Chapter 21

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 3 weeks had passed since the hospital incident. My face still looked fucked up, but it was recovering. I sat quietly in the courtroom, the family talked about their son and I said that I had not much business in it, but I told them what I was told.

Then it was Dallas's turn, the full story came out. Parts that he never told me, my jaw dropped in shock. It was bad, very bad. I felt betrayed by Dallas, but I loved him so much that that betrayal was pushed away by my other emotions. Dallas talked about me and Owen, he brought something up about Sodapop, but I didn't quite catch it, I was zoning out. My head laid lightly against Sodapop's shoulder, we sat on a bench in the courtroom and I needed comfort.

"Dallas Winston" the judge said, everyone sat on the edges of the seats, beaming with anticipation and fear. The judge continued, "Death Sentence. Case closed"

"WHAT!" I screamed, I kept screaming, I didn't want Dally to die. He couldn't die.

Dallas didn't say a word, tears streamed down his cheeks, I could tell he didn't want to die either. Sodapop put a hand over my mouth and held me close to him, shushing me. All the memories of Dallas and I started flooding back in.

"Says here that the jewelry store on main street was robbed, witnesses say it was a man, tall and broad shouldered, masked face, wore a leather jacket and blue jeans. Police have suspected it to be..."

"Well, who Dallas? Who?"

"No one"

"Dallas! Why would you do that!"

"Get in"

"What'd you do?"

"I'll tell you later"



"I saw you walk this way, Tiny"

"You're stalking me"

"Who the hell wouldn't, baby"

"Dally? I kinda like that"

"Well then it's now your nickname"

"Whaddya want to talk about?"

"Well, you said the view was beautiful, the sunset always ties it together" He said, reaching his arm out to touch the sun. I giggled at his gesture and copied him.

"You think I can touch it?" I said, still giggling through my sentence

"Here, let me help" He picked me up and pushed me closer to the railing, my hips completely touching the railing. I started blushing at the way he held my waist.

"I can't reach"

"Oh well, maybe one day"

I watched them take Dallas away to the cooler where he would sit for the next month or so until he gets the electric chair. I wanted to give Dally a hug, heaven only knows what's going on in his head, maybe I was in his head or his family or the death sentence. Well of course he's thinking of the death sentence, that's the only thing going on right now.

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