Chapter 2

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I scarfed down a slice of pizza, placing my feet up on the dingo table.
"Your brother has a secret admirer and it's my sister! Won't you believe that!"
"My god. That kid is getting more women than I am nowadays" Sodapop joked.
"No, you just can't get a lady to stay around."
"Sorry didn't know you were a man!"
"More manly than you. That's for sure!"

I leaned over the table slightly. Soda kissed his index and middle finger and placed the kissed fingers on my nose.
"What a blessing" I said, Soda chuckled, his smile grew larger and so did mine.
"Speaking of Woman, I've had my eye on this girl for a while and I'm thinking about asking her out"
"Who is it! I need to set you two up!" I said, my voice sounding pushy. His eyes dropped down to the pizza on the table and mumbled something quite softly.

"Come on, Soda! Tell me! Tell me!" I said, kicking little pebbles that lined the sidewalk.
"Tell me, what is your sister like when she starts to talk about pony?" Soda insisted.
"Changing the subject, are we? Whatever" Soda craned his neck giving a sort of hm? sound.

"She's like a street lamp, you can't turn it off until daylight. You can't shut her up until Mom is around. God, she's obsessed with him"
"Taking after her sister, ain't she?"
"Yeah, right" I said, locking my eyes on the gray speckled pavement.
"That australian guy that asked 'Where can I find a place to eat', you seemed pretty obsessed with him"

My body quickly stiffened, Dallas Winston was up ahead, walking towards Soda and I. Not a lot of people like Dallas, Soda sure hated him, probably because of his style, his walk, his talk and his looks. I don't blame him, Dallas is one of the most good looking men in this town, every girl is in love with him, including me.

"Hey, Tiny" Dallas winked, my heart felt like falling straight out of my chest. Even watching him continue walking, made me go 'gaga' over him.

He called me Tiny! He winked at me! He's just so perfect. God damn, look at him! Just as beautiful as i remember, his dark eyes, his rough hair, his sharp ass jawline. He's amazing! Wow, Hold on, is Soda staring at me? Does he know I have a crush on Dallas? Uh oh.

I was Damn right. Soda was staring directly at me.
"The australian isn't the only one you have an obsession with" Soda's eyes were distant, his voice burning with something, like regret or sadness, you could hear it.

"It's not an obsession, he just.. He.. he just touched my arm and said some shit. I'm just pissed"
"God, I hate Dallas, he's always touching on women and getting girls left and right! He's good looking and he knows it" Sodapop grunted. Anger struck his body and it's easy to tell, Soda is like an open book with his emotions, but he hides them so well, aswell.

My house started to come into view, the nice stable house, the only house on the block made with brick and not with fake wood panels. "I'll see ya around Soda"
"See you around Loser"
"I'm the loser? You're the one that's a dropout!" Soda mocked my sentence, laughed and left. He's a person, someone that I understand like the back of my hand.

He's sweet and caring, he always has my back whenever I need it the most. Like an older brother, yet he's born in October and I'm born in June. He makes me feel young, like a kid all over again, all the happiness and playing make believe, toys and craving sweets, though we never do much of that.

"That man is in love with you, isn't he. I don't see why he wouldn't, you have the body of a model." Granny said, peeking out the window over at Sodapop.
    "No, he's just my friend" I said

    "Honey, you are the prettiest, smartest and strongest girl in the world. You and that boy would make stunning children, you got to understand. You are amazing and keep surprising me with everything you do. You are the queen of the world, You really are your mother's daughter" I smiled, the biggest smile i've had in awhile, Granny is so sweet to Poppy, Owen and I, calling us Princesses and a prince.

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