Chapter 20

283 12 4

Third-person POV

"Let's start dating!" The girl exclaimed. Todoroki blinked. He felt stupid, not knowing how to react. "Todoroki?" the red sports bag slid along the boy's shoulder. Midoriya took support from a nearby tree and listened intently.

"Who are you?" he asked. The girl seemed surprised.

"We talk every day, between classes. I'm in a different grade," the girl smiled. Todoroki nodded. He still couldn't remember who this student was, but he no longer wanted to bring it up.

"Sorry, but I can't date you." Midoriya let go of his backpack in relief and only now realized that he hadn't breathed for a moment. The girl clenched her fists.

"Why? You aren't even dating anyone. Why do you always reject everyone who asks? You always just hang out with that green-haired boy," his voice vibrated as he spoke. Midoriya bit his lower lip. He felt bad. The girl was right. In their spare time, Todoroki was only with Midoriya, and Todoroki never talked about girls. "Why don't you give me a chance?"

"I'm sorry, but..." Todoroki said hesitantly. Revealing things would make her stop, but it felt like too much risk. He didn't want to stress Midoriya by telling her about their relationship, but he felt bad about lying. "I'm sorry, but I'm already dating someone," he said after a while. The words from his mouth were confident and fearless.

"Who? You're never with anyone but that short boy."

"His height is perfectly normal, thank you," Todoroki said, a little hurt. Midoriya smiled when he heard that. Todoroki was far too kind. "Sorry, but I have to go now," he waved his hand at the girl, who was stunned and looked in front of her not knowing what to do. "Oh, Midoriya," Todoroki said, a little frightened when he noticed the boy standing behind a nearby tree. "How much did you hear?"

"Just enough," Midoriya smiled happily. "Let's go home," he gently pulled the sleeve of Todoroki's black jacket, causing the boy to jerk. Todoroki didn't object.


"Do you want to sleep over today?" Midoriya asked, leaning on his hand. It was Friday and the boys were sitting in an empty classroom as usual. The windows were foggy after mild frost had spread on them.

"At your place?" Todoroki looked up from the red superhero booklet he had borrowed the other day from Midoriya. Midoriya had made a lot of markings and accurate drawings on it. It looked colorful and cool.

"Mhmm," Midoriya nodded. He lowered his head to the desk and his hair swayed softly. "Do you not want to?"

"I want to," Todoroki said resolutely. Of course he would sleep over at Midoriya's, he didn't hesitate at all. "Did you ask Inko?"

"Not yet, but I think it will work. She likes you," Midoriya smiled from behind his arms. Todoroki laughed. Inko had always been very gentle to Todoroki, even when Todoroki was a quiet little child. He couldn't talk with strangers at the time. But today things were different. He already knew Inko quite well and trusted her. Midoriya was also pleased. He was happy that his two closest people got along.

"Alright. I have to go home first," he began scrolling the red booklet.

"Do you need help," the smaller boy asked. Todoroki shook his head.

"No need. I can also bring candy from the store."

"You know you don't need to," Midoriya sighed dramatically, "I can ask Mom to buy us something."

Todoroki snorted, supposedly annoyed. "I'll buy the sweets and that's for sure."

"Well, then I'll rent the movie," Midoriya straightened his back. He looked like a spoiled child who didn't get what he wanted.

"All right, Captain," Todoroki smiled and made an honorable greeting.

"Mmhm, and give that notebook," Midoriya tried to reach for the notebook in Todoroki's hand, "there's embarrassing stuff you don't want to see."

"You know that just piqued my interest even more," Todoroki smiled, "is there anything about me?" Midoriya's cheeks blushed redder than fresh apples. He looked so embarrassed. Todoroki felt his neck get warmer as Midoriya avoided his gaze and tried to hide his face.

"Just give it to me," Midoriya grabbed the notebook from Todoroki's tender grip. He opened his red backpack and shoved it as deep as he could. "You handle the candy, I'll get the movie," Midoriya recalled. He dropped his oversized backpack on his lap and peeked timidly behind it. He seemed like a fearful animal trying to get food from a human.

"All right," Todoroki smiled teasingly. His eyes gleamed under his long bangs, causing Midoriya's chest to squeeze into a pile.


"Izuku, I feel like you've been behaving weird lately," Inko said, leaning on the boy's door. She had noticed something different in him and didn't want to break the boy's privacy by breaking into his room whenever she wanted. "Is everything okay?" Midoriya was buried under his blanket and gripped tightly on his All Might pillow. He was nervous. Today, Midoriya was having a sleepover with his friend - no, with his boyfriend. There were butterflies in his stomach that didn't want to calm down.

"I'm fine," Midoriya exclaimed and smiled at his pillow.

"I guess you aren't bullied?" Inko asked worriedly. Her hand touched the boy's door handle. Midoriya stood up. A thick blanket dropped from his head. Inko opened the door. "You've been very nervous today."

"No -- Mom. Believe me, everything is fine," Midoriya smiled. "Todoroki is coming today." Inko's expression softened. Todoroki wouldn't hurt him, nor would he let others bully him.

"I thought so. I rented the movie you asked for on the way," Inko sat down next to the almost shaky boy. Midoriya had asked for a horror movie, which was surprising and it took a while before he got his mother convinced to rent it. He was no longer a child and was old enough to watch it.

"He's not just coming over. He's going to sleep over!" Midoriya raised his arms in the air.

"A sleepover? Well, alright, but don't stay up too late," Inko stroked the boy's green hair. Inko understood now. Midoriya had been so excited to see Todoroki that he couldn't leave his room. "Have you finished setting the bed?"

"Not yet, but soon. I'll get him a mattress from the storage."

Inko nodded. "What do you want for dinner?" Midoriya hadn't thought about that.

"Make something good! Noodles! Or maybe even pizza," the boy suggested.

"I'll see what I can find. And clean your room Izuku. Todoroki wouldn't want to sleep in such a messy room," Inko told him, pointing to the desk filled with superhero notebooks and a pile of clothes in front of the closet.

"Yes, I'll get everything done before Todoroki comes. I promise."

"Well if you say so," the woman said amused, and stood up. "I'm in the kitchen if you need anything." And she left. Midoriya threw himself on his back as the door slammed shut. Their first sleepover... They could do so much together! They could play games, watch a movie and talk about superheroes.

So awesome!

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