Chapter 15

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Third-person POV

He is so sweet. How is he so small and innocent? I don't understand. Todoroki looked down. There was a wide smile on Midoriya's face and his freckles accentuated his big eyes. His steps were light - he almost flew in the air. This was the boy's first Halloween party, and Midoriya couldn't stay still. Todoroki was the complete opposite. His face was expressionless, and no signs of joy radiated from him. However, the outer shell can be deceiving. Todoroki was ready to explode. He was nervous and his thoughts couldn't stay in order. "Ah!" Midoriya exclaimed suddenly and leaned forward. Todoroki startled.

"Get out of here! You're on my way!" a low voice said and someone swept past them in that narrow walkway. Todoroki looked ahead. It was Bakugou. He stood in front of them, looking threatening with his arms crossed. Just when everything was going well... They hadn't seen Bakugou in a while, and he hadn't been bothering them. Todoroki had already thought he could just forget about their existence but was apparently wrong. If Midoriya had not been with him, then Todoroki couldn't have cared less. He would have just walked past Bakugou without saying a word, but he couldn't right now. Midoriya wiped his shoulder, which Bakugou had hit, and smiled embarrassingly.

"Hey, Kacchan," he said and his green hair bounced as he turned his head. Bakugou snorted and his expensive-looking wolf's ears twitched. "Nice costume!" Midoriya praised. Bakugou glanced at him. He was wearing a green robe and genuine-looking ears and was that... a tail? Todoroki laughed and quickly turned his head. He didn't want to cause any more quarrel, but Bakugou's outfit was just too good to be true. Bakugou glared at them both.

"Shut up! As if your opinion mattered," he growled and turned to school. Todoroki hadn't noticed it, but they had already gotten to the school gates. He glanced at Midoriya. Was he hurt? Midoriya's head was turned down towards the ground. Todoroki couldn't see his face and started to worry a little. He raised his hand but stopped when he noticed Midoriya shaking. Is he crying?

"Hey Midoriya, everything all right?" he asked anxiously and gently touched his shoulder with his fingertips. Midoriya let out a voice. It resembled a hiccup but sounded louder. Todoroki jerked and now began to be worried. Midoriya didn't cry very often nowadays, and Todoroki didn't know what he should do in this situation. Midoriya quickly turned his head up. Todoroki had now jumped a couple of meters back and was looking at the boy standing in front of him. Midoriya lowered his hand and laughed. Todoroki looked at him without saying a word. He had no idea what had just happened.

"He- His outfit and, and Todoroki your reaction-" he giggled and couldn't hold back his tears. Todoroki straightened his back. He smiled and scratched his cheek. He was surprised by the boy's reaction but was glad he wasn't hurt.

"The wolf suit suited him. It reflects his personality well," Todoroki admitted. Midoriya wiped his damp eyes.

"Are we going inside?" Midoriya asked when he had gotten his breathing steady again. Todoroki nodded and followed when Midoriya led them to the school gym. The school corridors were dark and decorated with white gauze. Todoroki noticed fake spiders in the corners, their eyes painted red. The only light source was an orange and blue disco light radiating from under the gym door. The windows were covered with black cardboard and a table had been arranged in front of it. The members of the school's student union sat behind it. In front of the table was a queue of students meandering along the walls. After waiting for a while, the boys got to the table. On the other side sat a girl who looked very energetic. She was probably older than them and was dressed as a pirate.

"200 yen per student," the girl said, waving an artificial hook in her left hand. Todoroki dropped 400 yen in front of her. Another girl next to the pirate took the money and stamped the boys with a blue stamp that shone in the dark. "Go inside," the pirate pointed at the door.

The gym was full of people. It was dark but at the same time full of flickering and blinding lights. The music was loud, and Midoriya could even feel the bass vibrating. At the back of the hall was a stage on which a school band played. They were all dressed as zombies and played as loud as they could. There was a desk in the right corner. Behind it, the members of the baking club put out their fresh pastries. Midoriya glanced to the left. Bakugou and his gang hung out there. Bakugou lifted his drink to his lips and glanced at the boys. He frowned when he saw them and turned his head away. Todoroki noticed this and put his hand on Midoriya's shoulder. Midoriya smiled at Todoroki under his hood and turned face to face with the vampire. "What do you want to do now?" he asked.

"Hmm," Todoroki muttered and looked around. Such celebrations were foreign to him, and he did not know what was even going on. "Um..." he looked at the dancing students. "Dance... probably," Todoroki suggested. At least the other students did it, so maybe they should give it a try too. Midoriya nodded. He grabbed Todoroki by his black sleeve and pulled him into the middle of the dancing people. He smiled playfully and began to wave his arms and legs to the beat of the music. Midoriya spun wildly around and his white robe hovered in the air. Todoroki just looked and stood in place for an embarrassingly long time.

"This was your idea, Todoroki, so feel free!" Midoriya laughed. Todoroki looked around in agony. He thought just watching Midoriya would have been enough, and he didn't think he had to dance too. "Don't worry. Others don't pay us any attention. I am the only one who looks at you at the moment," he took Todoroki's hand and gave it a gentle but encouraging squeeze. Todoroki glanced around once more. Midoriya was right. Other people were too busy dancing and listening to the music, and no one paid attention to their surroundings. Well, why not. This was the first party they were together and Todoroki wanted to take all the joy out of it. Midoriya began to sway to the beat again and Todoroki began to follow. They danced, laughed, and tried not to fall when other students pushed. After the song, they applauded the band and its members bowed. All the other members left the stage for a break, but a short girl sitting behind the piano and the singer stayed put. The singer standing behind the microphone nodded to the pianist, and she began to play. This song was different, calm even. Todoroki looked around and noticed that people had started finding partners and danced in each other's embrace.


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