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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend'
The next day Mikasa went up to Eren's door and knocked hard and loud.
"EREN! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE NOW! STOP BEING A CRY BABY!" Mikasa yelled. She pressed her ear to the door as he quietly responded.
"I'm not coming out." She heard him mummble. She sighed and went into the kitchen to grab an apple or two, and so once she got back she knocked on the door again.
"Open the door, now!" She said.
"Do it right now or I'll break it down for you."
"...No.. Just go away and let me be." Eren said dryly.
"Take the apples! please Eren!" Mikasa whispered. As she put her ear back to the door she heard him clumsily stumble over stuff to get to his door. He opened it slightly so only his hand could get through. Once Mikasa gave him the apples he shut the door.
Eren stumbled back to his bed tossing the apples on his bed while he went to his bathroom. It's been a week since the fight and it seemed longer. He looked through the mirror to see a hole different person. His skin really pale from cutting and the loss of blood, and just a tiny bit lost weight. Mikasa didn't know about it cuz every time he just took a step out of his room was when she wasn't there or if he was rapped in a blanket head to toe.
He turned on the faucet and splashed water on his face. After drying his face he looked back into the mirror and closed his eyes. He focused to try and controls his other side, it was very difficult indeed. As he felt his veins bump with blood flowing through them, He focused harder until he could see and feel his heart rate. It was normal speed so he had to make it beat a bit faster. As he focused harder on his heart he heard the blood flowing through and it sounded like his heart was going to burst.
Once he opened his eyes they were the Purplish/reddish color again. As he went a bit closer to the mirror he realized another change. His ears were pointed and his hair had changed from a brown to a white with a bit of black at the ends.
"I controlled my power..." He said breathlessly. The boy walked back to his bed and took the apple. He transformed back as he took a bite of it.
"Eren! I'm gonna run by Armins house okay? I'll be right back!" Mikasa yelled out. Eren watched out the window as Mikasa ran down the street. With a sigh the Burnett got up and went out his room. He walked into the kitchen and got some ice and salt.
'Time for a challenge!' He thought. He poured some salt up his upper arm and then put a piece of ice on it. He winced a bit while putting another on and holding it down on his skin.
"AAAAHH!" he screamed as his demon side took control. He threw the ice and salt off him and also some of the salt that was in the bag onto the floor making a mess. He ran out the kitchen leaving claw marks carved into the walls. He ran out of the house and into the street looking for something or more like someone to eat.
The boy tried hard to fight back to get to his normal self but that thing wouldn't let him. He then saw Mikasa come out of Armins house waving good bye.
As he ran to the teenage girl, Armin came out.
"MIKASA! LOOK OUT!!" The blond haired boy yelled pushing Mikasa aside and letting Eren run right into Armins front door. As the boy turned around slowly his eyes fixed on the girl, smelling her fresh scent of blood going through his nose.
"Who is that?" Armin asked. Mikasa looked up to see a boy with white hair and goes black at the ends and had pointed ears. She also noticed the eyes and that it looked really similar to Eren.
'That person... Looks like Eren, but it can't be..' Mikasa thought. Suddenly Eren leaped onto Mikasa making her yelp a little. She punched the demon in the face not making a bruise but breaking her knuckles. She bit her tongue so that she wouldn't scream.
"You'll make a wonderful dinner." The demon said punching Mikasa in the stomach making Armin scream and Mikasa gasp for air.
Armin ran inside to look for a weapon while Mikasa laid there helpless with the thing on top of her.
'Nice Armin.. Real nice.' Mikasa thought as she dodged another punch. But then suddenly she was to slow and got grabbed by her wrist and he bit into her skin ripping the flesh.
"AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! ARMIN!" She yelled in agony. Armin ran right out with a pistol.
"What the hell is going on?!" A man ran to the scene. Mikasa suddenly recognized him from the party and that Eren was hanging around him.
"MOVE!" Armin said firing the gun millions of times at the thing. Eren got knocked off of Mikasa and getting shot at that only made marks on his skin. He laughed crazily and got up. Armin stopped and looked horrified. Levi then ran and got Mikasa and took her out of the scene.
"Shoot in the head!" Levi yelled. Armin only had one bullet left, but hesitantly held it up. Eren then ran at the boy. His hands shaking in fear as his fingers pulled the trigger making the demon fall.
Blood dripped down his face as he got up. He didn't exactly hit him in the head, but the eye.
"Go get something to tie it up! HURRY!" Levi yelled. Armin nodded and ran inside.
"You... I need to check on Eren. Please go!" The girl said gripping her arm as blood trailed down.
"Eren?!" He yelled practically dropping her. He got up and ran to Erens house running straight into the front door. He ran down the hall and opened all the doors but there was nothing.
"Eren? Eren!" Levi yelled. He then walked into the kitchen to see a mess and claw marks.
'Oh god, that can't be. NO! IT CANT BE HIM!' He jerked around and ran out the door back to the house he was before to see the demon thing.
As he turned the corner to see Armin get do e tying the thing, Levi knelt down beside it to look at it.
"Lots of stuff has changed.." He whispered to himself. "damn!"
He got up and turned to the to teenagers.
"Is Eren.. Is he alright?" Mikasa asked. Levi hesitated.
"Eren.... He's... Your looking at him.. He got turned into this thing. That's why I was trying to help him that day but I kicked him out cause he was a freaking ass." Levi said turning away.
"I shouldn't have ever done that.."
Mikasa let out a tear as she watched as the demon thing transformed back into the person she cared so much about. She also realized the blood was gone and his eye was just fine.
"Why am tied-" Eren suddenly screamed in pain as he felt something inside his body try to escape.
"7 days..... You have 7 days.." The demon voice came out of Eren where everybody could hear.
"7 days till what?!" Armin asked. Eren jerked on the ground. He was suddenly having a spaz attack.
"EREN!" Mikasa and Armin yelled. As his body went limp Armin untied the ropes real fast. Eren then woken up and coughed violently.
"L-levi.. What are you doing.. H-here!?" He said in between violent coughs and tiny bit of blood.
"Saving your life. Now get over it." He said. Eren sat up a bit looking around until he saw Mikasa.
"MIKASA! What happened??!" He said crawling over to her.
"Just a scratch."
"That is not a scratch!!" He yelled. Armin sat looking at them and then back to the ground trying to figure out what that demon was trying to say. 7 days until what?

******back at Eren and Mikasa's house*****

"Why didn't you kill me...,? You said if I ever lost control you would kill me for sure. Why didn't you do it this time?" Eren whispered but Levi ignored his question.

"I can't believe you Eren!! You seriously did that stupid challenge just to hurt yourself!! And look! Why do I see cuts!? Eren! you've been starving yourself and hurting yourself! Why is that!?!?" Mikasa yelled.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Eren yelled.
"All of you shut up!! It's my fault!" Levi said. Mikasa and Eren turned their heads toward him.
"What are you talking about?! Its my stupid demon side that took over."
"Yes but. I should have known.." Levi bit his lip. Eren sighed and went over to Levi.
"Why the hell were you cutting and starving yourself?" Levi whispered wiping a tear away. Eren looked down at the smaller male and frowned a bit.
"It was all my fault and I deserve punishment. I'm sorry Ravioli-san." Eren whispered back letting a tear flow.
"I'm sorry."


My Idiot Titan BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now