Chapter 10

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Third-person POV

"Todoroki!" Midoriya shouted and waved his hand. He ran across the yard of his house. "Sorry you had to wait!" he exclaimed and squeezed his lips together. Todoroki smiled at the smaller boy and shook his head. A little waiting doesn't kill anyone. Elementary school had passed quickly and it was time for the boys to enter the life of a middle school student. Todoroki had experienced a wild height growth during the summer and was now a head taller. His face was sharper and his body had taken on a more muscular shape. From Midoriya, it felt like Todoroki was growing more and more every day. Midoriya was still small and his body was weaker. He sighed.

The boys walked under the warm sun towards the large concrete school building. They were wearing black school uniforms that felt a little sweaty on such a warm day. Todoroki pulled his black collar, which seemed to stick to his skin. He blew his bangs out of his sight. Them, too, should be cut soon. He decided to glance at the boy walking next to him. To his surprise, Midoriya quickly turned his head in a different direction. It was like he was avoiding eye contact. What's wrong with him? Did he just stare at me? Maybe Todoroki was thinking this too much.

What he didn't know, however, was that Midoriya's face was on fire. Maybe it was the cause of the scorching sun, maybe not...


They arrived at the school's tall gates and stopped. The boys watched as crowds of people began to gather and the yard was full of laughter. Midoriya squeezed the straps of his red backpack and looked at the view in front of him. He swallowed and Todoroki noticed it. "Is it scary?" he asked the younger boy. Midoriya shook his head.

"It doesn't scare me. It just makes me a little nervous..." he muttered and clenched his lips together. He swallowed again. Todoroki scratched his neck and thought for a moment.

"Do not be nervous, I'm with you," he finally said and raised his hand on Midoriya's shoulder. He startled and looked up. Todoroki's eyes looked gentle and his pupils had widened. The green-headed boy nodded and took a bold step toward the large building. Todoroki put his hands in his pockets and followed the boy, like a bodyguard. The other students seemed to recede under Todoroki's gaze, and no one dared to say anything. After all, they didn't know what Todoroki was capable of.

"Hmm, it's as if other students are avoiding us..." Midoriya muttered in wonder and looked up at Todoroki, who was walking behind him. He just shrugged and fluttered Midoriya's hair.

"I told you you didn't need to be afraid." 

Midoriya just lowered his gaze and began to fiddle his hair.


"Todoroki, let's sit here!" Midoriya smiled eagerly and pointed to two adjacent desks behind the class. Todoroki nodded and walked over to the boy.

"Don't get too excited, shrimp!" one of the boys of the class said and stepped in front of Midoriya. "The desks at the back are for us," the boy grinned and pointed to the other three boys. The boy had blond hair that had been pulled back. They all had wrinkled clothes and bad postures. One of them even had a lighter. (omg) Midoriya looked at the boy in fear and grabbed the straps of his backpack tightly. "Haah? Did the little bunny get scared?" the blond boy smiled and the other boys around him laughed. The boy snarled but stopped when he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder. He turned and looked up. Todoroki looked wild. His eyes were cold and stared at the boy under his long bangs.

He tightened his grip and the blond boy let out a whimper. "Please don't bully your classmates," Todoroki growled in a voice that made even Midoriya shake. Always so gentle Todoroki had suddenly turned into a menacing beast who would do anything for his little bunny.

"D-Don't touch!" the boy cried and waved Todoroki's hand away. "Let's go!" he growled and went out with his gang. "Just wait until he hears about this..." Todoroki heard him mutter before he slammed the door. The other students stared wordlessly at Todoroki. Midoriya sighed in relief and leaned against the desk behind him.

"Thank you Todoroki," he said, raising a gentle smile to his lips. Todoroki glanced at the other students, who were startled and continued doing their own stuff.

"No one deserves to be bullied," he muttered and sat down next to him.

"You're so cool. A real hero!" Midoriya praised and sat down. He lowered his backpack to the floor. "I am a little worried about what's going to happen. They definitely are trying to take revenge..." he sighed nervously and buried his head in his arms. Todoroki felt bad. He wouldn't let anyone hurt Midoriya. And that was for sure.

"Don't worry," he said monotonously, patting the boy on the back. Midoriya laughed brightly. He was glad Todoroki was by his side. He was so brave and neat. He considered Todoroki his role model and wanted to be similar to him. He is perfect... Midoriya had to stop his dreaming when the teacher entered the class and started the presentation. After all, middle school was a whole new environment and full of new faces, so now it was important to be listening.


"Midoriya, let's eat together," Todoroki said, lifting a lunch box on his table. It was light in color and pretty big too. Midoriya nodded and pulled his chair in front of Todoroki's desk. That way they can eat face to face and chat about things. Most of the students had gone out or to the canteen. However, these guys liked to spend their lunchtime in class because it was peaceful and quiet there. A gentle but cool breeze waved the light curtains, creating a peaceful atmosphere. Midoriya loved these moments. These moments when he got to spend time with Todoroki and talk about everything that was bothering him. Todoroki always listened, not interrupting until Midoriya was in a better mood. Midoriya looked out the open window while pushing rice into his mouth. The sun was shining brightly in the sky. However, it gets really cold when the winter comes. But there is still time for that. Todoroki looked up and stopped eating. He watched as Midoriya had sunk into his thoughts and stared out. His hair swayed in the gentle breeze and his emerald-colored eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Todoroki took a piece of chicken in his chopsticks and handed it to the boy. Midoriya returned to reality and looked at the piece of chicken.

"What is that?" he asked stupidly.

"Chicken," he replied expressionlessly, not lowering his hand. Midoriya stared first at Todoroki and then at the chicken. Is it for me? Can I... can I take it?

Midoriya swallowed nervously and slowly opened his mouth. He bit the chicken, touching Todoroki's chopsticks with his lips. "Mmh, good!" he praised and took a piece of cucumber from his box. "Here," he said gently, handing his chopsticks to the boy. Todoroki didn't wait and quickly took the cucumber from Midoriya. He chewed slowly, then nodded gratefully. They both ate quietly and avoided eye contact. Both boys had a small hint of red on their ears that spread all the way to their necks.

/// An indirect kiss! ///

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