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Precap-Manan's wedding preparations has started.
Raj and neyonika'd romance.

In the evening Manik reached the boutique and starting searching for neyonika and Nandini.
When he asked the receptionist she directed him to upstairs where he found his dear mother yelling on the some person about not completing the work.

When he asked the receptionist she directed him to upstairs where he found his dear mother yelling on the some person about not completing the work

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Manik-mom...calm down...

Why are you getting hyper...what happened?

Neyonika-ohh.. Manik ..see na this stupid person made mistake in one of nandini's Dress.

It's just one week to your wedding..and she what a blunder she did.

and she what a blunder she did

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Manik-but mom ...we still have time..
This one dress could be picked up after 1-2 days.

Or maybe Nandini could select something else.
By the way where is she ?

Ohh she is outside attending a call.

Just then Nandini came.
Both looked at each other.
Manik can see the tension,her pale face and gloominess on her face.
It also looked liked she cried.
He wanted to talk but alone so he decided to leave the matter for now.

He wanted to talk but alone so he decided to leave the matter for now

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After that neyonika told Nandini about the situation of her dress and suggested to select something else if it's ok with her

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After that neyonika told Nandini about the situation of her dress and suggested to select something else if it's ok with her.

Nandini agreed and they started selecting the dress.

Well the dress was for her mehndi so they were looking for something in green.

After a alot of discarding of clothes they selected one mainly because of our sweet Manik as he was just not finding anything and saying no to everything and guess how he is telling her

"By text".

After that Manik also tried his clothes and fortunately his clothes were all perfect.

Soon they left from the boutique.
And when they were outside Manik messaged Nandini about meeting him at xyz place and said it was really important otherwise he knows her that she is gonna make some excuse like "Manik it's so late what will everybody think" or "Manik you must be tired so home and take rest".

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