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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend.'

Armin sat in his room deep in thought. He looked around for any clues, but of course there wasn't.

"Wait!" He suddenly said aloud. He then thought about when Eren had tried killing Mikasa. And then..

"7 days.... 7 days!! Oh my god! No! No no no no!!" Armin got up and ran to the front door slipping on some shoes. He then ran out and got into his car. Once onto the road he pulled out his phone and dialed Mikasa's number.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Mikasa!! Meet me at the hospital!" And with that he hung up.


Once Armin found Mikasa they went to each other with worried faces.

"What is it?!" She asked. Armin did a face that he wanted to discuss it with Levi too. Mikasa and him went to the front and asked to see Levi.

"He's resting right now, you'll ha-"

"It's important!" Armin interrupted. Mikasa looked over to him.
'this must be serious if Armin just did that to a person he never met.' Mikasa thought. Armin was really desperate and the girl behind the counter and Mikasa saw it in his eyes. The girl sighed and lead both of them to Levi's room. Once inside she closed the door and we were alone with the injured man. Armin took a seat on a stool next to the bed and couch. Mikasa took a seat on the couch.

"Should we wait till he wakes up?" Mikasa asked.

"I don't know." He said. He looked over at Mikasa and started talking.
"Remember that time Eren lost control in his demon form? And then he said something about 7 days? Well I think that 7 days is coming to a end really quick!" Armin said.

"What??!How many days do we have left?!" She asked. They then heard a noise from Levi.

"We have 2 more days." Levi suddenly said making Armin and Mikasa jump.

"And yesterday a doctor was here and he said we had 3 days to find Eren. We only have 2 now!" Armin said. Mikasa cracked her fingers thinking. All of a sudden a familiar man barged in the room with nothing on.

"LOOK AT MY FABULOUS BUTT!! I GOT BUTT SURGERY!" He yelled. Everyone covered their eyes.

"Erwin?! What the fuck are you doing get out!" Levi yelled.

"You should've just got your eyebrows waxed." Mikasa said.

"Real men don't get their eyebrows waxed!" Erwin said and left. Everyone then gave each other weird looks.

"What was that?" Armin asked, his face looked disturbed. Levi just shook his head.

"Let's just forget that ever happened and continue. So how the hell do we find Eren?" Levi said. The door then opened.

"Sir, the doctors says you will have to stay for another week." A female doctor says. They all look at each other.

"I really need to get out of here now!" He yelled. She shook her head disappointed.
"I'm sorr-"

"Get me fucking out of this place!" He said. The lady walked out with evil eyes.
"You should be happy. Eren will be in a better place any day now." She said and was gone.

"Armin!" Mikasa yelled and grabbed him by the wrist and ran out the room telling Levi to stay where he was. They saw the lady speed away and so they got in their cars and quickly followed.

1 hour later we were still following her until she turned to this weird place Mikasa and Armin never seen before. We stopped our car behind the bushes and got out. We peeked around to see her talking to somebody.

"This has to be the place." Armin whispered. Mikasa put her hand on Armin's shoulder.
"Let's try to be careful, ok?" She said as the lady and the other person walked into the mysterious place. They both got up quietly and started to follow.

"Armin!" Mikasa hissed. He turned to her and saw that she was pointing up. As Armin looked up he saw a search light coming his way. He then leaped to where Mikasa was and hid behind her.

"That was too close.." He said. They both then fell to the ground blacking out.
A guy spit out a tooth pick and snickered. "This is going to be a real treat." and with that, he got Armin and Mikasa and carried them away inside.

**************((sorry it's been awhile. Just hadn't had any ideas what to put, but here it is! Thx guys! I'll start next ch. soon, maybe tomorrow if chance))

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