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'Levi says Eren is an idiot but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend'

***Valentines day***

Levi pulled into the drive way. It was noon and went to grab some launch for him and Eren. He walked up the steps and opened the glass door so he could unlock the other wooden door.
Once inside he set the bag on the table to see a note.

'Follow the roses' it said. He turned around to see little rose petals on the ground leading in his room. He followed them and saw another note on his door.

'Come in for a treat my love' Levi slowly turned the knob and opened the door. There were candles lit on the night stand and dresser, and Eren laying on the bed obviously waiting for Levi. And for once Levi did a true lovingly smile at Eren.

"Well what are you waiting for? Come join me." Eren said. Levi went over to the bed and laid right next to Eren.

"What's this for?" Levi asked looking around. Eren blushed before kissing the one man he truly loved. Eren brought Levi up again and lead him to his bathroom in his room. The tub was full of water and bubbles with rise petals surrounding it. Candles also were lit in there.

Eren looked down at Levi to see he was surprised. He then felt Levi take his hand and squeeze it a little.

"I... I haven't had anything like this in a long time.." He finally said.

"Well then, how about you take a nice warm relaxing bath?" Eren said. Levi looked up at him and kissed his chin before going completely in the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.


It's been an hour since Levi's been in there and Eren started to worry. He knocked on the and put his ear to the door. Nothing.
"Levi!? Y-you ok?" He said. Still, nothing. He opened the door and walked over to the tub to see him fast asleep. Eren smiled and crouched down in front of the tub. He ran a hand through his hair sighing a little.

"Hey Levi. Wake up." He said shaking his shoulder just a bit. His eyes opened slightly and muttered something that Eren couldn't make out.

"C'mon and let's get to bed." Eren said pulling on Levi's arm. He groaned a little and got up. He got Levi a towel and helped him in the room since he was still half asleep.

Once he was all dressed they laid there on the bed looking at each other. Levi smiled a tiny bit making Eren smile.

"Goodnight Heichou." Eren said giving a small kiss on the older boys forehead and then hugging him close to his chest as if he had to protect him.


Lucifer stared at the two couple on the bed asleep. It was around 2 o'clock in the morning and he was on the ceiling watching Eren and Levi. As he pulled out the medium sized knife he crawled down the wall until he was on the floor and stood up.

"It's finally time." He whispered. He went on Eren's side of the bed. He moved Erens head and looked at his features. Lucifer put the knife over his head ready to strike at his prey.

"Ghmmg" He heard the short, raven haired man groan as he turned around in his sleep. Lucifer sighed.
'Too close..' he thought as he brung back the knife over his head.

Eren then started to open his eyes. He rubbed them and looked around. He sat up a bit reaching over to the night stand for a drink of water. He then saw a shadow in the corner of the door.

"Here's Lucy!", the shadow yelled running towards Eren's bed. The Burnett sat there stunned. Lucifer jumped on top of Eren pinning him down with the knife to his neck. there was no escape. Levi fell off the bed confused and angry.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled. He got up to see a person on top of Eren with a knife. And Eren...... oh no.. He was turning into his demon form.

"Fuck!" Levi yelled and he ran out the bedroom looking for something to help. Lucifer drives the knife in Eren's neck, but then it started healing.
"Hey! What are you doing?!" He yelled. Eren growled and grabbed the knife. Eren punched the guy in the face making him fall to the ground. Eren jumped off the bed and kicked Lucifer to the wall. He had heavy breathing, but the guy didn't give up. Once Eren was right by him, Lucifer then grabbed his foot and yanked him down while he went up. He then started to throw him like a rag doll from his foot.

"Jaeger!" Levi yelled coming in with a pan. Everything suddenly stopped. There was then a sudden laugh from Lucifer.

"A pan. Really?" Lucifer laughed. Levi then ran over and smacked his head with it hard. He fell to the ground but still was laughing.
'What the hell? He should've been knocked out!' Levi thought. The man got up, but before he could get to his feet the short raven haired man punched Lucifer back down.

That's when Eren finally recovered and got back up, even more madder than before. He leaped up and tried to punch Lucifer, but he was too quick. He leaped away before Eren's hand had hit him. Eren looked back up to Lucifer suddenly with black flames coming from his body. A tail and wings transformed onto his back as the boy locked eyes on his prey.

"Oooooo. Hahahaha~! This is new! At least I'll have more fun with you now!!" Lucifer said childishly. Eren leaped in the air making him fly. He flew quick to Lucifer and ripped something from him that tasted good to Eren. Lucifer felt warm sticky liquid fall from his right side of his head. As he felt it his eyes got really small.
"My ear..... YOU ATE MY EAR!!! You damn beast!" He yelled.

As he swallowed the meat he felt inside himself getting stronger. He wanted more, but then again he really didn't. The guy got up and released his own pair of wings and a tail. He then came bolting over to me, he grabbed Eren by the collar and flung him out the window. Levi gasped.
'Thats gotta hurt..' is all Levi thought. He ran to the window also being quite careful for the glass. He saw Eren and Lucifer tackling each other.
'This isn't good. Crap! What do I do?! If I go out there and try to help I might die and if I don't Eren might die....' Levi thought carefully. He then went to the kitchen and opened one of the doors the he barely opened. He reached in and got a sniper rifle.
'Its the right choice. Eren is just a boy.. hard to believe....' he thought as he ran out. Once he was out there Eren was on the ground not doing so well. Lucifer was laughing while giving him punch after punch. Levi snarled and raised up the gun aimed at Lucifer. He then fired the gun at the head. As he looked up he was taken back.

"Looking for this?" Lucifer was suddenly behind him. Levi slowly looked over to see the guy with the bullet in his hand. "here, I'll let you have it back." He said dropping it in Levi's shirt. Seconds later he was on the ground unable to breath.

"How.. EREN!!!!" He yelled. Trying to catch his breath he was blacking out a bit. He could see some light. Death... Death was coming for him.
'no. I can't die yet!' he thought as he looked up in the sky he saw Lucifer and Eren fighting to the death. But the bad thing was, this was only the beginning. And Eren is still learning to fight. This isn't a fair fight! But then again.. Nothing is fair in this cruel world.

Eren's black flames were slowly going out. As Lucifer kicked him to the ground he turned his head to see Levi right beside him. He was terrified. Hot tears then started to stream down his face.

"L-Levi!! Levi! No... No!" Eren sobbed. Levi was no longer with him.. And now Lucifet was coming for him. Eren got up quickly and grabbed the gun out from Levi's hands and shot at one of the wings on his enemy. He fell to the ground with a slight glide. As he came to the ground Lucifer ran toward Eren. He grabbed the boy by the neck with both of his hands squeezing tighter and tighter every time he tried to breath.
He tried to remove the hands from his throat, but he was too weak. As he blacked out, all he saw was him kicking Levi really hard to the brick of the house with blood staining some of the bricks.


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