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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend.'

Everything was black. I heard loud noises but never knew what it was.. I tried to open my eyes, but for some reason something was holding them closed. I was scared. Really, really scared.


*Eren's POV*

I felt cold metal around my wrists. As I opened my eyes I noticed a table in the center of the room. Lots of tools and other objects were on it with what looked like blood stains on them. I swallowed hard while trying to breath but something was holding me back. As I choked on air a large door opened. Lucifer walked in with a really tall musclier guy.

"Glad to see you awake. But I don't think I should say that, since your not going to be alive anytime soon." He smirked. Once I finally caught up with my lungs and heart rate I gritted my teeth together trying to run to that lunatic and kill him. The chains rattled and I noticed I was chained to a wall. Nice.

"Don't say that so soon." I growled. The other guy walked up while grabbing a object from the table and coming over to me. He lunged forward and strikes me in the center. I screamed in pain as he did it again.

"Don't try to start healing yourself now boy! You'll use up all your strength!" He laughed. "Come Draco." The guys left and I was alone again.

'Levi.... where the fuck are you? You better not be dead!'

"DAMN IT!" I yelled. I was hopeless. Even if I tried using my demon strength it wouldn't help. What can I do now? Not knowing if the one person he truly cared about is alive or possibly.. well, dead. I hung there blaming myself for all of this.


Armin walked up to Eren's house and knocked. Once Mikasa opened the door she looked frightened.

"What's wrong?" Armin asked. Mikasa grabbed Armin by the wrist and ran down the street to find Levi's house.

"I got a call from Levi. He sounded as if he was losing breath. We need to find him and Eren!" She said with worry in her eyes. Armin's eyes grew wide with terror. What could have happened to them?

Once they got to Levi's house Armin saw Levi and ran over to him.

"Oh my god! W-what happened?!!" Armin started freaking out. Levi was really low on breath.

"He's about to die idiot! We need to call the ambulance!!" Mikasa yelled pulling out her phone dialing 911.

***time skip****

Once the ambulance got here they got Levi real quick and put him in a bed and put a gas mask thing on him so he could try and breath. Armin stood watching as the men took Levi and rushed to the hospital, while Mikasa ran inside the house looking for any sign of Eren.

"Eren isn't in the house!" Mikasa cried running out. Armin started to worry and they both ran home to get in their car and drive down to the hospital.

Once they got a parking spot they ran inside and went to the front desk.

"We're here to see someone!" Armin said. The lady nodded and knew who we were looking for, she pointed down the hall while saying,
"He's in room 217" Armin and Mikasa ran down the hall and turned this way and that until finally they reached room 217. They knocked on the door and heard footsteps coming to the door. A doctor appeared at the door and he moved out of the way so we could get in.

"Sir? Do you know when he'll wake up? Is he alright?" Armin asked. The doctor fixed his glasses before speaking while grabbing a piece of paper.

"He lost a bunch of blood, he's pretty lucky to still be somewhat alive. Let him rest."

"SOMEWHAT???!! What is that suppose to mean?! I need him alive so-"

"Aw! Mikasa you really do like Le-"

"So that I can kick his ass do he can tell me where Eren is!" She finished. Armin frowned. The doctor chuckled and fixed his glasses, he walked up to the door and right before completely disappearing he simply said,
"If you don't hurry I won't hesitate taking your friend Levi's life... You have 3 days finding Eren Jäeger. Good luck." And with that he was gone. Mikasa and Armin stiffened up and Mikasa ran to the door swinging it open. She looked everywhere but didn't see the suspicious doctor anywhere.

'What was that?' Armin thought with lots of worry in his eyes. Both of them didn't know where to find Eren and even where to start looking.


The chains rattled and scrapped the boys skin as Draco tortured him. The chains around his wrist and ankles lost a bit of skin from moving and trying to get out as the guy did all kinds of stuff to him. Eren only hoped that Levi was ok somewhere. If he was safe then Eren would feel a lot better.

"I wonder if Lucifer would let me take out those beautiful eyes out of yours." Draco said getting closer to the boy. Eren tried moving back from him but it was hopeless. He winced as he felt Draco's long nails traced the outline of his eyelid.

"S-stop.." Eren whispered. The guy snickered and grabbed a whip.

"No." He then flung the whip in the air and then smacked him in both eyes hard. Eren screamed trying to move his hands to his face but couldn't. It felt like lightning striking him. All of a sudden he stopped and Eren opened his eyes. The large door opened and a guy in a doctors outfit with black/purplish hair with glasses came in.

"They came, sir." The doctor said. Draco put up the whip and went over to the man.

"Did you tell everyone else?" He asked.

"Not yet. But Lucifer and Alciel are coming here and they want to see the boy. We shall go." The doctor said. With a nod they both left the room and 2 min later sure enough Lucifer and Alciel was in the room.

"Node, kare ga dono yōnimieru ka no thats? Watashi wa waruku kitai shite ita, shikashi, kare o?! Ha! Kore wa bakagete iru!" Alciel said.
(Translate: so that's what he looks like? I was expecting worse, but him?! Ha! This is ridiculous!) Lucifer smirked while handing him a tool while getting one for himself. They looked at each other and nodded. Before Eren could tell they ran up and stabbed him right in the chest and stomach. Blood splashed and bones cracked.

"AAAAAAAH! I-ILL KILL YOU!!" Eren sobbed.


My Idiot Titan BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now