Chapter 22

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 Sodapop brought me to nightly double, thinking it would calm me down and make me a little happier. My favourite movie was playing so I guess I was a little happier.

"Want to get some popcorn?" Sodapop said softly while rubbing my back with his right hand.


"I can get you a coke or a water"


"Want a hug?" Soda said, I nodded quickly and started sobbing as I leaned onto soda's shoulder.

It reminded me of all the times we had when we were little, from climbing trees and spraining our wrists to running down empty freeways at midnight. I felt like I knew everything about Sodapop right then and there and I do know everything about Sodapop, because I've never truly left his side since we met. I've been here all along.

Yeah, maybe a tall and handsome boy got in the way of us, we still ended up here. Together. Nothing would change what we have, hell maybe I'd even end up marrying Sodapop Curtis, but for now we'll continue to focus on us and our friendship and not let anything ruin it. Not even Dallas's soon to be death will ruin it.

Sodapop will probably never understand the difference between the love I have for Dallas and the love I have for Sodapop. I love Dallas for his looks and how he acts towards me and how he treats me like the only girl left in the world while all the other "girls" have turned into women.

But I love how Sodapop has never changed, not for anyone, not for Poppy, not for Ponyboy or Owen, not for Dallas, not for Sandy, not even for me. He is Sodapop, he wears his name well, his personality won't ever disappear. He loves with his heart not with his mind. He decided to stick around and he tried to understand my feelings for Dallas, because that's what Sodapop does, he understands and he listens.

I looked up at Sodapop with my gentle eyes, he returned the gaze. I pushed myself up a bit so I was close to his face. I grabbed on to his soft cheeks and kissed him, making it feel so natural. All those years of being friends with Sodapop, I never knew that I would love him like I do. We continued kissing, more and more passionately. We didn't care that people were around because when you're in true love, you have no care for people who stare. They can stare all they want.

I soon fell asleep on Sodapops shoulder, listening to the sounds of the movie. It reminded me of the normal world I used to live in, I kind of missed that normality, but it was gone for good and I'll have to learn how to roll with the new deck of cards that I was given.

I woke up laying in Sodapop's room, his unconscious body beside me. I brushed his hair out of his face and tucked it behind his ear, he looked so soothed and happy as he laid there. I wondered if he was actually happy when he's conscious or is everyone just soothed and happy when they sleep. Surely not everyone is happy when they sleep, maybe pregnant people were uncomfortable or homeless people were afraid or people with a coming up presentation were stressed.

The human body is crazy I thought, giving a little giggle at the thought. I laid back in the bed and quickly dozed off again, it was nice getting a little extra sleep. Maybe I could be happy while I slept.

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