Chapter 18

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Third-person POV

"Let's not tell our parents yet," Midoriya said. Todoroki looked at him, wondering what he meant. He didn't think that Inko would be bothered if they were together. On the other hand, Todoroki didn't know how his parents would react to this.

"What do you mean?"

Midoriya sighed deeply. "I don't want your parents to get mad at you," He lowered his other hand, "I want to tell Mom! In fact, I can't wait to brag about you."

Todoroki laughed.

"But I don't know how your parents would react." Midoriya was right. Endeavor was very strict about what Todoroki did. He wanted to guarantee to his son the most successful future possible, both in his superhero career and in his family. He certainly wanted Todoroki to have a beautiful wife with whom they would have beautiful children. The children's quirks also mattered. They had to be powerful and better than anyone else's. But Midoriya had no quirk.

"I understand your worries, I'm a little scared too. But we're still young and we have time to warm them up," Todoroki comforted with a crooked smile on his lips. His vampire's teeth peeked between his lips.

Midoriya laughed, which made Todoroki's heart flutter. "You look pretty dorky with those teeth," he said, wiping tears from his eyes. Todoroki frowned and touched his sharp canines.

"Hey, c'mon. They cost almost 500 yen. That shop almost robbed me."

Midoriya laughed even harder at Todoroki's comment, and the vampire couldn't stop smiling.

"Well, your outfit isn't even that scary. Boo ~" Todoroki said and tickled Midoriya's sides.

"Oh no-" Midoriya laughed and squirmed in Todoroki's grip. When Todoroki was done, the boys were out of breath and had to take a short break. "See you on Sunday," Midoriya smiled. His cheeks shone red like peaches.

"Yeah, see you on Sunday," Todoroki repeated and watched as the little ghost turned and walked towards his home.


"Izuku, the dinner's ready!" Inko shouted from the kitchen. It was dinner time and a delicious fish scent hovered in the air. Inko hummed to herself happily and wiped her wet hands on her apron. She had already covered the table with plates, chopsticks, and handkerchiefs. Only Midoriya was missing. "Izuku," she repeated and took off her pink apron. Still no answer. Midoriya had not left his room all day. He had behaved a little strangely after Friday's party. "Izuku?" Inko opened the boy's door. The room was chaos. Clothes were thrown to the floor and a wooden table was full of notebooks that were full of scribbles. The boy was nowhere to be seen. "Hey Izu-" Inko stopped when she heard a rattle from the large wardrobe. She turned and slowly opened the door that was filled with posters. And there, among all the garments, sat Midoriya. His position looked uncomfortable. "What are you doing?" Inko asked with an astonished look on her face.

"Mom, I can't find anything to wear," Midoriya complained miserably. Inko smiled benevolently and lowered on her knees - right on the level of Midoriya's eyes. "Why are you stressing about clothes? It's just Todoroki." Midoriya bit nervously his lips. He wanted to tell his mother. He couldn't wait to present his new and first boyfriend. But he couldn't. Inko never meant anything bad, but she could get too excited about it and accidentally reveal it to others. And then it wouldn't take long for the news to reach Todoroki's parents. Midoriya sighed.

"I know, but I want to make a good impression," he said, muttering. Inko gently lowered her hand on top of the boy's green head.

"Don't worry. I know Todoroki likes you just the way you are. And friends don't judge each other," Inko comforted, "put these on!" she lifted jeans and a bright yellow All Might hoodie from the floor. "You like All Might and this is your favorite hoodie. And being in your favorite clothes will relax and make you feel comfortable." Midoriya looked at the hoodie. The temptation was strong. He loved that hoodie - it was so warm and cool!

"All right," Midoriya finally gave in. Inko smiled and helped the boy out of the cramped closet. "Come to eat. It's not a good idea to eat candy with an empty stomach," she said before closing the door behind her. Midoriya was excited. Today was finally Sunday and they had agreed with Todoroki to go to the movies together. He couldn't wait to hear everything about Todoroki's basketball game. He was so tall and good at sports.

"What time are you coming home?"  Inko asked as Midoriya sat down.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. We haven't chosen the movie yet so we don't know the exact times," Midoriya replied.  He put some fish and chopped vegetables on his plate.  Inko raised her other eyebrow.

"Don't be out too late."

"Don't worry, Mom," Midoriya took a piece of fish with his chopsticks, "we'll come home when the movie ends." Inko's face relaxed.  She knew Midoriya was a good boy, had always been, and wouldn't do anything bad.

"Well, alright," Inko wiped her mouth and began digging her purse. "Here," she said, handing out 2,000 yen, "with this you can buy a ticket and something sweet."

"Thank you, Mom," Midoriya smiled and put the money in his pocket. Then the doorbell rang. Midoriya's expression brightened. He left the rest of his food on the plate and hurried to the door. "Hey!"

"Hey," Todoroki replied as Midoriya opened the door. "Are you ready?"

"Mmhm," Midoriya nodded and almost ran to get his backpack.

"Carefully Izuku!" Inko said anxiously, "hey Todoroki. Have you eaten yet?" The boy nodded and slid his hands in his jacket's pockets. Inko was considerate, but Todoroki was still a bit stiff near her.

"Ok, let's go!" Midoriya said eagerly, a red backpack on his back.

"Bring Izuku home safely," Inko fluttered Todoroki's hair and leaned against the door frame. Todoroki nodded and waved his hand.

"Let's go, let's go!" Midoriya took Todoroki by his sleeve and began to pull him towards the busy city.


"The Skull Breaker?" Midoriya read from a movie theater poster, "Always yours?"

"Oh, a romantic movie?" Todoroki raised his other eyebrow.

"No, I cry in them too much," Midoriya sighed, "let's watch a horror movie. Maybe this one," Midoriya pointed to the Skull breaker poster in which a serial killer posed with a hammer.


The boys stood in front of the movie theater counter and looked at the movie posters. Midoriya had a large candy bag in his arms. The candy shop's owner's face was unforgettable when Midoriya had slammed the bag to the counter. Todoroki had a bottle of water and popcorn. "Where would you like to sit?" the perky ticket seller asked.

"In the last row, please," Todoroki replied in a quiet voice.

"Alright!" the girl smiled. She chose the seats on the screen. She raised her head and her blonde ponytail swung back and forth. "There you go! Theater 2 is at the end of the hallway."

"Thank you," Todoroki took the tickets and guided Midoriya toward the door, giving a gentle push to his back.

"Why did you choose the seats from the back?" Midoriya asked.

"Hmm, who knows," Todoroki replied expressionlessly.

"Ah, I can't wait for the movie to begin!" Midoriya gasped as they sat in their seats. There weren't that many people in the theater. Perhaps horror movies were no longer popular after Halloween. No one was sitting next to them. A small but noticeable smile spread across Todoroki's lips. Alone with Midoriya. This is the best.

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