Chapter 9

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Third-person POV

Midoriya ran the rest of the stairs and grabbed the door handle. "Hmm, it won't open," Midoriya muttered and tried again.

"It doesn't open?" Todoroki went up the stairs and stopped next to Midoriya. Midoriya shook his head and his green hair strands swung back and forth. Todoroki scratched his chin thoughtfully. He noticed a wooden bench leaning against an adjacent concrete wall. "We can sit on that bench," Todoroki suggested and sat down. Midoriya nodded and sat gently next to him. If one of them moved, even the slightest, their shoulders would touch. Todoroki felt his body freeze in place. He didn't know how eating with a friend could feel so exciting.

He decided to forget the whole thing and opened his lunch box. He hadn't brought anything special: rice and vegetables. They would be enough for him. Todoroki looked to his right and watched as Midoriya opened his own. His box was very colorful and plentiful. There were vegetables, rice, and meat. Everything you can imagine. Midoriya noticed him staring and smiled at him with a questioning look on his face. He took his chopsticks and picked up a piece of chicken from his box. "Here!" he said. Todoroki looked at the chicken piece and bowed. He gently took it in his mouth. Hmm, good.

Todoroki glanced at Midoriya. His eyes were large and glistening. Todoroki raised a pretty smile to his lips that made Midoriya's stomach feel twisted. Todoroki straightened his back and continued to eat his vegetables.


"Todoroki! Let's go home together!" Midoriya waved his hand and ran to him. School was over and Todoroki was changing his shoes at the lockers. He nodded and they walked towards the school gates. The sun was shining and the trees' final leaves were hovering down on the frosty lawn. Midoriya looked eager as always. Todoroki liked that about him. He was always positive and ready to play. Todoroki was never bored with him. The air was warm, so they decided to go to the park. The park was along their way home and was especially beautiful in the summer. Midoriya had said he went with his mother to plant flowers there last summer. Maybe that's why it was always in such good shape: the residents of this city cared about the environment. They stepped in front of the park gate. It was empty and quiet. This was a good thing. At least Todoroki was now able to be at peace here. Midoriya giggled eagerly and ran first towards the swings. He threw his backpack on the icy lawn and threw himself on the red swing. The swing was high and the boy could not get his feet on the ground. He tried to get the swing moving, but it wasn't working. He was still so very short. "Todoroki, can you give a boost?" he asked.

Todoroki sighed and threw his backpack next to Midoriya's. Of course, he would help. That was self-evident. He circled behind Midoriya and took a firm grip on his back. "Hold on," Todoroki warned and pushed. Midoriya felt like he was flying. He giggled loudly as he rose up to the sky.

"Aah, Todoroki!" he laughed and squeezed the swing chains tightly. Midoriya waved his legs and watched as the ground beneath him became smaller and smaller. Todoroki pushed a few more times and waited until Midoriya's pace stopped. "Why did you stop?" the boy asked and jumped down from the swing.

"I didn't want you to feel too nauseous," Todoroki replied, pushing his hands into his pockets.

"You worry too much."


Midoriya smiled. He always smiled. Whenever Todoroki saw him, he smiled. If only that smile would never fade away. Todoroki stopped dreaming when he noticed Midoriya's hands. They were reddish and dry-looking. "Where are your mittens?" Todoroki asked. He remembered Midoriya wearing gloves when they arrived at school.

"They're in my backpack. I didn't think I needed them, because you don't either," he said innocently, pointing at Todoroki's bare hands. Todoroki slapped himself mentally. He didn't think Midoriya would imitate his actions. Todoroki sighed and walked in front of the younger boy. He took Midoriya's hands in his own and squeezed them tenderly. That way Midoriya's hands wouldn't be as cold. His hands were small and delicate. And as Todoroki had guessed, they were as cold as ice. How could he look so happy while his hands practically dying? Silly boy.

"You need to remember that I too can be thoughtless every now and then. So don't do things that could be dangerous to you," Todoroki said, staring into Midoriya's emerald-colored eyes.

The boy smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Todoroki."

"Ah? Deku?"

Todoroki and Midoriya turned their heads. Bakugou stood at the park gate. His pants were way too low and his fluffy blond hair fluttered in every direction. He looked first at Midoriya, then at Todoroki, and finally into their hands. Todoroki narrowed his eyes. He didn't know why, but he didn't like Bakugou that much. "Hey, Kacchan!" Midoriya exclaimed happily and raised a wide smile on his lips. "What are you doing here?"

Bakugou looked at the boys, an irritated look on his face, and retorted, "I was going home, obviously." He glanced once more at their hands and looked at them with disgust spread on his face. "What are you doing? That's weird."

Todoroki looked expressionlessly at Bakugou but didn't let go. On the contrary; he only tightened his grip even more. "I got cold, so Todoroki decided to help," Midoriya said innocently, rocking his head to the side. Bakugou clicked his tongue loudly and walked away. Todoroki could have sworn he heard Bakugou mutter something about him but decided to ignore it. It didn't matter anyway. "You can let go already. I'm already warm," Midoriya assured. Todoroki understood and let go. "However, I'll take the mittens, as there's a chance that I could get a cold," he said, squatting in front of his backpack. Todoroki nodded. Midoriya's health was really important. "Hmm? Where are they?" Midoriya asked in wonder and rummaged through his backpack. Todoroki squatted next to the boy and peeked into his backpack.

"Did you leave them at school?" Todoroki wondered. The mittens had disappeared.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I can always pick them up tomorrow," Midoriya said with a positive attitude. He knows how to turn bad things into more positive ones. "However, we have to go home now because I haven't told my mom where I am," he said and threw his backpack on his back. Todoroki nodded and followed Midoriya to the sidewalk. "And besides, for what do I need mittens for when..." Midoriya muttered and took Todoroki's hand, "when I have you." Todoroki could have sworn he would already be on fire if his ice quirk hadn't stopped him. Todoroki decided to take a look at the boy. He smiled back and took a tighter grip on Midoriya's small and soft hand.

Hopefully, we can be friends in middle school, too.

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