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((This is the last ch.!! This song is for the last part of the story. While I'm here I want to say thank you so much for reading this far into my story! This was my biggest story to complete and so many people reading it, so thank you!))

'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend'

I was looking at the grey beautiful eyes that belonged to Levi just moments later. But now... blood came rushing out from his chest as he became paler by the minute. All I heard was the faint screaming from Mikasa and Armin. I looked up to see that the guy that I thought I killed was up and looked like nothing happened to him. He also had a gun while smiling evilly.

"L...L-LEVI!!!" I yelled dropping to the ground crying. I placed a kiss on his head before getting up. Mikasa and Armin back away from the two and drag Levi with them.

"How..." I mumbled. The man laughed and twitched.

"How what?" He replied. I clenched my fist. I was going to end him here and now.

"I SAID HOW THE FUCK DID U DO IT?!!!?" I yelled now on top of the guy beating the crap out of him. He pushed me off but I came back and bit off a big piece of flesh from his shoulder. He howled in pain as I started scratching his face with my long black nails. My eyes glowed brighter as I saw the blood flow of him. Just then one of my nails get stuck in his eye socket. I rip it out and the eyeball flies across the room. I smile at his pain.

"Eren!! EREN!! Your over doing it!! Stop!!" I hear Mikasa yell but I don't stop, I can't stop. I then bite his face and I'm sure he's dead now but I keep going. I punch him right in the upper head and I feel gooey stuff. I grab a hand full and take out my hand to see it was his brains. I then eat them. There's a flash, then another. Not long after that in my head it was as if I was watching a recording, but this recording showed the guy I just killed. He looked young and he was at a school? All of a sudden it skips to a part when he's at his house and his mom and dad r abusing him. It keeps going playing more stuff till it blacked out.

"Eren!" I hear a voice. "Eren!!" I open my eyes to see Armin and Mikasa looking down at me. I get up and crawl fast to Levi's side. He's really pale even his lips. I check his heart rate just to feel one big bump but the rest was really REALLY slow. I lift up his head and cradle him.
'I got to do this..' I thought as I lifted his neck to my mouth. 'I have to turn him' I bite down and start to drink the warm liquid.

"Eren!! What are you doing!!??" I heard them yell. I kept drinking till there was only a bit left. I stopped and instantly bit my arm and let the blood drop into Levi's mouth. I lowed my head to his ear and whispered "swallow... please" And with that he swallowed my blood. 5 gulps later he was thrashing and his body was out of control. I held him down as the others stared in horror.

"What have you done....?" I here Armin say. I look over with tears in my eyes. Mikasa then runs to my side embracing me in a tight hug. My shirt starts getting soaked with Mikasa's tears. I cling onto her starting to cry more.

"I... tr-*sniff* tried tur-urning him.. B-but *sniff* it was too late..." I bawled. I felt Mikasa rub my back.

"Ssshhhh. It's over.... It's all over now." she said in my ear.
'We'll be together forever right Heichou?" I smiled. The short raven haired man turned and simply smiled.
"Eren" I hear him coo in my ear as I blush. I turn on my side to see the teal grey eyes that I loved so much. I pulled up the covers to hide my bare chest. He then kissed my earlobe then kissing my lips. I smile in the kiss.
"What is it brat?" He said. I rolled over, now on top of him. I kiss his nose and go down to his neck---
"I love you!"

"Love you to... You shitty brat."


I run over to his lifeless body and kiss him one last time.
"It's over, their all dead." I said into his ear. I wiped the tears away and slowly got up but my strength suddenly stopped on me and I collapse back one the ground blacking out.

*****2 years later******

I sat in my room looking through my pictures. I smiled at all of them when I saw all my friends in there and making all weird and silly faces. But once I turned the other page it was blank. On that page it said, 'pictures of the one who completes me' I stared at it not remembering that I ever put that. I felt my heart suddenly go up to my throat as I slowly turned the page.

"Eren!" I hear Armin call from the living room. I put the book down and walk out my room.

"What?" I yell back. I see him on the couch with chips, soda cans, and a game controller.

"Free-for-all?" He asked waving another controller at me. I shook my head a bit, "Not right now Armin, maybe later." He shrugged and took a big gulp of his soda and started playing what ever he was playing.
I went back in my room and closed the door sitting back down on my bed and getting the book. I looked at the short handsome guy to my right. His arms wrapped around mine, both of us having little cat ears on our heads. I turned the next page and almost choked. Tears swelled up in my eyes and I closed the book hugging it.

"I couldn't do it... I couldn't say 'goodbye'..." I whispered. I whipped the tears away and got up putting in a jacket and some shoes. I went to the living room telling I'll be gone for a little bit, just wanting to drive around.
((Cue the music!))
I got in the car and put in the keys. Once on the road I start heading for the cemetery.

Once I got there I walked in looking for Levi's grave. I noticed that not that much people were here, but I shrugged it off. I reached his grave stone and I knelt down.

"I hope your happy where you are. I'm not, but I'll have to live with it. My Demon powers are weak ever since that day when I tried turning you. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry that I didn't give you a choice if you wanted to live or not I was just being selfish. I miss you like hell and if your wanting me to move on, I c-can't!!" I say a bit loud. I hang my head and get a sinking feeling someone's watching me. I look over to see a women a bit farther away looking at someone else's grave. All of a sudden blood flies out if nowhere and she's dead. My eyes widen as I scramble to my feet. I see no one. I quickly turn behind me and see another man just killed. I start running out if the grave yard and run to my car. I then trip on a dead body and fall to the hard ground.

"Fuck!" I say getting back up and running.

"Stop." I hear a whisper in my ear and I suddenly slow my tracks and stop. 'what's happening?! Why did I stop!!!?' I thought. I tried looking around but there was a force from keeping me to do so. There was then dark heavy black mist in front of me. I stare in horror at it. I'm gonna die. I feel a tear run down my cheek.

"Eren....?" I suddenly here the mist say. Suddenly the force of keeping me still was off and I fell to the ground. The voice.... It was so familiar. The black mist then shapes into a human and it starts transforming itself.
He was short, under cut, black hair, Eyes.... Teal grey. The real question was how.

"L-Levi.." I choked out a whisper. "Levi!!" I yell feeling all the tears flow. I jump into his arms and he falls.

"E-Eren." I feel tears soaking my shirt. I must me imagining. I kiss him deeply and we sit up.

"How?" I asked. He looked over to me and gave me a smile I missed so much.

"I turned. After you guys left I was... well, alive. I look over to see everyone we fought dead. Some died my suicide once they saw me walk out of the building." He said.

"So your demon power is..."

"Yes. When I think of somebody I want dead they kill themselves." Levi rested his head on my shoulder.

"But, how do I know it's really you?" I say. He pushes me to the ground and lays on top of me.

"By this." He says pulling out two rings we once had and he put one on mine and then slipped his on. He leaned over and we made out. Yes we were outside where anyone could see us but that didn't matter. He interrupted the kiss and I gave him a confused look. He smirked and I saw his eyes flash a hint of Blueish/green while mine flashed the purplish/red.



My Idiot Titan BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now