Chapter 10 (Making Me Blush Is A Crime)

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Chapter Ten: Making me blush is crime.

"Why?" with a mischevious smirk, he said. 

I looked behind him and found a frowning Kathie. She was giving me a glare, which I returned right after. I could quote 'Mean Girls' because Kathie, frankly, looks like a baby prostitute right now. Her lipstick was smudged all over her face and her skirt ran up her hips causing her thighs to be fully exposed. I look back at Justin and realise that he was already looking at me. "Just move," I told him while narrowing my eyes.

"After what you've done to me last night?" he chuckled.

"Look," I said. "Let's just forget about last night. Well, aside from that little ugly buldge near the brigde of your nose, its all good."

A smile crept on his lips. "Wow that convinced me a lot, Morris." he said in a sarcastic tone. 

I rolled my eyes. "Jesus! you even managed to make out with that skank over there," I exclaimed.

"Excuse me, did you just called me a skank?!" Kathie hissed from the back.

"You have ears," I snapped. "Of course you heard me."

She gasped, her face was red. To say that she's as red as a tomato is an understatement because her face was beyond red. It was like a purple-ish red and it reminded me of a mad bull eyeing its target. "You're a slut!" she grumbled.

"Says the one who just made out with this total prick right here on the teacher's desk," I spat to her while I was pointing Justin referring him as the 'prick'.

"I've been called worse. Is that all you've got, Sweetie?" Justin chimed, directing me.

I grimaced at him. "Whatever asshat. And ew don't call me that."

"You know what?" Kathie said with a hand on her hips. "I've always known you as the girl at the back of the class. Straight A's and that all nerdy shit and who couldn't even hurt a fly let alone cuss!"

I snorted. "Guess what?" I faked gasped. "I don't care."

"I guess I was wrong then. You're pathetic and you're anything but a saint. I hope you burn in hell!" she said.

I tsked. "God bless your poor, poor soul. You need Jesus in your life, hunny." I teased as I was imitating a dramatic praising bow. And wow, 'burn in hell' really? that's the most mainstream catch phrase ever. Quoting Justin, 'Is that all you've got, Sweetie?' Hah! Well then see you there, biatch.

Kathie now had her fists clenched. I was betting that she would punch me in the face in any moment but then she did what I least expected, she stormed away; her heels hardly clacking on the hard tiled floor and it made such a piercing noise. It made me wanna cringe to death. Then I started thinking worst past scenarios including the time when Dad accidentally grind his chair made of steel on the solid cemented floor early in the morning while I was having a strong headache. And believe me when I say that ripping my hair off was the least brutal thing on my list of 'What I'm 'bout to do in this very moment'. So I was like 'Eeeek!---goddamnit Dad! Way to start up the morning fresh, got some bottle of aspirins? I'll chug 'em all up!'

"--done spacing out there, bud?" The annoying voice of Justin suddenly trailed me off my thoughts.

"What?" I asked absentmindedly.

"Techincally, you've zoned out in the past.
.." he paused to check his watch "Uh, seven minutes. Oh and you just pissed my make-out buddy to death now she's--poof! Gone."

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