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Recap- Nandini breakdown.
Manik consoling Nandini on loosing a patient.

It's been a few days after nandini's breakdown.
With self motivation and a lot of love and care from her family and especially Manik she tried to move on from her life.

It's only 2 days to start wedding rituals of manan's marriage.
Both the families are very busy with the work and has strictly been informed to bride and groom to not to work.

So both of them are work and working from work but only very important work.

Nandini's room:

Nandini is just sitting on her bed and for a change she was not working but just remembering her life from the time she met Manik and just by remembering him there was bright smile on her face.

Nandini is just sitting on her bed and for a change she was not working but just remembering her life from the time she met Manik and just by remembering him there was bright smile on her face

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Suddenly a voice break her moment and she heard

"Smiling to yourself is a sign of mental illness doll."

Nandini- Bhai

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Nandini- Bhai... you do you need anything?

Abhi- You didn't answer my question doll.

Nandini- it's nothing Bhai ...just remembering everything that's happened and will going to happen.

How my life is gonna change soon and I am gonna have so many responsibilities.

Abhi(standing up)- let's go..

Nandini- go...where?

Abhi- it's brother sister time..our favourite place.

Nandini smiled and they both went out informing Naina.

Soon they reached their place with ice cream on their hands.

Abhi- now listen to me..I know I have no clue about the marriage life but I do know you give yourself very less credit than you deserve.

You are a very responsible person and I am not just saying that Because you are my sister..
And about your changing I can see by your face that it's changed for good.

Doll I have seen you just being mostly with your work and no social life but after meeting Manik you are having more of a social life, you are giving a lot more time to yourself also.

You are being you after a very long time.
He had a great impact on you doll.
Seeing you so much in love I am so happy.

Listening to his last line Nandini was flabbergasted.

Listening to his last line Nandini was flabbergasted

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Nandini- what do you mean being in love Bhai.. how can you say that I am in love!

Abhi- doll I have known you your entire life..I can see the changes in you.

Okk..I m gonna put some questions Infront of you think their answers..u will know yourself.

" Who do you think about most these days?"
" Do you feel bad when he doesn't call your or ignore you?"
"Do you feel pain seeing him in pain?"
"Do you feel happy being with him?"
"Does his touch make you uncomfortable?"
"Do you respect him?"

After listening to abhi's Questions Nandini started thinking about all the scenarios and a bright, happy smile occurred on her face.

Nandini(thinking to herself)- "I am in love".

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