. I know you never want me to neglect my work. And I won't,I promise. And for today I really wanted to have lunch with you so came. Is it so wrong."

Nandini(smilingly)- it can never be wrong

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Nandini(smilingly)- it can never be wrong.

With that they reached the nearest small restaurant as Manik didn't wanted to be recognised

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With that they reached the nearest small restaurant as Manik didn't wanted to be recognised. They had a lovely lunch with both sharing about their day. Sharing more and more about each other.

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