Chapter 9

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We found a party, full of greasers, I was hesitant to go in.

"You ready?" Monika said, glancing over at me as she pulled into the driveway.

"No, but yes"
"That's the spirit"

"You sound like my friend Tana"

"I recognize that name, I think Dallas mentioned it"

"He did?"

"You'll have to ask him, I have the memory of a goldfish" Monika said, pulling a laugh out of me.

I followed Monika into the party. As soon as I walked in, guys were whistling and girls were laughing. I saw people making out and shoving their hands into each other's pants, it made me cringe.

I grabbed onto Monika's hand as she led me to the bar, we grabbed both a shot then a beer. My head started to hurt very quickly, either from having my first shot or all the tense stuff that went on today. I watched as Monika took four straight shots not taking anything after.

"Your going to get drunk"
"That's the point," Monika said, pushing a shot towards me. I took it. "You should be the one to get drunk, you need to have fun after crying for hours"

"I wish I could slap you"

"And I wish I could kill you, but we never get our way"



"What did you say?"

"We never get our way?"

"No, before that"

"I wish I could kill you?" And with that Monika disappeared, I was alone and got scared that I'd be attacked, abused, assaulted, the three a's.

"It's a party, Amero, you'll be able to find Tana here" I said to myself. I took another drink and went into the jumbled crowd. I saw a whole ton of blonde hair chics but no Tana. I kept searching, no Tana to be found.

I dropped to the ground beside the bar and sat there. I couldn't find Tana or Monika, I kept drinking and drinking. I played with my dark brown hair, I thought it was purple when I saw it, but it was just the purple lights beaming down on my hair. Finally I pushed myself up and found a phone dialing Dallas's number.

The other line rang once, twice and then someone picked up, it was Dallas.


"Hey Dally"



"What do you want?"

"Come pick-- pick me up"


"A party"

"Yeah no shit, but where is the party?"

"A house"

"Fine. I'll find it myself, you drunk son of a bitch"

"Daughter actually" With that, Dallas hung up. I giggled to myself, thinking he was being funny, he sounded serious, but I took it as a joke.

I wobbled out of the party and onto the lawn, sitting childlike on the ground. I played with grass and laughed to myself. I probably looked insane. I glanced over to Monika's car, my eyebrows raised and my laugh completely stopped. I started laughing again, even more hysterically as before. Her car raddled back and forth. "Sex" I whispered under my breath, causing me to laugh even more.

Dallas's car pulled up right beside the end of the lawn, where I was sitting and laughing. He stepped out and picked me up, putting me in the passenger's seat.

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