Chapter 16

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Third-person POV

Hmm, so this is the so-called "slow dance".

Todoroki looked around and glanced at Midoriya. Midoriya pulled nervously his white robe. His face was hidden, facing the floor, and his green bangs peeked under the pale hood. "Hey, Midoriya," Todoroki said, almost whispered. Midoriya jumped by the unexpected sound. "Do you maybe want to... dance?" the vampire asked. He saw others dancing too, so maybe Midoriya would also like to try. Dancing interested Todoroki, but he didn't know how to do it. He didn't even know if friends usually danced with each other this way. Midoriya raised his head and his red face peeked under his hood.

"Dance? With me?" he asked as if he didn't understand what the other boy had said to him. Todoroki nodded. "Alright," Midoriya muttered quietly. Maybe friends danced together. After all, Midoriya wouldn't have agreed otherwise. Todoroki took a step closer and copied what the couple next to him did. He grabbed Midoriya by the waist and slowly pulled him closer. Midoriya lowered his hand on Todoroki's chest while being a little confused. Their position was awkward and a little cramped. They just stood there, neither of them saying a word. After a while, Midoriya slowly wrapped his arms around Todoroki's neck and looked at the floor. They began to move slowly, in a small circle to the beat of the music. They could both smell each other this close. Todoroki's perfume made Midoriya calm down, which made the dancing more natural. Midoriya's back was soft and small under Todoroki's hands. He was so small and Todoroki wanted to protect him. His hands slid along the shorter boy's back. One couple next to them started kissing. Todoroki looked at them confused. Do you have to do that while dancing? But friends don't kiss, do they? Midoriya also seemed to notice what was happening next to them and quickly turned his head away.

Bakugou leaned against the wall and watched as the other students swung in front of him. His gang had taken over the corner where they could chat in peace. None of them had a dance pair, so they just stood there awkwardly side by side. They had all dressed as wolves, but none of them had invested as much in their costumes as Bakugou. "Hm. Why don't any of us have a partner?" one of the boys with blond hair whined and leaned lazily on another boy next to him.

"I don't know, maybe because of your face. And don't lean on me!" the boy next to him said and tried to push him farther.

"Unfair! A lot of girls asked you and you didn't agree!" the blonde continued complaining and stared at the dancing couples.

"Hmm," the other boy replied briefly. Bakugou rolled his eyes. It would have been nice if he had gotten a partner, but for some reason, other students seemed to avoid him. And he wasn't going to ask anyone to dance with him. He didn't want to be the one who had to lower his head and ask someone else for something. So here he was. Standing in a corner with five other guys while others danced. Bakugou stared at the crowd and suddenly his eyes widened. He noticed red and white hair and someone dancing in his embrace. His partner was short and their white hood covered their face. Bakugou noticed something green peeking underneath it and was unable to believe his eyes. He saw Todoroki dancing with Midoriya. Todoroki's arms were wrapped around the boy and Midoriya almost hung around the vampire's neck.

"-ugou! Bakugou!" Bakugou turned his head. The blond boy stared at him and waved his hands in front of Bakugou's eyes. Another slightly taller boy stood beside him. "What are you just standing there? I almost started to worry when you didn't react to Aki's and my quarrel," he said. Bakugou turned his gaze elsewhere and snorted loudly. Who cares.


After the dance, Midoriya lowered his arms. Dancing with Todoroki had been fun and Midoriya would like to try it again sometime. However, he didn't want to seem too enthusiastic. Otherwise, Todoroki might think he likes him or something crazy like that. Midoriya took a step back, but something stopped him. He touched his back and noticed that Todoroki had still not let go. The music was already over and the band was preparing for a new song. Midoriya turned red. "Todoroki," he cleared his throat and Todoroki returned to reality.

"Aah, sorry," he said and let go. The boys stood there for a moment. Neither knew how they should act in this situation. "Your cheeks are red. Are you too hot? We can go to the roof," Todoroki suggested. Fortunately, Todoroki is sometimes so unaware of his surroundings. Midoriya sighed in relief and nodded.

"Yes, please."


The sky was dark, almost black, and was lightened up by millions of stars. It was windy and cold. Winter was coming. The roof's heavy door opened and slammed close. The boys walked to the edge lined with a light metal fence. They leaned against it and it creaked under their weight. Midoriya pressed his hood deeper in front of his face. His face was no longer burning red. He filled his lungs with fresh air. It felt good after the gym's fusty and warm air. "Hmm, should we be here?" Midoriya asked, looking anxiously at the door. Todoroki scratches his pale chin thoughtfully.

"At least there was no sign on it that we couldn't. And I don't think we'll get caught," he replied while his red and white locks of hair rolled over his eyes. The gel had started to wear out and was no longer strong enough to hold his hair in place. Todoroki sighed and pulled his hair back, away from his eyes.

"I thought that dancing was nice," Midoriya smiled. He wrapped his fingers around the fence. "It was the first time for me." Todoroki tapped his black heels.

"Didn't it bother you that we got some judgmental looks?" Even though the boys had tried to blend into the crowd, they were still eye-catching. They were the only boy couple there. Midoriya shook his head gently.

"It doesn't matter what others think. As long as I have you." Todoroki smiled at this. His heartbeat quickened, and he was happy to be Midoriya's friend.

"You were really cute back there," Todoroki said innocently. Midoriya froze in place. His freckled face flushed with red.

"Stop Todoroki. My heart won't last if you keep talking like that..."

"What do you mean? Do you have to go to the nurse's office?"

"No, Todoroki... my heart is just starting to beat really fast and my hands are starting to sweat."

"I'm not a doctor, but I'd say you have a fever."

Midoriya laughed. "No, you're wrong."

"I don't quite understand Midoriya."

Midoriya turned to look at Todoroki. His eyes looked damp. A gust of wind gently waved his green bangs. He looks so... perfect. The ghost opened his little peach-colored lips and said the words they both subconsciously wanted to hear,

"I like you, Todoroki."

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