Chapter 24

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Third-person POV

"Hello and welcome!" the student council president shouted into the microphone. She was standing on the stage, wearing a long dress and a beautiful hairstyle. "I am glad that so many people have been able to come to our modest party," she raised her glasses, "and I'm honored to be a part of the planning of this party," she added solemnly. The hall was filled with enthusiastic shouts as well as applause. "First we dance with our partners. Our music has been given to us by our school band," the audience applauded as the band took the stage.

"Well, do you want to dance with me?" Todoroki asked a little clumsily as he held out his hand. The band had started playing. The song was calm, but still fast enough for dancing.

"This is just like the Halloween party," Midoriya laughed at the memory and grabbed Todoroki's hand. "I'd love to, sir." Todoroki placed his hand on Midoriya's lower back at just the right height. Midoriya, in turn, raised his hand and gently placed it on the boy's shoulder.

"I'm not as clumsy as I was last time," Todoroki snorted as he spun them around. Midoriya laughed. It sounded bright.

"I know, but it was cute, you being clumsy."

"Ugh don't remind me of that. I was redder than a tomato," Todoroki grinned at the memory. Midoriya smiled as he pressed his head to the longer boy's shoulder. Suddenly he noticed something. Midoriya quickly covered his mouth and shook a bit. "What is it?" Todoroki asked. "Are you feeling nauseous?"

"Turn around, and look," Midoriya said. Todoroki turned them around.

"Oh my God..."

Midoriya couldn't stop his laughter anymore. "It's Bakugou," Todoroki whispered, "he's dancing with someone." Midoriya nodded wildly. Bakugou had gotten on the dance floor and was now dancing with someone while looking very angry. On closer inspection, it was one of his group members, that little blond boy. He seemed to have ferocious strength as he had gotten Bakugou with him and got him into the dance position. He pulled Bakugou and spun him around.

"Idiot! Let go!" Bakugou rumbled.

"Hey hey, Bakugou! Have some fun!" his partner laughed and pulled him forward. The other students around them looked amused and some had their phones out.

"He looks like he's been forced," Todoroki muttered to himself.

"Is that what you think?" Midoriya laughed so hard that he had to grab Todoroki tighter to keep from collapsing on the floor. This party has been a success.


"Why did we come here?" Midoriya asked and almost stumbled on the doorstep. Todoroki said nothing and pulled him to the roof. "What about the party? There's a contest going on. Bakugou was so sure he would win," Midoriya said. Todoroki had dragged him there without saying a word when the dancing was over.

"This moment is important to us, so I want to make it a memorable one," he replied.

"What moment? Oh, this party? Don't worry. I've had fun with you, Shouto," Midoriya said innocently. He had no idea what Todoroki was going to do. The party had been great, he thought, and this evening could not get any better. Todoroki drew him to the fence, the same place they had stood on Halloween night.

"Izuku," Todoroki said. He had taken Midoriya's hands and squeezed them gently. "I've been waiting too long."

"What do you mean?" Midoriya rocked his head to the side in wonder. The city that opened behind them was bright, full of lights. It felt calm but also lively at the same time. Todoroki raised his other hand and small ice crystals began to float in the air. Midoriya looked around as Todoroki lifted the ice crystals and they began to change shape. First, they clung to each other and flowed over their heads. "That's..." Midoriya looked up.

"A mistletoe," Todoroki finished the sentence. "An icy mistletoe." Midoriya was speechless. He didn't know if he should cry or run away. He had seen this event so many times in series and movies.

"Is this our f-first..." Midoriya covered his mouth with his hand.

"Our first kiss," Todoroki pulled Midoriya's hand away. Midoriya's eyes filled with tears. He had wanted to do this for a long time, but never got a chance.

"Then don't wait any longer," he almost whispered. The warm tears had already begun to flow down his cheeks. They rolled down Todoroki's fingers as he stroked the younger boy's soft cheek.

And it was like an electric shock. It was hot as lava. Burning and boiling, over flooding. It was soft as cotton, addictive. Todoroki pressed his lips against Midoriya. They moved intermittently against each other. Their lips moved slowly, but there was still a tremendous amount of passion in it, a kind of accumulated longing that had now been unleashed. They couldn't stop. Midoriya's cheeks were red and his eyes were damp due to a lack of oxygen. He let out a voice and another, which made Todoroki's heart louder. 

When they finally broke away from each other, they were out of breath, red, and completely imprisoned in each other's eyes. Midoriya's lips were reddish and his lower lip had tooth marks. He seemed to be asleep, his eyes almost closed and his mouth slightly open. "Haha, look," Midoriya pointed up, "it's gone." Todoroki glanced up. The icy mistletoe was gone and snow crystals hovered around them.

"Looks like it," Todoroki laughed, "I guess I got a little carried away."


Author's note:
Hello, readers! I hope you enjoyed and were able to read through the whole story. I was really happy while writing this. This is a hobby where I can dive into the fictional world and create what I want. I love bnha characters and decided this time to do a story of two childhood friends, in this case: Midoriya and Todoroki. This has been a long process but I had fun while doing it. I don't know when I'm going to start writing my next story but hopefully soon. Thank you for your support!


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