Chapter 31

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"I've got things to discuss with you. Will you give me a minute?" Kimmon was suddenly appeared at the kitchen door asking to see Tae, shocking the guy, when Kimmon was telling them he had a business to attend to today, that he cannot stay with Copter. So, Tee had been home with Copter, and they were taking a walk in the park this morning and right now is almost noon, and they were resting at the house.

Tae was just finished talking to Tee on the phone when Tee told him how they were watching action movies with Tee would be making his comments with the action itself. All in all, they were both enjoying their time together which Tae was smiling widely at that, but not for long when it turns to scowl a few minutes later seeing Kimmon.

Now, they were both sitting on the couch in the office room of the café facing each other. "I wanted to bring Copter to stay with me for a while until everything is solved." Tae was scowling yet again, hearing Kimmon. He was sighing out loud before he started giving this weird man a response. He was convinced now that this guy was seriously weird. I meant, who did he think he is to suddenly take Copter away just like that?

"I know you mean well, but I don't know if I could trust you. Besides, I don't want Copter to think we have abandoned him after promise to take care of him." Tae didn't know the reason for the drastic decision of the guy, but he was sure, they could take care of Copter alright, even without Kimmon.

"I know your position, Tae. But trust me, all I did is for Copter's safety." Tae's face got scrunched up once again, feeling a little offended. "Are you trying to say, living with me and Tee wasn't safe for Copter?"

Realizing the misunderstanding, Kimmon was fast shaking his head. "Sorry, that's not what I mean. I guess I had to tell you the real situation Copter was currently in. Apparently, Copter's ex was actually married to my friend, which in the end he realized that the guy he was married to wasn't the one he was supposed to be married to. Long-story-short, Copter's ex was a fake one, and we are trying to find the real one. But, afraid of Copter's safety in the process, that's why I was trying to make this request from you."

Tae was blinking his eyes trying to picture the situation better, but there were so many missing pieces that he knows this guy wasn't telling him everything. "And how was living with you is safer than living with us?" Tae decides to focus on Copter's part first and will get to the other part later.

"Ummm...well.....I wasn't intended to bring Copter to live in my apartment, but..... to live in my quarter at the home back at my hometown. I have a big family right there who I trust and can protect Copter all the time." Seeing the confused face of Tae even after hearing him, Kimmon was sighing out loud. He knew it will not be easy to just take Copter away. He guesses he doesn't have a choice.

"Okay, how about you both come with me to my hometown, but you have to come in my car. You can't bring your car there, for safety reasons." Tae wasn't convinced and the need to hear the whole reason shooting up when Kimmon keeps on mention safety, safety, and safety.

"The truth is, if Copter wanted to follow you and stay with you, I can't do much. But since you mentioned safety all over the place, I guess I need to know the whole story, Kimmon. What is it that you know that I don't?" Tae's tone was flat, and low which shows how serious he was when it comes to Copter.

It was already in his nature as a big brother in his family, that he was a very protective brother, but since whatever happened to Copter was happening at his café, and the fact that he cares for Copter just like he cares for his siblings, he couldn't help it. He needs to know everything.

"Bas, was his name, right? Copter's ex. It seems he plays his part as Wayo because he was been threatened, but then Copter happens. According to the person who instigated all this, which Bas was telling us, me and my friend, Pha, my friend wasn't in his original plan, and suppose Bas's relationship with Copter was supposed to be a secret until then. Things happen, plans change, and Copter was added to the list the guy use to threatened Bas. And I just knew about this because my friend came to me asking for help. Therefore, before I start anything, I wanted to secure Copter's safety first."

Tae was scratching his head frustratingly. "That complicated? I know Bas didn't have a choice when he had to leave Copter at the hospital. But then the marriage, I have my moment when I felt angry and hated Bas for everything that happened to Copter, but I guess, he was the victim too, with no one else besides him too. When are you going to take him?" Tae then asked Kimmon.

"As soon as possible. I was out from those fields so long that I need to catch on to my acquaintance. Plus, my heart boiling thinking about those who make Copter that way when all I thought was merely an accident. Talking about it, can I have as much information on what happened with the explosion?" Kimmon then asked Tae, which his response was taking Tae's off-guard a little. He could see a different aura of the guy in front of him now, or was it a suppress aura?

"Why do I have a feeling I get to know a different you now? I'll give you the information later, but I believe we need to discuss with Copter and Tee about Copter living with your family. How are we going to do this?" Tae was answering Kimmon.

"I'll make excuse for Copter. He should never know what happened, or he will freak out about Bas. He was trying hard enough not to worry us with his condition right now, I don't want to add another burden to his heart. About Tee, it's up to you. Knowing him for this little time, I know sooner or later you will have to tell him. Just make sure none of this was going out, since we need to make sure no one's scent our movement."

Realize it or not, Kimmon was already dragging Tae in his plan, and he couldn't avoid it, since these guys connected to Copter deeper than anyone's thought. He was actually planning to take Copter away, and avoid getting these two guys to involve since it will be safer that way. But at the same time, he knew these guys cared for Copter so much, that every decision for Copter needs to go through them first.

Hearing Kimmon, Tae knew he was already in too deep and this matter isn't that simple and that it screams dangerous to the brim. Will he back out? No way! Knowing Tee, he would also be pulling whatever string he have to be able to do something in this situation. Should he be worried then?

End of Chapter 31

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