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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says that he's his idiot titan boyfriend'

It was dark out as the little boy ran through the quiet town. Once he got to his destination, he opened a large door to a building that was closed off for no one to cross and go in. He walked through the long hall as a long shadow made its way behind him.

"Father. The Jaeger boy... he's.. He's still alive." The boy bowed his head at a large man at the end of the hall. The man was very large indeed, as he sat in his large chair. The darkness covered his face.

"What?! You gave Lucifer the needle right!!? And he stuck it in him correct??!!" The man yelled.

"Y-yes! Once he did he was sure enough dead! I saw!" He yelled out. The man stood, Slowly going to the boy.

"Well then, why the hell is he still alive and how? And why do I still see the needle in its rightful place over there! You! You took the wrong one!" He yelled clinching is fist. The boy cried out running for the door. But not long after he felt something go right through him. He gasped as blood coughed out of his mouth. He fell to the floor to see a large sharp arrow in his stomach.

"You fool." The man said walking up to him. The man moved some of his dark brown hair out of his face while looking down at the dreadful sight.

"No! D-don't kill me!" The boy screamed with sobs. The man snickered, and without a flinch..


Blood flowed from the boys face as the man walked away going back to his chair. 'looks like I'll need a new and better partner.' The man sighed.


As light filled the room Eren squeezed his eyes shut and opened them to see Levi waking sleepily up next to him. He stretched his arms and yawned.

"Morning." Eren said rubbing his eyes. Levi sat up and looked down at Eren.

"Ya whatever brat." He said back to see Eren frown. He laughed a bit. "morning."

"Your not a morning person are you?" The boy asked sitting up a bit more. Levi slowly got off the bed and went to his dresser. He pulled out one band t-shirt and tossed it to Eren, and then some pants.

"Oh uh. Thanks but I-"

"Shut up. The clothes you had on yesterday and before are disgustingly filthy. So I'm cleaning them and you might need to borrow some of mine." Levi said also pulling out some clothes out for himself. Eren smiled while slipping off his shirt and pants. Levi looked over and smirked a little.

Once Eren had the pants on he looked over to see Levi looking.

"You know what Jaeger? You look pretty damn hot in skinnies." Levi said snaking his hands around his waist.

"What are you doing?" He asked. Levi kissed his chin and went back to his spot to put his shirt on.

"Didn't you say you were gay? Well score for me cause-"

"Wait Levi! Are you saying you love me?!" Eren said a bit to harsh. Levi slumped down a bit at his tone. Once Eren got his shirt on he went over to Levi.

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that." Eren said.

"Then what did you mean...? I, Eren, will always love you and just please..... I thought last night.."

"Last night? Ya! cause I was tired and that thing inside me lost control and how was I suppose to control it?!!" Eren blurted out.

'Me and my stupid mouth! Oh god now I've done it!'

Levi looked over with what looked like tears forming in his eyes.

"So you're saying that.... that all that last night was a fake?!?" He said wiping his eyes looking angrily at Eren. He pushed Eren out of his room and grabbed him by a hand full of hair and kicked him out of his house.

"Go away, you fucking monster!" Levi's last words were cold, harsh, and very very demanding. Eren's eyes widened and looking at Levi before he slammed the door completely shut.


The loud sound of the door made Eren freeze in his steps. But the most part that made him not move and extremely sorry for Levi was the last thing he saw on his face. Tears running down fast and his eyes very red. Eren couldn't get it out of his head.

"God I fucking hate myself! WHY DIDNT I DIE WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE AT THAT FIRE?!" Eren yelled. He shook all the way home, and once he unlocked his door he found Mikasa in front of him.

"Eren! What happened!?" She said. She gasped at how hard Eren was shaking and that he had hot tears streaming down his face. The Burnett ran into his room and locked the door. He went into his bathroom and looked into the mirror. The boy grabbed his hair tightly where Levi had gripped it. He let go and went into his cabinet pulling out a razor.

"I... I deserve it.." He said holding up his wrist and raising the blade to his delicate skin. As he dragged the blade across he squeezed his eyes shut. He felt the ooze of blood drip down his arm. Once he opened his eyes, they were full of tears.

"Levi. Please forgive me." Eren said as he did another cut.

After that he cleaned the razor and put it in its rightful place. He got a rag and soaked it with warm water then rubbed it on his arm to get the blood off.

******At Levi's house******

The short male walked to his room trying to dry his tears but they just kept coming. He laid on his bed trying to get the image of Eren out of his head.

'Why am I still crying?! He's gone! And I threw him out..'

"I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN ASSHOLE!" Levi yelled turning over on the bed so the sheets were covering his face. He then yelled into the blanket and then started to sob. This wasn't like Levi at all, he would never cry over someone, but now, this was really different. As the raven haired male turned back over his eyes were bright red and they stung.

"Eren... I'm really sorry. Please come back."


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