Chapter 13 (Break Justin's Heart?)

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Chapter Thirteen: Break Justin's heart?

I arrived at my house fifteen past nine in the morning and I hurriedly went to the bathroom and took a bath. I decided to wear my usual clothes today but I instead of wearing a plain shirt, I settled for a sweater since it's pretty chilly outside. After tying my hair up in a knot and fixed my glasses, I went down stairs to cook myself some breakfast.

I grabbed some cereals from the fridge and placed it on the table. I also took out two mugs and filled the first one with milk. I was about to pour coffee on the second mug but I remembered that Dad wasn't here. Jeez, for a moment I forgot that he was in the hospital.

So I proceeded on eating by myself until the phone suddenly rang. I took it as I greeted a  "Hello," with a mouth full of cereal.

"Good morning this is Doctor Blake. Is this Mr. Morris' daughter?" the other line said.

"Yes, this is me speaking. Is there something wrong, Doc?" I asked.

"Well, nothing actually but I would just like to inform you that your father's medicines are running empty and I'm afraid that you'd be needing to buy new ones," she said.

"Oh no problem! I'll send them right after my classes this afternoon," I told her as a promise.

"Okay, I'll be expecting those later. Have a nice day," she said and then the phone line went dead.

I sighed as I opened my wallet and found nothing but a crumpled 5 dollar bill. The total amount of the medicines isn't even half way to the money that I only have now. This is not enough, I have to figure this out.

I chugged my milk and left the house after washing the utensils I used in the sink. A taxi stopped in the curb asked me if I wanted a ride, I nodded 'no'. I decided to walk even though I'm running late for school because I have to save up money.

I reached the premises panting since I've been running. As I entered, the bell rung just in cue. I smiled in satisfaction and went straight to my Math class.

I sat near the window and then spotted Justin flirting with a blonde just across the room. Wow he's quick. I noticed that he have worn a different shirt already and it almost seemed like what happened just a couple of hours ago didn't happened. It's back to typical Justin doing what he does and me not caring except when Justin nodded in my direction and gave me a wink. I blushed and turned away.

"Hey," a voice spoke. I looked up and found Celine with bloodshot eyes. 

"Cel, is everything alright?" I asked her worriedly.

She shook her head 'no' as she occupied the vacant seat next to mines. "Nothings going alright," she sobbed.

"Why what's wrong?" I asked her.

"What's wrong?" she said. "Justin is 'what's wrong'! I mean look at him,"

I looked at Justin who is shamelessly kissing the blonde girl who he was just flirting a while ago. I noticed the blonde's name is 'Hailey' and I heard that she's a transferee. Things escalated quickly for her; she's already popular and students have been worshipping her lately because admittedly, she looks like a model.

"He's disgusting," I told Celine who was still looking at Justin's direction.

"Yeah but I still love him," Celine said softly. It almost came out like whisper.

"He doesn't deserve you, Cel." I said.

"I know. You've me that a million times already," she said while she was wiping her tears.

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