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(( I'm really sorry and I hope this is working now and you can see this chapter! Sorry for the trouble!))
'Levi says that Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot titan boyfriend.'
Levi slapped the gun out of Erens hands and they both stumbled to the ground. Levi sat up quickly grabbing Erens body and hugging it close to him.
"Please don't die." Levi let the tears flow. Eren looked up at The shorter male and sat up.
"You slapped the gun out of my hand to quick, I probably just got a tiny trim." Eren stared at the ground.
They heard a voice. They both jumped looking at the direction of where the yell came from.
"Connie?? CONNIE!!!" Eren yelled. There about 5 feet away from him was Connie on the ground and his leg with blood all over it.
"HOLY SHEEIIITT!!" Connie yelled clutching his bloody leg. (If you know what I just did there your awesome) Eren and Levi ran up to him. They both stared in awe, well at least Eren did. His eyes changed from a green to a purplish reddish color. He licked his lips and got closer to the wound on Connie's leg.
"Uh. Eren?! Wha the crap are you doing!!?" Connie freaked out as Eren licked his blood. Levi just stiffened up, then tried to peal Eren off of Connie.
"Eren! What the fuck!" Levi yelled, which made Eren jump off and back to his normal self.
"What?! Ew! Why the crap do I have blood in my mouth!" He said spitting out Connie's blood. He wiped his mouth off and looked over at Levi.
"Your gonna have to call somebody. I have to g-"
"No! Eren your staying right here! You have no idea how long I've been searc-" Levi stopped when he realized what he was going to say. Eren stared at the raven haired man and did what he was told. The boy softened and talked in a hush voice.
"Can you call my sister?" Eren asked. Levi looked confused.
"You have a sister?" Levi said. Eren looked up, now he was confused.
"Didn't you see her? She had short black hair and she was the one who dragged me away from your house that night." Eren said.
"Tch. That damn girl- Wait! Then why did she kiss you and she told me that you and her were dating!" Levi raised his voice.
"What?! Well she isn't actually my sister she was adopted! And why the hell did she say that!?" Eren asked.
"HEY!! I don't care about your love life! I'm bleeding to death right now! At least help me!!" Connie yelled. Eren jumped a little realizing that Connie was still here. Levi pulled out his phone and called 911.
After the ambulance took Connie and the rest took care of what happened to the police station, Eren and Levi went back to Levi's house.
"I don't think I'm gonna be going to school anymore." Eren said rested on Levi's couch.
"Ya, Same here." Levi said. They both laid there in silence.
Eren didn't know what to do now, with all this stuff happening to him. He sat up and looked at Levi.
"Do you think I'll ever be human again?" Eren lowered his voice.
"First, how and what happened?! And second... well I don't know, depends." Levi sat up a bit with his usual look.
Eren sat there trying to remember, anything at all.
"All I remember that Luci- I mean this guy came and stuck this huge needle in me and I blacked out." The boy said. Levi raised and eyebrow when he made the correction. The older man got up and stretched walking to his room. Before closing the door behind him, he called out,
"We start lessons tomorrow." Eren sat there confused.
"Lessons?" He asked.
"You don't want to hurt anyone right? Well I'll teach you not, and if you lose control I'll kill you for sure." Levi said closing his door. Eren shivered when he heard that he was going to get killed if he ever lost control. He laid back down trying push all of what happened today to the back if his brain and focus in trying to sleep.
He laid down pulling the covers over him, the ones Levi let him borrow once we got to the house. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.
"Eren, Come here." Levi said sitting on across from him. Eren did what he said and came over.
"Yes?" He asked. Levi sat his tea down and got up. He then suddenly fell back in the couch with Levi on top.
"Do you love me Eren?" Levi whispered in the boys ear. Erens face grew bright red.
"C-corporal?" Eren stuttered. Levi raised and eyebrow and looked in the boys eyes.
"You didn't answer my question." He said putting his hand up Erens shirt. Once Eren looked down he noticed that his pants missing.
'When did those come off?!' he thought. Levi snickered and did little kisses to Eren.
Eren winced and grabbed Levi's wrist.
"S-stop!" He called. Levi kept doing it and he moved his other hand down his chest to his stomach and then down more to...
Eren's whole face was red and he was really uncomfortable. A embarrassing sound came out of his mouth and he quickly shut it.
"Please... stop!" He said more. Levi came to his face and smirked.
"Your so cute when your helpless." He said kissing the Burnett. Eren tried getting away but there wasn't anything to help him.
Eren jumped up from the couch and panted.
"Thank god it was a dream!" He said. He then sees Levi walk out of his room with just a long white shirt. He comes to him and unbuttons it.
"Uh.. eh... Levi?" Eren said. Levi came over and sat on him. He kissed the boy and forced his shirt off. Eren stared at Levi well built chest. Levi laid on him like a black little cat, soft and lovable. Eren sat up which made Levi sit up to.
Suddenly they were on the floor, both kissing and making out.
"I... I love you."
Eren flew off the couch sweating. He pinched himself to see if he was still dreaming.
"Am.. Am I dreaming.. or?" Eren whispered.
"Nightmare?" Levi said sitting on a chair with a cup if tea in his hand across from him.
Eren jumped and rubbed his head.
"Uhh... y-yea." He said turning red. Levi chuckled to himself.
"Funny, cause I heard you say, stop! L-Levi. Stop!" He laughed. Eren was completely flushed with redness and he ran to the bathroom yelling,
"SHUT UP!!!"

My Idiot Titan BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now