Chapter 43

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Copter was sitting alone at the edge of the quarter's floor, while enjoying the morning breeze and the fresh air he loves so much. It was the next morning after Tae, Tee and Kimmon left. He really didn't want to think much, but at times like this his mind was always wandering to Bas, his memories always run into those times they were together.

He remembers how Bas will love his food though he wasn't a good cook, honestly. He remembers how they were sharing vanilla ice cream in a same cup, the flavor they both loves so much. He remembers how Bas would never let go of his hand, walk hand-in-hand, not even caring all those eyes around prying on them.

He loves how the guy always smiling sweetly to him, and always horny.....Bas loves to kiss the crook of his neck, one of his sensitive spot, he never knew until Bas found it for him.

Slowly, Copter's hand was already on his neck.

He remember how warm Bas's kisses were. He remember how Bas's touch sent electrifying effect on his body, and he remembers how the guy always flirting with him every time he had a chance, that he couldn't refuse, no, he could never refuse the said guy that sometime he was out of control, but Bas doesn't mind at all even if he had to pay for it the next day. And how worse it makes him feel for making Bas hurting so much. Though he never regret anything for the pleasure they both experienced together.

His mind was wandering off some more to the sweet guy he will forever missed when his phone that was hanging on his neck was ringing. After knowing what happened when Copter had been dragged by Sandee to the river, Tee makes him hanging his phone on his neck all the times, so people could always call him if they couldn't find him.

He wanted to refused at first, but he knew, it was all for his own good. Reluctantly, he complied. But thinking about it again, it wasn't at all bad. He didn't have to rubbing his hand all over the places just to find the phone when he heard it ringing. So, yes, great idea, Tee.

Slowly he push the power button that serve for answering the call, he put it on his ear. It wasn't any special ringtone, so he wonders who the caller would be.

"Hello?" He greeted right away, but he wasn't hearing any reply. He was waiting for a little while before he ask again. "Hello, who is this?" He wanted to turn off the phone when he didn't hear any reply when he thought he heard some muffled cry. He knew he heard it right, he was sure of it.

Swallowing his saliva, he could feel his eyes was start to be teary. "Bas?" With a little hope he had, he asked it away. "Bas, is that really you?" Copter couldn't help when he still heard that muffled cry that he thought was getting harder that he himself also cried.

"Bas, are you okay? Talk to me na. It's okay whatever it is. I will never blamed it on you. All I wanted is for you to be happy, na. I married. I hope you are happy, na, Bas. I wanted to say I missed you, but I will be a bad guy if I ever told that to someone else's husband, so I will not. All I wanted you to know is that I am okay, we are okay, and everything is okay. So never blame yourself or anything na. Bas, say something, I know it is you."

Copter keeps on saying everything he wanted to say to Bas all this time, while his tears keeps on flowing, making him already in crying mess. "Please, tell me, you are okay and happy Bas, so that I can really move on. Talk to me, please, talk to me." Copter keeps on begging.

"P.......P'Cop.......P'Cop..." Bas finally had said, but he managed to call his P, but he couldn't say anything more. How he missed his P'Cop's voice, how he missed the guy so much....but all he could do was calling his name.

Copter's cry got harder, and Bas didn't cover his cried anymore. "I'm sorry....sorry...P'Cop I'm sorry...." Bas had said it over and over again, while both of them keeps on crying. "I told you Bas, I'm okay. Please, don't feel guilty na."

"Wait for me, P. Please, don't move on from me. I'll come back to you, please, please wait for me, na , P. Please." Bas managed to talk in between his cry. "I know there's a lot of things I couldn't say now, but I will come back to you, P. Please wait for me, na. I love you P, always loves you. Please, remember that, P."

Bas was ended the call but Copter cries got harder. He wished he could tell the guy how he loves him and how he missed him, but he knew it wasn't right. He wanted to believe Bas, but he didn't want to put his hope in it. Bas had it tough with his father, and the guy he was married to must be his father's choice, he hope Bas didn't do anything that would harm himself. He didn't want that, he never want anything that could harm his Bas.

"P'Cop, why are you crying?" hearing Sandee's voice, Copter was turning to his direction and was stretching his hand so that Sandee could come to him and the boy was coming into his arms right away. He was hugging Sandee in his arm, while he was crying some more.

Plum was just watching him from a corner with teary eyes. He was there from the beginning of the phone conversation, watching and hearing everything, since he forgot Copter had hang the phone on his neck when he was rushing to him to help him answering the phone when he heard the phone ringing.


"Bas, we need to move." Bas who was still staring at his P'Cop's face in his phone, after the conversation he had, was turning to Phana while wiping his tears away, and he took in deep breath. They were in a resort, outskirt of Bangkok, two hours' drive from that busy city. When he couldn't contact Phana yesterday, just like Kimmon had suggested, he was out shopping with Yihwa and later was joining by Kimmon.

They were walking here and there and was finally settle in a restaurant in the mall when Bas had received a call from Phana, asking him to come to some resort at the outskirt of the city, telling Bas that he told his father, Krit, that he wanted to bring Wayo out for getaway surprised honeymoon. For that, he needs Kimmon and Yihwa's help to bring Wayo to where he was at the time.

Kimmon and Yihwa just going with the plan without much questions, even though Yihwa was nagging the whole way to the resort, ending each sentence with 'Stupid Phana!' earned Kimmon and Bas chuckled, though the nagging irritated them at some point.

It was all to clean on any suspicion Krit might have on Phana, since the old guy might have a little suspicion on him. Phana didn't know for sure, but he knew he had to do this. Everyone knows how he loves Wayo, and he was trying to show them just exactly that.

"Yes, I understand, P'Pha."

End of Chapter 43

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