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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend.'
Eren had bruises all over him from Levi whacking him all day yesterday with that stupid whip. And every now and then when Levi approached him and brung his hand up the boy would flinch and fall to the ground covering his head.
"Oi Jaeger. I won't bring out that whip today, so calm yourself down." Levi said. Eren sighed in relief and reached in his pocket for his phone. Once he didn't feel it he checked all his other pockets and he still didn't find it. He then started to worry.
"Hey stupid! You threw your phone one the ground braking it remember?" Levi said as if reading his mind. Eren looked over and got up from his spot and went over to Levi.
"You don't mind if I go to work for a bit to see if I still have a job there right? I really need some money." Eren asked Levi. The older man hesitated, but eventually nodded his head. Eren smiled and hugged the shorter male from behind.
"You know, Valentine's Day is in 2 days." Eren blushed. Levi turned around to face Eren with a hint of disappointment on his face, remembering how Petra always loved that holiday.
"Yes I know. What about it?" He asked. Eren beamed with excitement.
"Oh.. You'll see!" Eren said running out the door. Levi stood there starring after him. He shook his head smiling whiling running a hand through his hair.
"Damn brat thinks I'm younger than I look. What am I gonna do about him..?" Levi chuckled.
Once Eren got to Star Bucks he went straight to the register. But he then stopped to see the person that he would just punch in the face.
"EREN! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! PLEASE TAKE THIS PLACE BACK! I WANNA GO BACK TO THE SPOT WHERE MARCO IS WORKING!!" And with that I saw Hanji running up to me once Jean yelled my name.
"Eren! Your back!" She said happily.
"Y-ya. I was just wondering if I still had a job here?" Eren said. Hanji's face lit up and hugged the boy saying yes.
Once Eren was back in his rightful spot at the register he felt a bit more human. He didn't want to stay at home and get trained all day for his demon side. Yes it is helpful for the training and he missed Levi a whole lot, but he really needed the money.

'I need to something special for Levi on Valentines day.... But what?' Eren thought. That's when he saw Armin walk in. Man was he glad to see him!

"Dude! What was wi-" Eren yanked Armin down and covered his mouth.

"Shut up!" He hissed. "Not everyone needs to know about me! Can we talk about this later?"
Armin stared at his friend wide eyed. He nodded and they both stood back up. Eren looked around to see some people staring at the two of them.

'Crap..' Eren thought. Armin faked a smile at them and turned to Eren.

"Get me a the usual." Armin answered. Eren nodded taking the money from his friend and putting it in the cash register.

******2 hours later when Eren is finally getting off work*****

Eren put his apron and name tag back to its rightful spot and stopped by Jean.

"Hey, horse face. Why are you wanting me to come back if you hate my guts?" Eren said. Jean looked back at Marco and then back at Eren.

"I know this isn't like me, but.. I understand now. I'm dating Marco." He said smiling at the last sentence and bringing Marco close to him. Eren could barely believe what the just heard.. He then went to Hanji.

"EREN!! Soooooo!!! How is Levi and you!!??" She bounced up and down. Gawd she was annoying little fan girl.

"Good. I guess." Eren said and then he was cut off again by her squealing.

"What are you getting him for Valentines day?! OMG! Wh-"

"Hanji! Please listen!!"Eren yelled. The girl stopped and slowly sat back in her seat. "I was wondering if I could borrow some money actually... for Valentines day.." Eren said shyly. Hanji blushed.

"AH! Yes, yes indeed! Here I'll lend you some money!" She said pulling out a $20 bill. Eren starred at the money.

"What's wrong? It's not gonna bite." Hanji said.

"Well... All I needed was more like $10.. and I would pay the rest." Eren said shyly. Hanji then took the boys hand and put the $20 bill in his hand.

"Take it. This could mean a lot to Levi." Hanji said smiling. Eren smiled back taking the money and bowing for thanks. He then left to find the perfect gift for Levi.


((I just wanted to say if you want to check out my new fanfic It's Ed x Envy then I posted the first ch. up yesterday if anybody wants to check it out XP))

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