Chapter 7

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Third-person POV

"Can I go already?" Todoroki asked, bored while changing his ice and fire quirks. The training was nearly over, and Todoroki could not have been less interested in quirk exercises. He would have preferred to be outside in the silence of the forest when it wasn't too cold there yet. Even the fall vacation threatened to end soon, which would mean the school would continue. On the other hand, school was pretty fun, because then he didn't have to be home listening to his father's complaints. Todoroki was always so stubborn, not doing his exercises properly. He was just a child and wanted to explore and go on adventures in the backyard woods like normal kids.

"Once again," Endeavor said sharply. Todoroki sighed heavily and closed his eyes once more. He first concentrated all his strength on his other hand, from which a large ice statue rose into the air. It meandered calmly in the air and brought a cool wind around them.

Next, Todoroki focused on his other hand, from which a large flame of fire plunged. It radiated and sparked furiously. Todoroki swept his hand and a flame of fire surrounded the ice statue, melting it in seconds.

Todoroki felt sweat drops rolling down his forehead but ignored them. His father would never let him go if this failed. As soon as the flames went out and the water evaporated, Todoroki reactivated his ice quirk and froze the water vapor into a shimmering snowfall. The same ice-cold air filled the room and beautiful white snowflakes hovered around the boy. Todoroki took a deep breath and wiped his forehead.

"Hmm... you can go," Endeavor said bluntly and waved his hand.

Todoroki didn't wait and ran towards the back door and out into the forest. He ran fast and felt his breathing quicken. However, Todoroki didn't slow down and meandered his way to the center of the forest. He knew someone would be waiting there. He knew that when he got there, he would be greeted by the same smiling boy. He would wave his hand, as always, and shout his name. His shimmering eyes would shine brighter than any of the stars in the sky. They would shine like blinding diamonds and gems. He would blink them over and over again, while their green centers would stare directly at Todoroki. His gaze would burn a hole in him that Todoroki would never forget. He's waiting there, and Todoroki couldn't wait any longer.

He ran a little more and eventually stopped. Todoroki breathed heavily and leaned on his knees. He breathed for a moment and waited for the taste of blood to leave his mouth. He looked up impatiently, looking for a certain boy who wouldn't leave his thoughts. Nothing. Just an empty and quiet forest. Midoriya was nowhere to be seen. Todoroki looked around foolishly. Where is Midoriya?

He looked behind bushes and under piles of leaves. He looked out from the moss blankets as well as from the shore of the pond. But Midoriya was not there either. Had he deliberately decided to not come? No, it's not like Midoriya. Or had he forgotten to come? It made more sense. Midoirya was a very charming boy, so Todoroki was sure he had other friends besides Todoroki. He certainly had better things to do, and simply didn't remember to arrive. Should I visit him... just to be sure? If he didn't want to play with Todoroki, he would understand and let it be.

Todoroki recalled how Midoriya had shown him the way home. It wasn't far, so the trip folded quickly. It was noon and the autumn holiday was coming to an end. The roads were empty, except for a couple of joggers. The rest of the adults were probably at work.

Todoroki stood in front of the large gray apartment building and looked up. It was huge and covered the sun, giving a cool shadow over Todoroki. He climbed up the stairs and ringed Midoriyas' doorbell. At first, nothing was heard. No steps, no speech. Was this the right apartment? Todoroki checked the nameplate attached to the mailbox. 'Midoriya.' Yes, this was the right apartment. The door's lock clicked and Todoroki took a step back. The door opened slowly and Midoriya's mother came out. She looked tired and smiled gently. Her dark under-eyes were super noticeable. "Todoroki! How can I help you?" she asked and put her hair behind her ear.

"Is Midoriya home?" Todoroki asked in a quiet voice and fumbled with his fingers. He didn't want to be a bother.

"Izuku is having the flu," Inko smiled weakly. "He's been pretty down today." Todoroki nodded sympathetically. So, he was sick. Because of that, he couldn't come to the woods with me. Inko looked at Todoroki thoughtfully and finally said, "Would you like to talk with him, just for a moment? He looked really sad and I think a friend's company would help," Inko asked worriedly and looked over her shoulder. She looks really worried. Is Midoriya in such poor condition?

"All right," Todoroki nodded. He would be happy to help Midoriya.

"Thank you, Todoroki! Remember to take a little distance, though, so that you wouldn't get sick," Inko sighed in relief and bowed. She opened the door and let Todoroki in. Todoroki's expression turned from anxious to shocked. The apartment was chaos. There were clean and dirty clothes everywhere, and the kitchen was full of dirty dishes.

"Sorry the mess! I haven't had time to clean up," Inko laughed wearily and scratched her cheek. "Izuku is in his room."

Todoroki nodded and stepped over the stack of clothes in front of Midoriya's door. He took a deep breath and knocked. "Mmh?" there was a faint voice on the other side. Todoroki opened the door and entered the room. Midoriya lay under his All Might blanket with a cloth on his forehead. He breathed heavily and his cheeks glowed red. He opened his eyes and noticed Todoroki.

He smiled, "Todoroki," he said in a delighted voice. Todoroki squeezed his lips tightly together. Midoriya had gotten the flu, which was probably Todoroki's fault. They had gone to the pond and it was quite cold there, especially after Todoroki froze the pond. That coldness was probably too much to a little boy. Todoroki closed the door behind him and sat on Midoriya's bed. Midoriya tried to sit up, and after a hard effort got himself up. He was sweating and looked tired.

"Just stay there Midoriya. You have to rest," Todoroki said, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder. Midoriya shook his head.

"I'm better already because you decided to come to see me," he smiled. Todoroki's cheeks warmed slightly. It was nice to be helpful. "I'm sorry that I couldn't come to the forest with you", Midoriya said.

Todoroki quickly shook his head. "You didn't do anything wrong. It was my fault you got the flu." Midoriya laughed brightly.

"School starts soon," he said.


"Do you want to walk to school together?" Midoriya asked. Todoroki turned his head. They were in the same school but had never talked. He would love to walk with the boy. Todoroki nodded, trying not to show his enthusiasm too much.


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