Chapter Six: It's not Love, it's Infatuation

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Chapter Six: It's not Love, it's Infatuation

   As I pushed the door open, I felt tears welling up my eyes as I thought about how effed up my life has become.

At first I was dubious when the doctors said that my dad had a cardiac arrest, me arguing that my Dad was always healthy and was always fine. Halfway it dawned on me that I was starting to argue with doctors who were real professionals. They studied decades about these type of things whereas I just had three years and an A minus in Human Anatomy.

I was being eccentric so I shut up and left.

I found myself staring blankly at an empty space, ignoring the curious looks given to me by the nurses and hospital patients but I must've looked depressing, sympathetic just sitting there alone in the E.R with blood shot eyes and spoiled spaghetti sauce all over my shirt. I must've also smell but none of that mattered, the only thing that mattered to me was if Dad was going to be alright.

...And how am I gonna pay for the hospital bills.

"Are you his daughter?" A middle aged woman came and asked me out of the blues. She was the doctor, I presumed.

"Yeah," I answered simply with a heavy sigh, playing with the hem of my shirt

She must've saw how depressed I was because she gave me sympathetic smile as she sat down next to me. "He's fine, if you're wondering." She said, shrugging.

"Really?" I asked, it felt as if a weight was being taken off of my shoulders.

"Yep," She answered, beaming. "Now how 'bout you go home and take a rest sweetie, you're starting to scare off the patients." She said jokingly, trying to lighten up my mood. Well like I said, people could perceive the spaghetti sauce as blood.

"Yeah I think I should," I said with a yawn. "I didn't realized it was already past midnight."

So I went home. Taking a cab after I found a crumpled five dollar bill at the back pocket of my jeans.

It was already two in the morning when I was tucked up in my bed whilst staring at the beige ceiling above me. I couldn't sleep that night. My mind kept drifting to the thought of my Dad being ill and me having no money to pay for his hospital bills and medicinal necessities. I have no relatives to ask for help so I have no choice but to find myself a job.


"I'm so sorry about yesterday," Celine said for the umpteenth time.

"Yeah, you already said that and I've forgiven you." I told Celine, closing my locker with a loud slam. Celine jolted up in surprise and I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry I may have drank one too many coffees this morning."

"And I'm so sorry about your father too," Celine said. "It must be hard for you."

"Yeah," I said with a long sigh. "That's why I took a part time job at the Coffee shop around the corner."

"Miles, I swear if I just have money-"

"-You would help me," I finished for her, she nodded. "Yes, but you don't and that's okay. I'll just have to work my butt off." I chuckled.

"You'll get through this, Miles." Celine said, offering me a reassuring smile.

"Hopefully," I said. "I guess I'll see you later?"

"Yup. See you," she said, waving. "And have an incredible first day on the job!"

I rolled my eyes. "I will." Then we walked away on opposite sides.

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