Ch. 20

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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend'

It's been over 2 hours and Levi was getting really worried. He then finally decided that he would get out of bed and just run out. He thought it through a bit.

"Dammit!" He yelled. He had no idea what he was doing or even where the hell they all were. This was the last thing he needed. The raven haired man pushed the button by his bed to get a doctor. One came rushing in real fast.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Levi looked over to her with an annoyed glar.

"Get me out of here now." Levi demanded. The doctor stood there awhile but finally nodded. Once she got him out and back into his clothes he ran out of the hospital. It was getting dark out, so he had to hurry. He then spotted tire marks on the road. He followed.

***Erens POV***

I woke up to hear the doors opening once more. Draco comes in and Lucifer and then another guy who was carrying two people. I watched the man suspiciously as he got closer. He then threw the guys on the ground. One had blonde hair, the other had black. My eyes widen the best they could from my black eye I had. I look back up at the man gritting my teeth.

"You'll pay!" I growl, my hair turning to the white with the black tips, my eyes glowing the reddish purple, fangs, and black sharp nails. The man laughed looking back at the other two who laughed as well.

"Your to weak to even heal yourself. So.. what makes you think you can do it now?" He glares. I glare back not responding. I then here fun shots from other rooms. Lucifer and Draco smile big.
"Well look! It sounds like your end is coming VERY soon boy." Lucifer says. He turns and heads for the door. Once he opens it there's another gun shot and Lucifer falls to the ground blood flowing out of his head. Draco stares at the man who just shot Lucifer and then jumps out a window. The guy who walked in was short. I was fully angry by the time I realized it was Levi.

"GET OUT OF HERE!!" I screech. The other man went over to me and held up my chin. I winced. Levi tensed up as he saw the guy run a hand through my body showing all bruises and cuts.

"Get your filthy hand off him!" Levi yells raising the gun. The man laughed now walking up to him.

"Those little things don't work on me." He chuckled. Levi then fired it at his head, but the guy didn't fall. He opened his eyes to see the man laughing while his wound heals. Levi stood there terrified.

"Levi! Watch out!" But it was to late. A person from behind grabbed Levi's waist. Levi snapped out if it and fired his gun a the mans legs letting him go while falling to the ground. He got up and ran to Eren.
"I'll do anything to get you out of here, just buy me t-" The guy punched Levi making him hit the wall by me. I gasped trying to controls my anger.

"Just.. Let all the anger out.. Eren.!!" He says. I then yell pulling on the chains harder than before. My eyes flash bright for flesh, and my mouth becomes watery. I hear a snap from the chains and I'm free.

"Wow. nice job." the man said fixing his glasses. I glare at him, holding the resistible erg to beat the crap out if him and tear into his flesh. 'no. stop it Eren! You can't eat people!' I think to myself.
I run towards him realizing that I just went through him smashing into a wall.
I look over to see they guy disappear and there's 2 more.

"Now. Which one is the REAL me?" Both of them say. I look closely, realizing that both have tiny tiny lines run through them. I then hear quiet footsteps coming from behind me. I jump into the air releasing my wings turning around and went aright for the guy. We smash into the ground leaving a big hole. I punch him hard in the face one after another. I stop to see his face bloody and squished. I do one more powerful punch with both hands yelling.
I get up and run towards my friends.

"ARMIN, MIKASA!!!" I yell dropping to my knees by them while Levi stood behind me guarding. Armin flinched and opened his eyes. He looked around and shook Mikasa a little. Then that's when he saw me.

"E-Eren!" He jumped up hugging me.
"You changed." He smiled.

"Tch." Levi scoffed. Armin then released the hug. "Oh somebody's a bit jealous now are we?" Armin said laughing. We then looked down at Mikasa who finally woke up. She smiled bright at me.

"Eren.." She said hugging me. She released the hug and we got up. Levi grabbed my wrist and brought me close to him. He smashed his lips into mine. I was surprised at first but I relaxed and wrapped my hands around him kissing back. As we pulled back we saw Mikasa glaring at us. I looked at Levi and back at her smirking. I grabbed Levi making our bodies closer and started making out with him lifting my middle finger at my sister.

"EREN--" Armin stopped her from trying to kill me while laughing. Once Mikasa heard Armin laugh and me chuckle a little she relaxed and smiled. We broke the kiss and put our heads together looking in each other's eyes. His silver ones in my green, beautiful. Levi kisses my nose and I chuckle.

Levi's eyes widen suddenly in shock. He loses balance and falls on me, I catch him and hear Mikasa and Armin scream.

//till next ch.! Thx everyone for reading this! This is my most successful story ever! I'll be working on the next ch. hopefully tonight or tomorrow//

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