Chapter 22

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Third-person POV

"Boys, I-" the door opened. Inko walked in. Everyone froze in place. Todoroki was kneeling with his arms around Midoriya's wrists and Midoriya was lying under him. Inko's eyes widened. The boys had never seen her so surprised. After a quiet and awkward silence, Midoriya gently kicked Todoroki's leg as a sign that it was time to get up. Todoroki startled, and quickly sat up. "What are you doing?" Inko asked with a flat voice. She was holding a tray with two sandwiches and apple juice.

"Mom, I can explain," Midoriya shook his hands wildly. His cheeks were fiery red. The situation was clearly embarrassing for all of them. They were all thinking the same thing: the boys had been caught. It was unlikely that Inko would have thought they were simply wrestling. They were so close and Midoriya's reaction had revealed everything. Todoroki clenched his fist. This was what Midoriya had feared. Now everything would be over. Todoroki's parents would find out and he would most likely get grounded for at least a month. They certainly wouldn't let him meet Midoriya anymore - after all, he was a threat to Todoroki's future. Inko leaned gently on the door frame. She wrapped her arms around the tray.

"Do you have anything to say to me," she smiled. That smile didn't seem forced or fake. It was that same Inko's gentle mother's smile that she used around them. You couldn't lie in front of her. Midoriya glanced anxiously at Todoroki. The boy looked back at him calmly. Todoroki didn't panic. This was it. They should tell the truth.

"Mom..." Midoriya began, "me and Todoroki..." his voice was weak and a little fearful. Todoroki raised his hand to the boy's shoulder and gave it an encouraging squeeze. Go ahead. He messaged with his gaze. Midoriya swallowed. "We're dating," he said hoarsely. "We haven't been for long though, but we're serious." Inko looked at his son, who sat humbly on his knees in front of her. The boy seemed scared, but also a little relieved. He had finally been allowed to reveal this secret, and it no longer pressed on his mind.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Inko asked, pushing her hair behind her ear. Why did you hide this from me? That was the only thing Midoriya heard. Why? Why couldn't he tell his own mother about these things. Midoriya opened his mouth but said nothing. Now it was Todoroki's turn to speak.

"We were afraid... I was afraid my parents would know," his expression was serious, sharp even. He clenched his fist. "You know my father? Hero Endeavor," he swallowed, "I don't know how he would react. I don't even want to know." Todoroki sighed.

"So you want me to not tell your parents about this?" Inko asked. She lowered her tray on Midoriya's desktop.

"If that's okay. I'm not ready yet. And I don't think my father is either. However, I can't force you," he said resolutely. Midoriya noticed how the longer boy's hands had begun to tremble. He was brave, but was still a child inside. This was certainly difficult for him. Inko smiled gently and squatted in front of the boys. She lowered both her hands onto the boys' heads.

"Don't worry about that, Todoroki," she said to Todoroki first, "I'm not saying anything until you're ready." Inko fluttered the boy's hair, causing the red and white parts to mix. "And Izuku," she turned to his son, "I understand why you didn't tell me right away. And I understand that this can be difficult for you. However, I want you to know that I support you in everything. And I want you to be able to talk to me about everything that weighs on your mind. " Midoriya's eyes were damp. They almost sparkled. He grabbed his mother's hand and dropped it on his cheek. He squeezed his mother's hand. He felt relieved. Relieved that his mother accepted him as he was. Relieved that she had respected Todoroki's wish. Grateful he had a mother who loved him deeply.

"Thank you, mom," he smiled, almost laughed and plunged into a hug. Inko laughed lightly as she leaned back from the boy's weight. After a strong squeeze, Inko looked up. Todoroki was still on his knees, but looked clearly more relaxed.

"Come on, Todoroki," she held out her hand. Todoroki looked at it with hesitation. After a moment, he decided to grab it and felt Inko pull him into a tight hug. They were both both in her warm embrace, and Todoroki couldn't help but smile. Inko had accepted them, and they no longer had to hide it. "Well, boys!" Inko clasped her hands together as the boys withdrew from the hug. "I brought you snacks, so eat before you go to bed." The boys nodded and Inko closed the door behind her.


Weeks had passed since the weekend's events. Time seemed to run fast and days passed quickly. Bakugou hadn't revealed to others about the boys' relationship. Because of this, they could live without having to be bothered about others' opinions. Todoroki continued to receive love confessions during breaks, but made them stop after saying that he was already with someone. It had snowed heavily and the holiday season was just around the corner.

"Uuh, it's so cold," Midoriya shook his shoulders. He rubbed his arms and pressed his beanie deeper over his eyes.

"You won't be able to see anything if you lower it like that," Todoroki remarked as he walked beside him. He had to pull the boy by the sleeve so he wouldn't collide with a street pole. "Be careful, Midoriya."

"Izuku!" Midoriya raised his hat. "It's Izuku! You can't call me by last name when we're dating," he told him. "We've been dating for a long time." Midoriya growled.

"Sorry," Todoroki smiled.

When they arrived at school, they noticed a poster in a pole. "Look, Shouto! A winter dance party," Midoriya said excitedly and pointed to the poster. His scarf was sliding to the floor from his shoulder. Todoroki had already taken off his own coat and was now lifting Midoriya's clothes off the school floor.

"Hmm," Todoroki replied, without looking at the poster. He tried to push both of their clothes into the small lockers.

"And you can go there with a partner! We have to go together," Midoriya pulled the boy by the sleeve. Other students had also noticed the poster and an eager atmosphere filled the corridors. Everyone seemed excited about this. Some were already thinking about their dance partners and some about clothes. The school had clearly woken up everyone's enthusiasm. "We have to try on the suits to see if they still fit. Oh and I have to ask Mom to take us there with her car," Midoriya muttered, still clinging to Todoroki's sleeve. Todoroki slammed the locker doors shut and wiped his warm forehead. Now he, too, glanced at the poster. The celebration would be held on Saturday in the school ballroom. There would be dancing and good food.

"Fine by me," he nodded and lifted Midoriya's backpack from the floor. "Is Inko going to take us there?"

Midoriya took the backpack and threw it on his back. It seemed heavy and the boy had to lean his upper body to the side. "Yeah. I'll ask, but I think it should be okay." Todoroki nodded. Honestly, he was a little excited to go to a party with Midoriya. He didn't know what the others would think if the two boys went together, and even danced.

Midoriya seemed very excited about this, and he didn't even seem to remember that others didn't know about their relationship yet.

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