Chapter 50

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"The voting for the new President of Piniwat Industries has been completed. The results are as follows; the total votes for Teerasak Piniwat, 162 votes, Krit Panitsawat, 165 votes." Right after the results of the vote had been announced, Krit Panitsawat's supporters were all shouting and applauding at the news they just heard while Teerasak and the whole Piniwat's family, including Wayo and Phana, would just watch all of them in disgust. They couldn't understand why all those people actually voting for Krit when the company had been doing well all along, with no major problems at all.

Krit then standing up from his seat and turning to all of his supporters and was raising both of his hands, waving for them, which earned him a loud applauding from all of them. He then turns back to the stage, walking to it and standing before the stand microphone that was put in the middle of it.

Before he could say something, the door to the company hall had been opened and a few men had walked in heading straight to where Krit was, ignoring all eyes that had turned curious look at them. The one in front of those few men were showing his ID to Krit.

"I'm Inspector Chakrii, team leader of Homicide Investigation Centre Team 2 of Police force Bangkok. This is a warrant. Mr. Prit Panitsawat, you are under arrest for killing Krit Panitsawat and Achara Piniwat, including Adisak Chartpong, former manager of a Chinese restaurant."

Everyone was gasps hearing the inspector speaking so loud and clear, while another officer who was previously standing behind Chakrii was cuffing Krit, no, he was actually Prit, Krit's twin, and the two officers would standing beside Prit and holding both of his arms, so that the cunning guy, Prit couldn't run away.

Chakrii turns to where Teerasak was seated, together with his whole family, who was still shocked and dumbfounded by the news they just heard. He was bowing to the old man and then said, "We will explain to you about your daughter and her husband later, but, for now, we need to bring him to the station. Please excuse us."

All of them were leaving the hall with a straight face Prit who was still smirking, even though he was been dragged away with a handcuff on his hand. All the previous supporters were cursing and staring dagger at him which he didn't give a damn and just followed the officer.

On their way out, Kimmon had come in with someone else, with a formal attire with a black briefcase on his hand tailing him behind when Kimmon and the inspector acknowledge at each other when the inspector nodded to him, and Kimmon was just smiling, walking straight in, and taking Prit's earlier position on the stage.

Once all the officers and Prit was fully out of the hall, Kimmon starts talking on the stage. "Good afternoon, everyone. Please excuse me for coming here standing before you, despite being a nobody. My name is Kimmon, and that lovely lady over there is my fiancé, and I was doing this all for her and her family. I have to do this now before that Prit guy turns all the shares he had to his own name instead of the late Mr. Krit. Here standing with me now was an independent lawyer I hired specially for this type of transaction.

Before that, I need to explain something to you. Before we could declare Krit was already dead years ago, the transaction made by Prit under the name of Krit was legal. And it took a few days or maybe weeks to formally declare Krit's death and making all the shares illegally and invalid. But it will be a different story if the guy Prit was changing the name before the announcement of Krit's death.

So, here I am, with all the paperwork needed to transfer all the shares under Mr. Krit's name to his legal heir, Wayo Panitsawat. So please let me intervene with whatever process you have now to settle all this before any of Prit's guys taking action."

Kimmon then was walking down the stage with the lawyer guy still tailing him, heading down to where Teerasak and Wayo were.


At the same time, outside the hall, Prit was been dragged out of the company hall with all eyes of the company staff fall on him with murmurs and whispering, loud enough he could hear it. But he didn't give any attention to it, to just looking around, to find something or someone he needs, or precisely, he can use because Prit was a cunning man, and a very problematic as a child.

He was used to coming in and out of the police station countless times, and a handcuff was something he expert on. He was just waiting for the right moment and he was looking around when he saw a perfect prey, and he was smirking.

His eyes fixed on a young man who was just standing beside the company's main door, waiting for someone maybe, that he didn't give a damn about it, missing the person who was walking ahead, heading to the lobby's waiting area where there was a couch to sit on.

Once they were near to the door, Prit was pushing the two officer's holding him and was taking a gun from one of the officer's waist, taking the young man hostage, with a pointing gun on the young man's side head, earning a shout or two from the nearest female audience.

"Stop! Don't you dare come closer or, I'll blow this blind man's head up!" The officers were shocked since they never thought this guy would take things this far and were letting their guard down.

"Mr. Prit, please let the guy go." Chakrii was saying which earning him Prit's laugh out loud. "I'm going and leaving. This guy will be with me. If you ever followed me, all you could found was this guy's lifeless body with me nowhere to be found. If you followed what I said, at least, maybe his body wasn't lifeless when you find him later." Prit was started walking backward pulling Copter who was still in a shocking state with him.

Bas who just helped his mother taking a seat was shocked and turned behind and saw all the commotion, only to see his P'Cop was already in the hold of that guy he called father days ago, and with a gun. The officers trying to calm him down, but it was all useless.

Bas knew he needs to do something, when he saw the guy, Prit, walking backward getting out of the building when suddenly a car was pulled over just a few steps behind him. He was looking around when he saw a despatch guy coming in from another door but was stopped with all the commotion happened.

Bas came close to the guy, "Let me borrow your bike. I'll pay you back whatever price that was, please." The despatch guy was dumbfounded when Bas was taking off his helmet from his head and run off with it, and when he realizes, Bas was already on his bike.

Right after that, the car that Prit and Copter were in was driving away and Bas had followed the car with a full-face helmet. But not before he was using a handsfree, calling Kimmon.


Kimmon who just settled with all the paperwork and was shaking hands with Teerasak and everybody was receiving a call from Bas. He answered right away. "Yes, Bas. Are you all here already?" Kimmon was asking right away.

"P'Kim, the guy was taking P'Cop. I was following them right now and already sharing my live location with you. Please, help me save P'Cop." Hearing Bas, Kimmon was about to make his move when Phana was holding his arm, while Wayo and Pring were looking at him curiously when they could see Kimmon's facial expression change drastically.

"That stupid guy took Copter!" When Kimmon makes his run, all three of them following him outside, coming closer to the officers who were helpless when Prit was threatening them with Copter's life. "I'm sorry Mr. Kimmon, the guy get away with a hostage." Chakrii was running to Kimmon when he saw the guy running out from the hall area.

"I'll handle this my way if you people couldn't. I'll do whatever it takes to save my people, you don't complain later." With his intimidation aura and comment, Kimmon left the stupid officers and heading straight out to his car, where Plum was already waiting. Plum was actually on his way to park the car when everything happened, and Kimmon was calling him while running out from the hall just now.

Getting into the car, Kimmon makes a call to his men and sharing the live location of Bas, and then he makes sure to call Tae, or the guy will go berserk if he didn't.

End of Chapter 50

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