Date of update(new story)

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Hey guys!!!

First of all i hope you all are doing well. I wont beat around the i will come straight to the point...

I am gonna be starting posting again from next week i.e. from 5th of july...

But i am not gonna be posting as per the schedule as i know that i won't be able to handle that but i promise to post at least 1 post per week and a long one also.

As i have gotten so many requests to put long i am do that..

And lastly the first of this sequel might to a little confusing or weird for you...but bear with me...i have taken all your requests and suggestions in account..

So please share your love on this sequel as you did in the original story..

And i have one requests please give suggestions for the title of this sequel...i have few in mind but would love to know your opinions...❤

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