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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend'
Eren sat on the couch flipping through the channels on the tv. It was late at night and Eren couldn't go to sleep, so he decided to cuddle up on the couch to watch tv. Since it was somewhat late outside when we got done eating dinner, Mikasa let Levi stay for the night.
"Ugh. Nothing on TV.. I'm sooo tired! Why can't I sleep?" Eren whispered running a hand through his messy brown hair. He then saw somebody coming down the hall. He tensed up a bit and shrank into the couch.
"That's not going to work for me.." The thing said and all of a sudden it was on top of Eren. It then reached into its pocket and pulled out a knife.
"Sshhh.." The thing whispered. He tried to scream but it's hand went over my mouth. The boy then licked his hand and kicked him in the middle. The thing fell off the floor with a loud thump.
"Aaaahhghh!" The thing quietly moaned. With all this racket Eren was surprised Mikasa was still asleep. The Burnett rubbed his eyes and focused a bit harder on the thing that was trying to kill him.
"What was that for!?" The thing that Eren thought was going to kill him said.
"L-Levi Heichou?!! Oh my god I'm so sorry! I thought you were something like a demon thing trying to kill me! And why did you have a knife!" Eren said.
"A knife!!? All I have is this cleaning thing." Levi said pulling out the small plastic rap.
"Seriously Levi!? We are at MY house and MIKASA can come EASILY walking in on US." Eren blushed crazily, and the thing he was holding was not a cleaning thing...The shorter male climbed back onto Eren and kissed his head.
"Well.. That's gonna have to change. Let's go to your room." Levi said turned off the tv and dragging Eren to his room. Once they got there the Burnett laid on his bed as the raven haired man laid next to him.
"I'm sorry about last week.." Eren whispered. "I really do love you. And I really don't want to see your face like that again."
Levi chuckled to himself quietly and kissed Eren's chest.
"I was in a horrible state. I never really thought you would say no. To tell you the truth.. I wasn't gay until you showed up in my life. I actually was dating this beautiful girl. But one day..."
***back in past***
"Levi! Happy 5th Anniversary!" It was early in the morning as the Male woke up stretching. He smiled at the girl.
"Happy 5th Anniversary to you too, Petra." He smiled giving her a lovingly kiss. As they parted they both went to change into fresh clothes.
Levi then about going to get Petra some flowers and something special.
**that afternoon**
Petra sat on the couch right next to Levi cuddling herself into him. She rested her head on his chest as he rested his on her head.
"Did I ever tell you that you have such beautiful hair?" Levi smiled. Petra chucked a little to with a slight blush that always made Levi smile and have joy on the inside. The girl got up bringing Levi up with her. She held his hands looking into his eyes.
"I'm a terrible girlfriend. I forgot to get you something yesterday for today!" Petra said sadly. Levi softened his eyes.
"Don't worry. I don't need anything, really! All I need is you." Levi said pulling her into a hug.
"Well. I'm gonna get you something weather you like it or not." She laughed. Levi slowly pulled back and smiled.
"Ok. whatever, I'll be waiting."He said as the girl got her bag and waved bye as she slipped out the door.
'Ok! Nows my chance to sneak out and get her somyhing!' Levi thought as he ran in his room grabbing his wallet. He checked to see if she'd left yet and she had. So he ran out the door and got into his car and went to the jewelry shop.
He walked in and went to the cash register.
"Can I help you?" The women asked. Levi looked around at the rings and necklaces.
"What are your finest rings?" He asked. The woman smiled and lead him to a table where there was beautiful diamond rings.
"These are our finest and most sold. Have any favorites?" The lady asked. Levi looked at all the rings trying to decide.
"I'll take this one." He said pointing to a ring that had a bluish tent if color to the diamond. The lady picked up the ring and they both went back to the register. She then gift rapped it in a red box and gold ribbon. Once Levi paid for it he slipped it in his pocket and got into the car. He then drove to the flower shop. He paid for some flowers and finally got back to the house.
"Wow. I made it back before her, I'm suprised." He said sitting on the couch turning on the tv. He flipped through channels until he saw something that made him lose his breath.
"BREAKING NEWS! WE JUST FOUND A CAR CRASH! it seems like a small black convertible. It's all crushed and whoever might be in it is probably de-"
Levi threw the tv remote and ran out jumping into is car driving quickly to the scene.
