Chapter 17

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Third-person POV

"Todoroki, I like you." Todoroki waved his head to the side.

"I like you too," the boy replied monotonously.

"No, no. I like, like you," Midoriya tried while his cheeks were burning. Todoroki leaned into his hand for a moment and tried to think what was the difference between "like" and "like, like". Midoriya's face was flushed but he didn't lower his gaze. He wanted Todoroki to take him seriously. "Romantically, Todoroki," Midoriya clarified as Todoroki still didn't realize the situation. His eyes widened and for the first time in a long time, Midoriya saw him blush this much.

"Are you serious?" he asked timidly. Todoroki straightened his back and turned to Midoriya. The smaller boy nodded and his hood slipped down. His hair popped up and hovered in every direction.

"I know we're friends, but I can't help but feel that way. I'm sorry," Midoriya said anxiously when Todoroki didn't say anything. The vampire shook his head quickly. The situation had only been so surprising that Todoroki didn't know what to do. Midoriya liked him! He couldn't believe his ears. "But you don't have to answer right away!" Midoriya shook his hands. "I can wait." Todoroki thought for a moment. He had never thought he liked Midoriya that way. But on the other hand, he has never felt the same way about anyone else. He recalled when Midoriya would always open the classroom door at lunch hour and wave his adorable lunch box. Midoriya's smile was wide and his eyes shone brightly. And then Todoroki's heart would always miss a beat. He felt feverish near Midoriya and just so... weird.

"I like you too..." he whispered as he leaned against the fence.

"Hm?" Midoriya stepped closer.

"I like you too!" Todoroki nearly shouted and turned around. They were now so close to each other that their noses almost touched. Todoroki jolted and took a step back. Midoriya, on the other hand, was too surprised to move. He stood there like an icicle, not knowing if he should shout or run away... or do neither.

"Oh then-"

"Romantically, Midoriya."

Midoriya was speechless. He had been in love with Todoroki for so long and would have never believed Todoroki would be interested in him, too. He covered his face with his hands. "Hey, Midoriya. I want to see your face," Todoroki persuaded and grabbed them. He swept them farther and saw those familiar green emerald eyes. Midoriya was red and warm. He smiled - they both smiled. And finally, they laughed. They couldn't believe what just happened. Midoriya's one-sided crush and respect were not so one-sided. They chatted and chatted. They talked about those old days when they were just kids. About those good memories and the things that fascinated them.

"Todoroki, I'm so happy!" Midoriya smiled and turned his gaze to the twinkling stars in the sky.

"Mmh," Todoroki replied. He couldn't stop staring. "Hey, are we dating?" he asked. Midoriya twitched and turned red again. He squeezed the iron fence.

"...If you want to," he smiled. Todoroki smiled back and raised his hand. He stroked the smaller boy's cheek and grabbed his chin. It felt graceful and soft. He pulled Midoriya closer and closer until their noses touched. Midoriya slowly closed his eyes and leaned forward. Todoroki closed his own. Their lips got closer and closer to each other. They could feel each other's breath against their skin.

"Oi-!" the roof door opened. Midoriya and Todoroki pushed each other further and stared at the door. Bakugou stood there with a shocked look on his face and the door handle still in his hand. He had seen what had almost happened and did not look pleased.


"What the hell are you doing here?" Bakugou yelled and glanced first at Midoriya and then at Todoroki. Midoriya opened his mouth to defend them but had nothing to say. Todoroki didn't know what to do in this situation either, so he just stood there and tried to be as invisible as possible.

"What the hell..." Bakugou cursed when neither of them said anything and slammed the door behind him.

"Hey Kacch-" Midoriya tried, but Bakugou had already gone. Todoroki crossed his arms and sighed. "Did he see?" Midoriya asked.

"Hmm. Probably. But nothing happened," Todoroki muttered.

"Does it bother you if he tells others?" Midoriya raised his hood over his head. Todoroki shook his head.

"I don't care."

Midoriya leaned back on the fence, a small smile on his lips. Bakugou knew how to be temperamental, but at least he wouldn't tease them too much about this. Probably, he just starts to avoid them. A cold gust of wind made Midoriya tremble. "Haah! What time is it?" Todoroki glanced at his black watch and squinted his eyes to see something.

"Hmm, it's approaching nine o'clock," he lowered his hand.

"Shall we go home?" Midoriya took support from the fence and straightened his back. He had a cunning grin on his face. Todoroki smiled and nodded.


"Watch out for cars," Todoroki reminded when he noticed Midoriya's red shoes stepping over the white line.

"Don't worry. I'm already a big boy," Midoriya insisted and stepped back to the walkway. Todoroki rolled his eyes and pulled Midoriya to the other side of the road.

"Yeah yeah..."

Midoriya laughed at Todoroki's sudden uneasiness. He has always been very protective, and Midoriya was not bothered by it. Caring for another is a way to show love and Midoriya liked it. Todoroki glanced over his shoulder. The road was quiet and dark. Other students have either gone home or hung out in the city center. The air was humid and felt refreshing. The street lamps shone shades of yellow. Todoroki looked around once more until he was sure they were alone. "What are you looking at?" Midoriya wondered. Todoroki looked at him and, without saying a word, stroked the boy's palm with his fingertips. Midoriya shuddered at the surprising touch. Todoroki didn't care about this and slid his hand along the boy's own and slowly wrapped their fingers together. Midoriya looked first at Todoroki and then around him. They were alone.

"No worries Midoriya," Todoroki assured, a small blush rising to his cheeks.

"You don't look very convincing," Midoriya teased while being just as flushed as Todoroki was.

When they finally reached Midoriya's house, they stopped. The moon had already risen. "I had fun," Midoriya said with a smile. The party had initially made him nervous. The large crowd was kind of terrifying when they first got there. However, the evening had been more pleasant than he had imagined. And they also danced together! Midoriya even confessed his feelings. "Do you have any plans for the weekend?" Midoriya asked and looked at the ground. Todoroki took Midoriya's second hand and held them both tenderly.

"I have a basketball game tomorrow."

Midoriya nodded. "Sunday?"

"I am free then," Todoroki replied. Midoriya giggled and rocked their hands. However, his smile froze quickly.

"Let's not tell our parents yet."

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