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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend.'

*********erens school********

Eren walked threw the long school halls. He noticed everyone eyeing him, even when he got to his locker Armin was by it and staring as if I did something terribly wrong. I opened my locker and got the stuff I needed. and closed it and stared at Armin who was still staring at me.

"Ok, What's going on?!" Eren yelled.

"Well... umm here." He said handing him his phone. It was a pic of him and Levi when Levi accidentally fell on him.

'Oh no!' Eren thought.

"Wh-who took this?!" Eren yelled back giving Armin back his phone.

"I don't know. Somebody sent to me through E-mail." Armin said and we both started to walk to class now, with people still staring and whispering to each other. Eren walked into his class room and ran into his teacher.

"Sorry!" He bows and looks up at his teacher.

"Jaeger! Will you go to the principles office please?" He asked. He nodded confused.

'Principles office??! I didn't do anything wrong!'

I opened the door and went to his desk.

"You wanted me sir?" Eren asked taking a seat. He smiled and nodded.

"Yes yes. We'll you see, I didn't know you were into guys-"

"HANG ON! DOES EVERYONE KNOW?!! HE JUST FELL ON ME ON ACCIDENT!!" Eren jumped out of his seat. The principle motioned for him to calm down and sit back in his seat, but that wasn't gonna happen.

"If you don't like it! Then how 'bout I just leave this school!" Eren said getting his bag and closing the office door behind him hard making a loud 'bang!'

He stormed out of the school, he just didn't want to see it, go anywhere but there. He then felt his phone go off. He grabbed it and looked at it.

"Stupid! So stupid!!" He threw his phone on the sidewalk making it break. he gritted his teeth and kicked it into the grass. He kept walking till he came to a gas station. He walked inside and went to the back to get an energy drink.

He opened the glass door and got a Monster. Once he closed it he almost jumped.

"Hey gay boy!"

"Shut up horse face." Eren glared and went to the cash register. Jean kept following and saying stuff.

"Hey! Everyone knows that your totally gay for Marco!! Everyone!" He said paying for the drink and going outside.

He looked back to see if Jean was still following, but he didn't see anything. He kept walking opening his drink and taking a big gulp of it. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and realized he was home.

He went up his steps and threw his bag to the ground.

"I can't do it......" He plopped down and wiped his eyes.

'No!' He looked up shaking his head, he opened his eyes looking devilish.

He got up and speed walked down the street. He kept walking looking for somebody He used to know a long time ago.

Eren walked into the city and came to a very tall building and went behind it. There he saw 3 muscular guys sitting there. Eren walked up and put his hands in his pocket.

"Long time no see, Lucifer." Eren nodded his head to a very tall man.

******Levi's POV. After school*****

He ran home covering his ears.

'SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!' He yelled inside his head. He had a terrible day at school and he couldn't go back there without people doing stuff to him. Today at launch people pour all of there food on him and once he tried to get it off they got more on him.

He stomped into his house, threw everything off and screamed. He wasn't acting like himself today. He went to the bathroom and turned on the water for the bathtub. He put bunch of bubbles in there, and while it was filling up he took his clothes off.

He turned the water off and got in. He covered himself with the bubbles and tried to relax and forget about everything that happened today.He sank into the bubbles and closed his eyes.

*** hour later***

Levi squeezed his eyes close before fulling opening them. He rubbed his eyes and noticed his hand was wet.

"What?" Levi yawned looking down. He was still in the tub, all the bubbles gone and his fingers had that weird stuff when your usually in water for a long time look to them.

" I must have fell asleep.." Levi stretched and pulled the thing to make the water go out. He got out of the tub and got a yowl to rap around himself. He brushed his hair and went to his room to get clothes.

He looked at his clock, it read 8:47.

He looked back at his dresser tiredly getting out a T-shirt and shorts. He put them on and put his yowl in the laundry basket. He would normally do his laundry every night, but he was too tired to do it tonight. He crawled into his bed and pulled the covers over his head takin out his phone to text Eren.

'Had a rough day! Did you have any problems?'

He sent, then turned off his phone and put it on his night stand and went to sleep.

****** le next day*******

Levi's alarm went off making him almost fall off his bed. He rubbed his head and slammed his hand over the clock making it turn off. Levi got up and went to his bathroom.

"Tch." Was the only thing that could come out. He brushed his hair and teeth, then walked in the front room laying on the couch. He didn't feel like going to school today so he laid there turning his phone on. Levi then realized he sent Eren a text last night and wondered if he ever texted back. Looking at his phone screen, he noticed he didn't have any text messages.

Levi sat up going to Eren's contact and about to text him again.

'Hey brat, answer!'

He looked over the text again before locking his phone and getting up making some toast.

'If he doesn't answer this text in an hour something up..' Levi thought.

My Idiot Titan BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now