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'Levi says Eren is an idiot, but he also says he's his idiot Titan boyfriend'

Levi was on his way to Eren's house to see what the hell was going on. Walking up the drive way he stopped to see Mikasa on the porch crying. Levi hesitated, if Mikasa was crying... something has happened to Eren.

"Hey!" Levi said crossing his arms standing in front of the girl. She looked up wiping her face. She then looked really mad at him.

"So where's that brat?!" Levi said pulling Mikasa to her feet.

"I thought you had him! So I should be asking you where he is! All I found was his bag on the porch and I called him but never answered!!" Mikasa yelled.

"So, GO FIND HIM!!" She pushed Levi away.

"Tch. I will." He said leaving just like that. He ran around the neighbor hood calling out Erens name. While doing so we noticed some people come out to see why I was yelling.

"EREN! YOU SHITTY BRAT YOU BETTER STOP PLAYING THIS STUPID GAME AND COME OUT!!" Levi yelled not caring for the people who was yelling back at him to be quiet. Before he knew it he was in town. He slowed down a bit, coming to stop at a gas station. He saw someone who looked very familiar and Levi walked up to him.

"Hey. Have you seen a boy with brown hair and quite taller than me." Levi said. The man laughed.

"You mean that Jaeger kid? Ha! I saw him get a drink and run out." He said.

"Tch. Well what direction did he run?"

The man pointed to the direction and Levi ran over looking for clues.

"Eren!" He yelled. He then saw some small glass and some tiny pieces that went to something. He followed the trail and it ended up at being a phone. Levi kneeled down and picked up the broken phone examining it.

"Wait... This is his phone." Levi said standing up.

'What happened?' he thought, maybe somebody kidnapped him. Or maybe..... He stopped when he saw the TVs in the TV store suddenly come on with breaking news.

"Just now at the Museum somebody has broken in and stole a ruby!" Levi rolled his eyes and shoved Erens broken phone into his pocket and started to walk down the sidewalk still looking for Eren.

"EREN!!" Levi yelled. He came to a dark path and saw a fire lit up behind one of the buildings. His eyes widened and he ran for it. Once he got there, there was nothing but trash and the abandoned lit fire. He cursed under his breath kicking some of the trash. He heard something break in the ally way and Levi started following the noise. He walked over but didn't see anything. He looked all around, until he saw a figure run around the corner.

"Hey!" Levi yelled running after the figure. The person was incredibly fast and it was pretty hard for Levi to catch up. The figure ran around corner after corner obviously trying to make Levi stop chasing the person. They ran past dogs with what looked like really heavy chains around their necks so they don't attack. Levi turning a corner tripped on one of the chains making a loud noise.

"Dammit!" He punched the ground, slowly getting up. He heard low growling and he turned to see about 5 huge dogs. Drool hanging from mouths, eyes fixed furiously on him, slowly approaching the man. Levi looking around anxiously and slowly and carefully walking away from the dogs. Levi picked up a large rock, making one of them start barking like crazy after that making the rest going crazy. He threw the rock making it hit one of the dogs and it shook its head whining but soon after the dog was really pissed off this time. It ran for Levi making him drop all the rocks and running for his life. He then herd a loud thud and turned back to see the dog run out of chains. Levi smirked and picked up objects and threw them at the dog. There was then another dog joined by the other and it looked like it had rabies.

"If I don't get out of here I'll probably die... Only if I had something........ Crap where did that person go?! It could've been Eren!" Levi quickly left making the dogs going nuts behind him.

Levi was only a block away once he heard a click. He slowed down his pace being carful not making a noise to look for the figure he's been chasing. He then heard a loud crash behind him making him look back to find 3 large dogs chasing him. Without thinking he ran up to the dogs. The dogs jumped and scratched him all over while he tried to punch the dogs.

"Shit!" He said kicking off one of the dogs. He then turned just in time and grabbed one of the dogs and threw it to the ground stepping hard on its neck making it crack. He then got a rock and jumped onto a dog a hit it with the rock multiple times. He almost forgot the last one that literally pounced on him making him lose his rock. The drool spitting everywhere on Levi while the dog barked and growled on top of him. He tried fighting back with the dog, but he was pinned down by the massive beast. Not really an ordinary dog.

Levi punching the dog left and right but just making it worse on himself. The dogs claws dug into Levi's shoulders making him kick the beast harder. The dog snapped at him making a rip in his clothes and more wounds. He felt as the blood rushed out if his body.

'this is it. I never imagined my death by a fury beast.' Levi thought going limp. He started to give up, even on the figure he was chasing and possibly.... Eren.

No. He shot his eyes back open looking at the beast. No. He wasn't going to give up on Eren. He yelled with anger and used all his strength and rolled the beast over so he was on top and control. Levi grabbed the neck and twisted it making a loud snap. The dog laid limp and Levi slowly got up. He looked around for something. Anything but staying here with these things.

"Dammit. I'm all dirty and have this shit all over me!" Levi exclaimed looking at his wounds and torn cloths. He turned to see a arrow in the dog he just killed but also the dog was more closer to him. He looked up to see the figure again. The person jumped down from the building and ran. This was Levi's chance. He ran after the person hoping it would be Eren. The figure was about same hight. Then that's when some light hit the dark figure and he saw that the person had dark brown hair.

"Eren!!" Levi yelled catching up with the person. He then made a jump for it, but then suddenly got jumped on by someone else.

"Tch. What the hell!" Levi yelled rubbing his head opening his eyes to see a girl with short black hair.

"You..." Levi glared. He got up along with Mikasa.

"I almost had him until you came and ruined it!" He yelled. Mikasa rolled her eyes and started to run for the direction the person ran and Levi followed. They noticed the person slowing down a bit.

"Perfect! He's loosing energy!" Mikasa said. That's when Mikasa and Levi made their move and pounced onto the figure pinning them to the gound.

"Alright brat! Why did you run away!?" Levi yelled. They turned the figure over and Mikasa gasped. Levi cursed punching the ground looking away from the person.



My Idiot Titan BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now