Chapter 12 (A Damsel In Distress and Justin)

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Chapter Twelve: A Damsel in distress and Justin

I woke up hearing a camera clicked. I pulled myself up from the back of the car's sofa and found a smiling Justin facing me.

"What the..." I shrieked.

"You gotta see this," he gushed, smiling down his phone with hands clutched around it.

I threw my hands up, only realizing that I can't really extend them fully because of the lack of space. "What is it?" I asked him.

Without further hesitation, he shoved his phone towards my face. Literally shoved it that I could already feel its metallic texture sticking on my face. I was about to shout at him for doing that and lecture him about proper manners afterwards but he hushed me and said "Just look at the picture,"

I rolled my eyes, fixed my thick rimmed glasses and looked down at the phone in front of my face.

It was a picture of me sleeping. I was in a complicated position; my legs were up in the car's ceiling, my hand is at the back of my head while the other one's on the floor. My mouth was slightly open and there was a single drool. And my hair? Oh no, let's not get in there because it was a total mess. It was in a serious condition that even the most expensive and trusted shampoo in the whole world would give up on it. "What the hell?" I said finally.

Justin laughed. And laughed. Then laughed. He laughed so hard that his face turned red and tears were coming out of his eyes. "I...hahaha...took that pic-...hahaha...picture of you...hahahhaa..a-a while ago...hahahah...shit, I can't stop laughing...hahaha...s-seriously, why can't I stop..."

"I hope you die because of laughing," I scoffed.

He finally stopped and dramatically wiped the tear from his eyes.

"You know what? You, taking pictures of me sleeping is just a sign that your affection towards me is getting unbearable. In other words, do you really like, like me that much?" I asked him while I was fixing my hair. But I regretted saying it momentarily; I just realized how stupid I sounded.

His smiled and looked at me from head to toe. "Miles, you're probably still sleeping." he said. "There's no way in this world that could make feel that kind of way towards you,"

For some odd reason, I felt my chest tighten. I should not be affected by his words but this one really got me. I know his type of girls and I know that he doesn't go for girls like me. "Good to know," I said as I opened the car's door to let myself out.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To Narnia," I replied.

"I'm serious," he said.

"Oh I thought you were Justin," I quick witted.

He rolled his eyes. I rolled mines too. "Seriously, stop it. Stop mocking me," he said.

I sighed. "I'm just going to get some fresh air and walk around a little bit," I said.

"Can I come with you?" he asked.

"No," I quickly replied.

"Why?" he asked.

"Look, I just need some time alone. Plus, it's a bad idea if we'll just leave this car in the middle of the roadway. You should just stay here and keep an eye on it," I said.

He nodded and mocked a salute.

So I walked and walked. And walked. I let my foot lead the way; there was no destination, I just wanted to keep on walking. I looked behind me and found that I'm already far away from Justin. I could barely see the car now and it was a relief that for one moment, I couldn't see his face nor hear his voice. The breeze is getting colder but I didn't mind.
I took my phone out from my pocket and almost had the greatest freak out ever when I noticed that there was a 1 bar signal. I immediately typed Rineé's number and called her.

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