Chapter 14

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Third-person POV

"Izuku, there's no rush," Inko laughed and leaned against the door frame. Midoriya's room was chaos. The brown wooden floor was full of clothes of different colors and sizes, and Inko's makeup products were everywhere on the carpet. "The school Halloween party doesn't start for hours." It was a Friday afternoon. Midoriya had just come home and started preparing for tonight's Halloween party. He was nervous. They had agreed with Todoroki to wear outfits, but Midoriya wasn't sure what to put on.

"Hmm, a zombie? What about All Might?" Midoriya muttered and dug his drawers.

"What about a ghost? It's an easy and fun outfit!" Inko suggested. Midoriya scratched his chin thoughtfully and sat down on the carpet.

"Hmm, that's not a bad idea," he said, crawling back to his drawer. He dug a white sheet and light brown pants and put them on. The sheet was too big and dragged on the ground. Inko laughed. She took the edge of the sheet and looked at it.

"I can sew it shorter," she nodded. Midoriya nodded back, and the big hood slid in front of his eyes. He took it off and gave it to his mother. Inko closed the door behind her and Midoriya sat down on his bed that creaked under his weight. He couldn't wait. Midoriya hasn't been to a party with a friend before. He fumbled his fingers. Todoroki had been so cool when he asked him to the party.  A small All Might clock clicked on the wall. Midoriya was completely in his thoughts. Todoroki could wear anything... He could be a zombie or some kind of monster. Midoriya laughed at his imagination. Everything would look good on Todoroki. Or he could be a firefighter... or a cop. He smiled to himself and began to list outfits in his notebook to spend time.

Aah, I can't wait!


Todoroki glanced at the clock. Its thin hands clicked loudly and echoed against the room's pale walls. The party would start at eight, so he still had a couple of hours. His velvety tie glowed with a burgundy color and his black tuxedo sat tightly against his skin. The red and white locks of hair had been pulled back with gel and a red diamond hung on his ear lobe. Todoroki stood in front of his mirror and lifted fake teeth off the table. They sat surprisingly comfortably and felt sturdy. Black leather shoes clomped against the floor as he took a couple of steps back. Todoroki raised his head and locked his gaze with his mirror image. He just stood there awkwardly. Was a vampire a good idea after all? It had been the first costume Todoroki had seen when he was looking for costume ideas online. He didn't want Midoriya to be disappointed, so he had to try his best. However, he was not quite sure of this decision. Those teeth, too, were some cheap pieces of plastic that were hanging on the "50% off" shelf in the mall's party store. He felt stupid. He felt like a vampire enemy from an old cliché horror movie, whose overdramatic robe dragged along an old castle's stone floor. What might Midoriya think about this? He turned his back to the mirror and glanced over his shoulder. The fabric against his back was tight and brought out the boy's broad shoulders well.

He turned around and took a deep breath. the dust particles laying on the table took off and the gust of wind took them away. Todoroki held out his pale hand and raised a crooked smile on his lips. He closed his eyes for a moment and opened them again. "Midoriya, may I have the pleasure of dancing with you?" he almost whispered and stared himself like a fool. He immediately regretted what he was doing and covered his shameful face with his hands. Maybe I'll just go to Midoriya's apartment now...


Midoriya was putting on his ghost costume when he heard the doorbell ring. It must be Todoroki, no one else would come here at this time. He hurried in front of his full-body mirror and began to flatten his hair that was pointing everywhere from his big hood. Inko had done a good job, as the robe was a perfect size and no longer dragged on the ground. "Ah, Todoroki!" Midoriya heard Inko open the door and greet him. "You look handsome!"

"Thank you." Todoroki's muffled voice answered and Midoriya heard the front door close.

"Izuku! Todoroki came!" Inko shouted behind his door and went back to hover around Todoroki. Midoriya checked his outfit once more and finally opened the door. He saw Todoroki standing on the living room's carpet and Inko stood next to him with a biscuit tray in her hand. She had baked fresh biscuits for Todoroki before he came and urged him to take more after each bite.

"Mom, don't fill Todoroki with food the second he steps inside," Midoriya scolded, but couldn't stop smiling. Todoroki didn't dare to say no, which is why he already had a pile of soft chocolate biscuits in his hand. Todoroki glanced at Midoriya and sent signals of thanks with his relieved gaze.

"Ah, I'm sorry Todoroki! I'm just so glad that Midoriya has someone to go to the party with," Inko smiled and walked back to the kitchen.

"You have a great outfit.  A ghost?" The boy, dressed as a vampire, pointed out and held out a biscuit. Midoriya accepted it gratefully.

"Mmh! Mom sewed it for me," the boy spun in place, fluttering the white sheet. "I'm guessing you're a vampire."

"Yeah, I couldn't think of anything else," he replied, embarrassingly straightening his jacket.

"I think it looks good though!" Midoriya praised. "I think that whatever outfit would have suited you." Todoroki smiled at this comment. He knew Midoriya was kind, but this was starting to get embarrassing.  And his mother was quite similar. Their behavior was identical. They also looked incredibly similar.

"Hey boys!" Inko glanced at the clock. "Leave already so that you make it on time." Midoriya looked at his watch and nodded. It wasn't a very long trip to school on foot, but you never know what could happen on the way. For the last time, Inko checked Midoriya's costume and made sure he had all the necessary things. She didn't want anything to be forgotten. Midoriya thought her mother cared too much but didn't bother to complain. His mother cared and that was the most important thing. "Don't be out too late," she said, her eyes were twinkling. She stroked his son's hood-covered head.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him," Todoroki joined the conversation. Inko smiled beautifully. She knew Todoroki would take care of him.

"There," she sighed as she had finally straightened the last wrinkles from Midoriya's robe. "Go already." Midoriya smiled at his mother.

After saying goodbye, the boys finally got to leave. The moon was already up and the air felt cool. One by one, small stars appeared in the dark sky. Usually, this neighborhood was quiet at this time, but today was an exception. The streets were full of young people dressed in different costumes, all on their way to the party. Midoriya saw zombies and a few All Might costumes. He also noticed that some child was wearing a pumpkin one. He laughed at it and Todoroki looked at him questioningly. Midoriya just shook his head and smiled. Todoroki nodded.

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