'It cant. it cant! IT CANT BE HER CAR!!' Levi freaked out. And sure enough as he got to the place he jumped out and ran to the ambulance.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" Levi yelled. The people then brought out the girl Levi loved.
"No! NO!" He yelled running up to her. As tears rolled down his face he put his ear to her chest to her nothing.
Levi shook violently and kissed the top of her head.
"I'm sorry." He said hanging his head. He then remembered the ring and pulled it out of his pocket. He opened it and took the ring slipping it onto her ring fingure. The people then had to take Petra and made Levi even more pissed.
"NO! YOU CANT DO THIS!! YO-" Other cops had to come hold him down as they took the girl away.
***back to present day***
Eren was shocked.
"I-I'm really sorry for your loss. I- I didn't know." Eren whispered. Levi looked up at Eren.
He then laid on top of the boy.
"Protect me, Eren." Levi said. Eren ran a hand through Levi's hair and then rested it on his back trying to bring him closer.
"I'll always. And you do the same for me."
****next morning****
"Wake up you two! Time for breakfast!" Mikasa yelled through the door. Eren yawned and looked down to see Levi still asleep on top of him. Eren then poked Levi's cheek and laughed a little.
"Hey. Time to get up." Eren said in his ear. All Levi did was groan and roll over onto the bed.
'Guess I have no choice.' Eren thought getting up on the bed and got on Levi. He put his hands in his and leaned down to give him a kiss. As he was almost there he felt Levi free his hands and they suddenly rapped around his neck bringing him closer and they both kissed.
"You were awake this whole time?!" Eren laughed. Levi just gave him a 'duh!' face and gave him another little kiss. He got up and put on some cloths, and Eren did the same.
Once they got in the kitchen the scent of bacon and eggs filled their nose. Eren and Levi looked at each other and at the same time gave each other a look. Levi then pushed Eren away and ran for the kitchen.
"HEY!" Eren yelled catching up to him. Once he did he pushed Levi away. They were almost to the kitchen when Mikasa appeared in front of them making them fall on their butts.
"Jesus Christ guys! Your acting like children!" Mikasa said shaking her head. Eren looked over at Levi and laughed a little. Once they got up they both ran into the kitchen sitting at the table with plates in front of them.
"This is amazing!" Eren said taking a big bite. Levi nodded.
"Thanks guys." Mikasa smiled.
***that afternoon at Levi's***
"I see that some of your demon features have changed." Levi leaned back on his couch with his hands over his head. Eren nodded making the blood inside him bubble and his heart rate becoming faster. He then transformed into his form, his hair becoming the bleached white and black at the ends, his ears and teeth going sharp, and finally his eyes to the purplish/reddish color.
As Eren looked at Levi he controlled his hunger for the flesh. Levi nodded and all of a sudden pulled out a whip and smacked Eren.
"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!" Eren yelled, his eyes glowing furiously. Levi smirked.
"Control your anger. It will help a lot." And with that he swung the whip and hit Eren several times. He yelled as the rope strikes his flesh as the warm liquid rolled down his skin.
"Don't yell. Hold all your screams in. Screaming is a weakness." Levi said getting up and walking over to Eren who was on the floor. He knelt down and pulled him up with his hair. As he did so he heard a low growl come out of the boy.
"Oh shut it brat." He tossed him on the couch. As Eren transformed back his wounds were healed. Levi raised his eyebrow once he saw that.
"So you can heal yourself..?"He questioned but with not that much questioning in his voice, more like saying it. Eren finally found his breath and looked up. He nodded slowly falling back to the floor. The older man shook his head and chuckled.
"FATHER! The Jaeger boy! Wh-what are we going to do?" Draco said and Lucifer cut him off.
"Wells it's obvious! We kill him!" He said. That's when Jake cutted in.
"How can we kill him if he can heal himself?! Huh!" He said.
"Calm down, all of you!! Go get Alciel, now!" Father filled the room with silence. "I SAID GO! NOW!"
And with that they all 3 scattered out the room to go find Alciel to tell him the news.
Once they were back to the human world with Alciel they told him all about Eren and that the other kid gave him the wrong needle. So now they are searching to kill him, but they had to tell him the news in his language.
"Inkurūdo I~ēgā otokonoko ha~a~tsu?" Alciel said. (translate: The jaeger boy huh?)
"Hai. Anata ga sankashimasu de to tomoni inkurodo satsugai." Lucifer said. (translate: Yes. will you join in with the killing.) Alciel shrugged but finally excepted the request. And with that they got started on their plan.

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