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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend.'

Armin, Mikasa, and Eren were getting ready for the party. Eren didn't feel like going because they had school the next day and he liked to sleep before he had to wake up early the next day, but he had no choice, Mikasa made him. And he couldn't say no to her, or else... it would get ugly.

"C'mon, c'mon! We got to hurry! The party starts in ten min!" Armin says leading us out the door. They head into Armin's car, and all of them head to the party.

We see a house with all kind of lights and decorations. Armin stops the car and looks out the window.

"Looks like this is it!" Armin said getting out the car. Armin was wearing a white button up shirt and some black jeans. Mikasa was wearing a red dress. And then Eren, he wore a red button up shirt with black skinnies.

They all walked up to the door and ring the door bell. We hear someone come to the door, and when the person opens it Eren is suprised. The guy that opened the door was Levi. He just stared.

"Are you coming in, or what?" Levi said crossing his arms with his bored expression.

"Oh! I-I-I'm sorry Corporal!" Eren says coming in and dragging his two friends.

"That was the Corporal?! He's the one that hosts the party? I haven't seen him in awhile!" Armin exclaims. All three of us look around. There was so many people! He even had his own bar! They looked in aw at everything. Mikasa found her friend and went to go over there with her. Armin just went over to the part of the room where there was a rave party.

Eren, who didn't want to come in the first place, sat on the couch. Someone came over and handed him a drink, probably wine. He took a sip and almost puked.

"What the-" Eren gets cut off by someone sitting on the couch by him.

"Is the drink not to your liking?" Eren realizes it was Levi who came. He then takes a huge drink of the wine. And he squeezes his eyes shut till the last drop.

"N-n-no! It's g.... good.." Eren lies. Levi just stares at him.

"I know when somebody is lying, Jeager. You don't have to drink it." Levi says laying his head back. Eren puts te drink down and looks around the place for his friends.

"This is a cool party." Eren says. He then see's Levi sit up and look at him.

"Jeager." Levi said, leaning in to Eren. Eren's face then turns bright red. Levi keeps leaning till he's an inch away from him. By now Eren's face was redder than a stop sign. Levi goes back smirking a bit.

"Your amusing." Levi laughs quietly to himself, but then stops himself before anyone could see.

'Amusing?! Who does he think I am!? A toy!!?' Eren thinks angrily. He looks at Levi and back at the crowd at people. He then feels somebody get off the couch, but he already knows who it was. But after a min he was back with a drink.

"Huh, look at this Jeager. This drink is named after you." Levi says taking a drink. Eren perks up.

"R-really?" He asks getting closer to Levi without even realizing. Levi nods, and sets the drink down. All of a sudden Levi gets up and grabs Eren's wrist, dragging him down his hall and into a room.

Before Eren new what was happening he was on a bed and Levi was on top of him. Then Levi leaned in, closer and closer to Eren.


He gets interrupted by Levi's lips smashing into his. Eren then starts having that weird feeling again. But this time, he sort of liked it. Eren closed his eyes and slowly kissed him back.

'What's going on? I know I kinda like Levi, but- No! What am I saying!? I don't even know if this is illegal! I mean.. two guys?!.... ok.... calm down.' Eren thinks breaking the kiss.

"L-Levi?!" Eren says, eyes widen and face bright red. Levi just stares smirking and taking a drink of the jeager/yeager.

"Levi! Your drunk!" Eren says going to him and taking the bottle away. Levi then grabs Eren and brings him over.

"Im.... I'm sorry, Eren..." Levi says looking down. Eren was shocked and suprised.

"You called me by my name?!" Eren said sitting back down.

'Why am I doing this? I don't even know if he has the same feelings! Gawd! What have I gotten myself into??!' Levi looked away. Eren eyes widened.

"Heichou? Are you ok?" Eren asks taking Levi's head in his hands.

(Wait... LOL!!! That sounded weird.. well whatever! let's continue!)

Levi then blushes. Eren smiles and surprisingly to Levi, Eren kisses him back. Levi then thought if Eren had the same feelings. Levi wraps his arms around Eren and kisses him back.

They kiss for a while until Levi breaks the kiss.

"Eren..." Levi says smiling. Eren looks up seeing him smile and it makes him smile.

"I love you Heichou." Eren says and jumps into Levi's arms.

"I'm sorry. I actually..." Levi trails off. Eren then let's go of him.

"W-what?" Eren asks with worry in his eyes. Levi just looks away ashamed.

"Its..... just not right... I mean two guys? I love you, but.." Levi says hugging Eren.

'Ive never seen the Corporal act like this. It's strange, but then again I like it. He's not a heartless freak. He does have feelings.' Eren thinks and runs his hand through Levi's hair.

He then see's the door open and 4 figures standing there. All of them drunk.

"Hey love birds! Get out here!" Jean says and throws Eren to the ground. Marco comes and laughs while sitting on Eren.

"Jean! Marco!" Eren yells. Mikasa then comes and punches Levi.

"What were you guys doing in here!?" She yelled. Levi looked up at her and punched her back.

"Hey! Let's throw them out! Ha!" We hear a voice that sounds really familiar.

"R-Reiner!!?" Eren says trying to get Marco off him. Reiner then runs to Levi and kicks him hard in the stomach.

All of them laugh. And Jean picks up Eren and Mikasa picks up Levi. Both scramble trying to get loose, but there's no hope.

They all the go to the door opening it up.

"And.. 6 3 1!" Jean drunkly counts down throwing Eren out of the house.

"No!" Eren yells and hits hard on the sidewalk. Then Eren see's Levi fighting his way threw, but then there's a crowd and they all throw him out.

"Tch! Got thrown out of my own house! Those damn brats!" Levi yells angrily.

"I thought I was your damn brat." Eren says smiling. Levi looked at him and smiled.

"Hey, Jeager. Is it ok if I stay at your house for the night?" Levi asks. Eren perks up.

"Y-ya." Eren said painfully standing up. They both then started walking to Eren's house.

My Idiot Titan BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now