Chapter 5

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Third-person POV

"Hey Todoroki, is your quirk ice?" Midoriya asked excitedly and turned around. He had seen Todoroki's ice sculptures in the sky but still wanted to make sure. Todoroki kicked the sand thoughtfully. He was silent for a moment. He didn't like to talk about his quirk. It was only for his father, who wanted Todoroki to be a great hero. He understood that people were interested in other people's quirks. He could not deny it. He had to admit, they are interesting, but still hard to talk about. Midoriya raised his other eyebrow in astonishment. Didn't Todoroki want to talk about it?

"Sorry, shouldn't have asked," Midoriya apologized. He seemed to be sorry. But Todoroki couldn't blame him. Midoriya is very interested in heroes, so having an interest in quirks is only natural.

"No, don't apologize. My quirk is both ice and fire," Todoroki said monotonously and raised his hand. On his palm, were beautiful and shimmering ice crystals dancing with the cool breeze. He let the ice swirl around and finally sprayed cool ice mist into the sky. He liked this part of his quirk. The ice was magical.

Todoroki turned his gaze to the other hand and activated a fire. The palm began to sparkle and bang. The fire broke furiously and shone as red as a million rubies. Todoroki looked at the fire disgustingly and squeezed his hand to a fist, crushing the aggressive flame. He hated it. It was just a memory of his father which would never go away.

"Wow!" Midoriya exclaimed his eyes glowing and clenched his hands excitedly. "So awesome Todoroki!"

Todoroki smiled. He didn't like his quirk, but it wouldn't hurt to show it if Midoriya liked it so much. "What is your quirk?" Todoroki asked and slipped his hands into his pockets. Midoriya froze and the sparks in his eyes seemed to burn out. Todoroki's heart seemed to miss a beat. Had he said something he should not have said? Midoriya's eyes became slightly damp and his mouth twitched. He shook his head and wiped his eyes to the sleeve of his shirt. He can't cry now.

"I don't have one," Midoriya forced a smile on his lips and held on the hem of his shirt.

Todoroki was feeling weird. It was as if he had been struck directly to the chest with a large metal bar. He wasn't meant to hurt Midoriya. He had just wanted to see his beautiful smile when he would excitedly explain his quirk. But Todoroki had asked something that hurt the boy deeply.

"I'm sorry," Todoroki said quickly, trying to save the situation. He had just recently presented his powers to a boy who would not have the opportunity to do so. For a boy who just wanted to be like his role model All Might, a hero who saves those who can't protect themselves. Midoriya wanted to save the world, but he couldn't. Midoriya's chances of becoming a superhero were less than zero. He didn't have something that the majority of the population already had. Even his mother had a quirk.

Midoriya shook his head again and tried to stop his leaking tears. However, the attempt was in vain. Soon thick and heavy tears began to flow along the boy's red cheeks. Todoroki was certainly the worst person in the world to think about it, but Midoriya cried pretty often. Todoroki began to panic internally after seeing Midoriya burst into tears. He tried to stop it, but nothing seemed to help. Todoroki tried to think about what would get the boy in a better mood.

After a moment, he finally came up with something. Todoroki snapped his fingers and pointed his hand towards Midoriya. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Soon ice crystals began to form in the air. Todoroki frowned and focused all his thoughts on his hands. This required a full concentration. He didn't usually use his quirk so much at once, but Midoriya's thoughts had to get elsewhere. Todoroki exhaled and large streams of ice flew from his hands toward the boy standing in front of him. Midoriya startled and closed his eyes. Soon a cold icy mist would hit him.

However, nothing happened. Midoriya cautiously opened his other eye and noticed how the ice hadn't hit him but circled around him. Midoriya's small eyes widened. He turned around in the direction the ice had been directed. Todoroki closed his eyes tightly and concentrated all his strength on the pond. When the ice finally hit the surface, it began to freeze. The water first froze from a small area and soon spread throughout the pond, completely covering it. Todoroki sighed deeply and held his head. He had not used his quirk for such a wide area before. This took a lot of effort. He opened his eyes to watch Midoriya's reaction, for that was what he was most interested in. Midoriya looked at Todoroki in amazement and had stopped crying. Todoroki sighed in relief. Midoriya stopped crying. Good.

Midoriya stared at Todoroki with his mouth open and his eyes began to twinkle with sparkles. "Wow, Todoroki! You're awesome!" Midoriya exclaimed and jumped up and down. "How did you do that?"

Todoroki watched as Midoriya turned excitedly and ran towards the edge of the ice. He squatted and touched it.

"Wow..." Midoriya sighed. "Can you walk on it?"Todoroki had not previously frozen such a large area, so he wasn't sure if it would take the human weight. On the other hand, he wanted to get Midoriya in a better mood. And the boy looks pretty light, so maybe it was okay.

Todoroki measured the ice for another moment and finally stated, "I think it will last."

"Yes!" Midoriya exclaimed excitedly and gently touched the surface of the ice with his toe. He gathered enough courage and stepped on the slippery ice. I can stand on it!

Midoriya stared at the ice and took a couple of steps forward. "Todoroki! Todoroki look!" the boy exclaimed happily and spread out his small hands. He giggled, sliding gently along the ice.

Todoroki sighed deeply and sat down on the sand. He seems to be fine. Even the ice looks pretty stable and didn't crack under the boy's weight. Todoroki wasn't very good with people, and in comforting others. He just came up with the idea and didn't even have time to think after he had already activated his quirk. Fortunately, Midoriya was not frightened by it, but vice versa.

Todoroki rubbed his neck. This was tough. Friends seem to require quite a bit of work. Todoroki was just a kid, so he didn't have much experience with friends. He didn't know what friends were doing together or how they showed affection. But maybe Midoriya could teach him. He seemed very optimistic and got along with his peers. Midoriya still hung out with Todoroki, even though he wasn't the best company to be around.

Todoroki looked at Midoriya. He was immersed in his thoughts and hadn't remembered to watch him. Midoriya slid on the ice. It looked like he had been skating for years. Thousands of ice crystals and streams danced around him, causing the little green-haired boy to sparkle. Todoroki promised himself not to leave Midoriya alone, but to remain his friend. He usually didn't care about others, but there was something different about that boy. Was it a desire for protection or something else? This Todoroki did not understand.


Todoroki startled and focused back on Midoriya.


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