Chapter 2

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Third-person POV

"Shoutoo!" Todoroki's father Enji or better known as Endeavor shouted. Todoroki sighed heavily and walked into the living room. Endeavor turned his head toward him and stood up.

"Why did you leave yesterday in the middle of the training?" he asked the little boy standing in front of him. He had flaming eyes.

"I didn't care," Todoroki replied briefly. He didn't want to practice his powers with Endeavor. His father had decided that Todoroki would become the top 1. hero, no matter what Todoroki thought of it. Yes, Todoroki liked heroes but did not want to be like his father. He wanted to be a real hero, not an idiot seeking popularity and power.

"Stop that kind of behavior right now!" Endeavor roared and activated his fire quirk.

Todoroki looked his father straight in the eye.

"No way."

And before Endeavor had time to burn the whole house to the ground, Todoroki was already running towards the backyard forest. He could not restrain his feelings, but laughed and giggled while he ran deeper into the forest. He hasn't had this much fun in a long time. He ran and this time not out of fear or anger. He felt light and laughed as he stumbled over the thick roots of the trees. It was fun to mess with his father. Todoroki ran a little further and finally stopped to sit on a fallen tree. He breathed quickly and smoothed his mixed hair. Today the weather was very sunny and surprisingly warm. The birds were singing and everything felt like a dream compared to the previous day. The fall vacation would soon be over, so he had to have fun while he still could. What should he do now?

Todoroki got up, made a couple of stretches, and raised his hand in front of him. He closed his eyes and ice crystals began to form on the boy's palms. He lifted them and swayed them back and forth. Todoroki frowned as he focused and headed the frosty ice towards the sky. He raised it higher, lowered it, and it meandered like a serpent. Todoroki shaped an ice horse to gallop across the frosty sky and over his head. He opened his eyes and smiled. He even created another horse and let them scurry together through the trees. Todoroki created a small crystalline snowfall and directed it over the horses. Everything was pale, glittery, and simply beautiful. Todoroki shaped other animals as well. Rabbits, cats, even hamsters. It was like an icy zoo in the sky. Everyone was happy and the sounds of the animals rumbled along the forest. This was the best!

"Wow!" a loud voice exclaimed beside Todoroki. Todoroki startled and everything left in the sky shattered into millions of pieces. What was that? Todoroki turned his head and noticed a little boy next to him. He had large twinkling eyes and thick, curly hair. He wore big red shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt similar to Todoroki's.

"Ack, oh no!" the boy shouted as the animals were destroyed and landed as icy frost on the ground. "I broke them!" Todoroki looked at the boy standing beside him in dismay. Who is he? "I am sorry!" the boy said and grabbed Todoroki from his shirt. Todoroki woke up back to reality and shook his head.

"It wasn't your fault," he said, scratching his cheek in embarrassment.

"I am Izuku Midoriya. Who are you?" the boy asked with a bright voice and smiled gently.

"Umm Shouto... Todoroki," Todoroki replied unnaturally. He doesn't meet new people very often.

"Hey, Todoroki!" Midoriya laughed and waved his tiny hand. Todoroki felt a small pinch in his heart.


"Hey... Midoriya," Todoroki replied in a monotonous voice.

Midoriya laughed again and asked, "How old are you?"

"I'm... 8 years old," Todoroki replied, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Me too!" Midoriya giggled with delight. "Do you want to come to play with me?"

Todoroki thought for a moment. He had never visited anyone before. He didn't want to go home either, so there was no other option. "... All right," he finally replied.

"Yes!" Midoriya jumped excitedly and took Todoroki's hand. "This way," he said and began to pull Todoroki toward his home. That hair looks familiar...


"And here I live," Midoriya said, pointing to a big apartment building. Todoroki and Midoriya stood in front of the gate of the house. The house was gray and cool.  Admittedly, not quite the kind of house that Todoroki would have imagined Midoriya to live in. "Let's go," Midoriya began pulling Todoroki toward the door. "I want to introduce you to my mom!" the boy exclaimed excitedly and opened the creaking door.  The house was warm and homey. There were foreign scents and plants in every place. Todoroki had never seen such a house before. The whole place seemed to embrace them with its warm goodness. Todoroki's shoulders relaxed. There was something soothing in this house. Midoriya released Todoroki's hand and began to untie the straps of his shoes. Todoroki quickly began to take off his own.

"Izuku, honey, did you come home already?" a woman's gentle face peeked out from behind a door frame. Her expression brightened and she walked towards the boys. "And who are you?" the woman bent down in front of Todoroki and smiled. She had long green hair and an almost identical face to his son. They reminded each other a scary lot.

"This is Todoroki! I found him from the woods!" Midoriya said happily and grabbed Todoroki's shirt.

The woman laughed and covered her mouth with her hand. "You're too eager, Midoriya!" the woman giggled and wiped her wet eyes. "I'm Inko Midoriya, the boy's mother," the woman introduced herself and held out her hand. Todoroki looked at her skeptically but eventually dared to extend his own. Inko smiled and squeezed Todoroki's cool hand and stood up. "I'll make snacks. You go to Izuku's room," Inko said, arranging the boys' shoes neatly in the shoe rack. Midoriya nodded, bursting with enthusiasm, and began to run toward his room.

Inko laughed in her adorable voice and nodded where Midoriya had gone. "Go after him, Todoroki," Inko smiled encouragingly. Todoroki nodded and went towards Midoriya's room. He stepped over the threshold. He looked around in amazement. The room was colorful, really colorful. The walls had millions of posters of All Might and the room was full of all sorts of fan stuff. There was so much to see that Todoroki couldn't take his eyes off them.

Todoroki took a couple of steps forward and sat next to Midoriya on a red carpet. Midoriya had a small doll in his hand, surprisingly All Might, and looked at it with cautious gestures as if it were glass. He glanced at Todoroki and smiled. "Here," the boy said, holding out the small doll. "You get to play with it." Todoroki took the doll uncertainly. What if he breaks it? "I should probably admit one thing..." Midoriya said, fidgeting his fingers. Todoroki turned to Midoriya with a questioning look on his face. Something to admit?

"This isn't the first time we've met," Midoriya tilted his head and smiled shyly. Todoroki narrowed his eyes in disbelief. He would have remembered if he had met such an emotionally rich person. Midoriya was silent for a moment and looked at his hands. Only the quiet ticking of an All Might clock on the wall broke the silence. Finally, Midoriya raised his head and opened his mouth, "I saw you in the woods yesterday. I was coming home from the park and decided to walk through the woods. Then I saw you. You were sitting on a rock.  At first, I was a little scared but still super curious," Midoriya laughed brightly. "I wanted to talk to you but was just too shy. I hid behind a bush," Midoriya looked at his doll. "So, I'm sorry!" the boy exclaimed and grabbed once again Todoroki's shirt. Probably a habit. Todoroki looked wide-eyed at the boy.

He blinked and said: "Why are you apologizing? You haven't done anything wrong."

"But I hid and was acting rudely and was really weird," Midoriya let out a soft sigh.

He was pure and kind. There were few people like him. Todoroki raised his hand and stroked the boy's bushy hair. This gesture was small, but it seemed to make him feel better. "You're a good person, Midoriya," Todoroki said in a quiet voice and fluttered the boy's green and messy hair. Midoriya laughed at the statement and smiled.

"Thank you!"

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